Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 642

"Brother, is Xiaobao being taken advantage of and bullied by children?"

Dabao glared at him, "you are a man, won't you take advantage of yourself?"

Xiaobao has a clear face when he smiles.

"Oh, oh... Xiao Bao got it!"

Dabao glanced at Xiaobao, curled his fingers and flicked his brain full of ghost ideas, "what do you know?"

"Hehe, Xiaobao is a man. Being kiss is actually taking advantage of him, isn't it?"

Dabao secretly scolded Xiaobao as a small color embryo, but on the surface he explained patiently, "it depends on whether Xiaobao is willing or not. If Xiaobao doesn't want to be loved, it's not a gain. Do you understand? "

Xiaobao's brain turned really fast, and almost immediately replied, "I understand. Anyway, if someone wants to kiss Xiaobao and Xiaobao likes him, it doesn't matter if you can let him kiss you. If Xiaobao hates him, you can't let him kiss you, right?"

Dabao pointed to his face. "Well, even if you like him, you can only kiss his face!"

Niuniu is listening to what her brother and brother have said. She finally understands a little bit, so she assures Ji Rui.

"Brother, Niuniu only kisses daddy, mummy, brother and brother in the future. Other good friends, Niuniu only shakes hands with them."

It's not surprising that Dabao is so careful. Nowadays, the society is complex and there are many dirty adults, even children.

Niuniu is beautiful and lovely, but she is very simple. Such a silly girl is most likely to be cheated. No wonder Dabao and Letong Jirui are worried.

In the evening, Dabao told Letong about it. When Letong was sleeping with the two kids, she gave them a safety lesson again.

Of course, in Letong's eyes as a mother, Niuniu is still the little princess who wants to strengthen her sense of self-protection, while Xiaobao is also educated as a flower protector.

However, both Dabao and Letong Jirui are very clear that Niu Niu, who has been studying martial arts for more than a year, is not weak in skill and physical strength compared with her peers. If she really wants to fight, two or three ordinary children are not her rivals at all.

However, they are not afraid that the little girl will be bullied by others, but they are afraid that her simple temperament will be cheated.

Probably because he had been worried about his younger sister, when Niu Niu was promoted to the first grade of primary school, Dabao didn't choose to skip the grade. Instead, he was promoted to the second grade of high school with other students.

Xiaobao, who was supposed to be in the middle class and was more than four years old, accompanied his Niuniu sister to the first grade. At this time, Niuniu was almost six years old.

Niu Niu, a freshman in primary school, didn't realize that when her younger brother Xiaobao was brilliant and jumped from the middle class to the first grade of primary school, she didn't know that there was a deliberate arrangement made by Ji's family. Otherwise, according to Xiaobao's qualifications and intelligence, she could definitely study in the second and third grade.

Niuniu, a six-year-old girl, and Xiaobao, a four-year-old girl, soon became the figures of the primary school.

Xiaobao will become a man of the moment, not only because of his lively and naughty personality, but also because of his smart head. Like his brother Dabao, he has never been defeated in learning. Moreover, he has one more specialty than his brother Dabao, that is, he is still a sportsman, what boxing, what swimming and so on. He is a decathlon.

In addition to being beautiful, the biggest reason Niuniu can become a man of the moment is that she plays the violin very well.

As the youngest student of teacher fan, Niuniu has participated in teacher fan's concerts for two years in a row, and is well-known in the art circle of r city.

Over the past year or so, several music magazines and fashion magazines have conveyed through Mr. fan that they want Niu Niu to take cover or become a graphic model. However, Le Tong and Ji Rui refused these offers without thinking about it.

Their original intention of letting Niuniu learn violin was simply because she liked it.

Since she likes it, as a parent, she will support her and get the most happiness from it.

If she was allowed to shoot covers and become a graphic model, their original intention would change.

Moreover, the Ji family doesn't need Niuniu to make this money, and the Ji family, who usually try to keep a low profile, doesn't want Niuniu to be the focus of too many people.

Of course, six-year-old Niuniu doesn't know about Ji's family's protective measures. She just grows up happily day by day under the care of a large family.

Dabao, a sophomore in senior high school, is more nervous about his schoolwork. Even though he is still very relaxed, he is in a state of tension from classmates to teachers in his class.

More and more homework and exams make Dabao's school day later and later. Dabao insisted on taking his younger brother and sister from school for two years, so he had to give up.

At first, Xiaobao and Niuniu, who finished school half an hour earlier than Dabao, would wait for Dabao in the car, but after a few days, Niuniu and Xiaobao quit. After a discussion, they decided to go to the high school department to wait for Dabao after school.

Dabao doesn't approve of his younger brother and sister's decision, but he can't bear Niuniu and Xiaobao's hard work. The two kids' heads hang on him like koalas. They are coquettish and intimate. But Dabao agrees that the two kids will come and have a look for a day or two first.

On this day, Dabao left school half an hour later than the normal school time. He came out of the classroom and thought that he would come to pick up his younger brother and sister. He waved to some friends with his schoolbag and ran away.

When he ran out of the teaching building, he saw two children in primary school uniforms pursing their little farts under the big locust tree. They didn't know what they were playing.

Two children, a man and a woman, the woman is a small curly hair, with two small braids.

"Ji Yu, do you know those two pupils?"

The uncle sitting in the door room of the teaching building, holding Dabao asked.

Dabao thought, nonsense, I combed those two braids for her in the morning. Don't you know them?

"Uncle, those two children are my brothers and sisters!"

Uncle suddenly realized, "Oh, no wonder the security guard of the primary school department sent them here in person just now, and asked me to pay more attention to them, saying that you would come to pick them up."

"Thank you, uncle! They're not bothering you, are they? "

In fact, Dabao is already very anxious. He wants to go and see what his younger brother and sister are playing with. But he thinks that the two little guys will have to rely on the uncle to look after them when they come. Now he has to make a good relationship.

"Ha ha, don't bother me. They have been playing there for half an hour. I don't know what they are playing. They are so fascinated."

Dabao said thank you, then trotted toward the two little guys.

Run closer to see, two little guys do not know where to catch two crickets, a person took a twig, two crickets are fighting hot!