Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 641

A year ago, in Dabao's mind, there was no concept of a girl he liked.

But now he has grown a year, for the feelings between men and women, vaguely, with hazy vision and ideas.

Of course, in his mind, the ideal girl's appearance is basically described according to his Mammy Letong's image.

He is cheerful and strong. Most of the time, he is shrewd and sharp. He is resourceful but does not harm others. When he faces his family, he is more tender and considerate. Occasionally, he is naughty and confused

In Dabao's eyes, as mommy's husband, daddy is a happy man, and his children, Niuniu and Xiaobao, are undoubtedly happy children.

Therefore, the model of the future half in his mind is almost copied according to the model of Mommy.

As for Shao Yuxin's kind of girl, at first glance, her aura is far from the ideal model in Dabao's mind. Therefore, this girl is never appreciated by him, or even regarded by him.

The boys and girls around Dabao have entered the stage of frequent ambiguous interaction. At recess or after school, the boys and girls in twos and threes will ride or walk home together. As a young man, Dabao always keeps the habit of his junior high school days. As soon as he finishes school, he runs to the kindergarten.

After more than a year of early childhood education, Niu Niu has already adapted to the life in the kindergarten. After school, she is no longer as anxious to find her brother as she was at the beginning.

On this day, after school, Dabao went to pick up Niuniu and Xiaobao on the playground of the kindergarten. At the beginning of this semester, parents changed to pick up their children on the playground.

Today, the monthly exam papers were sent out, and the teacher delayed half an hour to analyze and explain the questions. When Dabao came to the playground, there was no children's movie on the playground.

Dabao is not in a hurry, because he knows that the children whose parents are too late to pick them up will be sent to the big playroom next to the guard room. Presumably, Xiaobao and Niuniu are having a good time in the playroom.

When Dabao stood at the door of the playroom, Niuniu and Xiaobao were inside, just as he expected.

But the sister and brother are not playing together. Xiaobao is chasing the football with several boys.

And Niuniu is painting in front of a small table. A boy of about four or five years old is lying beside her and watching her drawing seriously.

Dabao didn't call Xiaobao and Niuniu, but quietly walked towards Niuniu, because the little girl didn't like painting since childhood. Now that she was so serious, she aroused Dabao's curiosity and wanted to see what she was drawing.

After a few steps, the boy, who looked at Niu Niu's painting, suddenly approached Niu Niu and "boo" her face.

Dabao didn't even think about it. He dashed over like an arrow, raised the boy with one hand, stared at him and asked, "what do you want to do?"

The little boy and Niuniu were startled at the same time. "Brother..." Niuniu looked at her brother strangely. She couldn't help wondering whether her brother Dabao was gentle and considerate? Why did you suddenly become vicious?

Dabao rubbed her sister's head to comfort her, but her fierce eyes were staring at the little boy.

"I... I..." the little boy stuttered me a few times. Finally, he opened his mouth and couldn't say anything.

"Brother, Xiao Lin is Niu Niu's good friend. Do you forget that he came to our house?"

After Niu Niu mentioned it, Dabao took a serious look at this obnoxious boy in front of her. He really looked a little familiar. I think it was the little classmate who came to her home to celebrate her birthday.

"Silly girl, even if you are a good friend, you can't let anyone kiss you, you know?"

Dabao thought, how can his precious sister let other Leng boys take advantage of it?

"But don't my brother, Xiao Bao and my parents kiss Niu too?" Little girl does not understand, she only thinks that as long as the feelings are good, kiss is no big deal.

"Fool, brother Xiaobao, father and mother are family members. They can kiss each other. Other children or adults can shake hands when they are friendly. Don't kiss each other, you know?"

After Dabao instilled a sense of self-protection into his baby sister, he turned his head to Xiao Lin, who was still standing in the same place and did not dare to leave. The look in his eyes quickly changed from the gentle favor he had just seen when he was looking at his sister to the harsh one.

"Xiaolin, you're a boy, Sihan is a girl, so you can't kiss casually, you know?" The tone is much harsher than the kindergarten teacher.

Kobayashi bowed his head and twisted the corner of his clothes with his fingers. After listening to Dabao's words, he did not dare to speak or look at him, but pursed his mouth and nodded.

Dabao doesn't look at him any more. He tells Niuniu to clean up the painting and brush on the table and shouts to Xiaobao who is still chasing and playing with other boys.

"Ji Huan, home!"

Although Xiaobao is fond of playing, he doesn't dare to disobey his brother. Hearing his brother's voice, he immediately says goodbye to other children and jumps over with his schoolbag on his back.

Dabao leads his younger brother and younger sister out of the play room without saying a word. The two little guys are very sensitive to the abnormality of Dabao's brother, and dare not say a word. Until the three brothers get into the car and watch the younger brother and sister buckle the seat belt by themselves, Dabao asks Xiaobao with a taut face.

"Ji Huan, are you a man?"

Xiaobao immediately raised his hand simply, "Xiaobao certainly is!"

"What do brother and Mommy usually tell you?"

Xiao Bao was a little at a loss and scratched his head, "what do you say?"

Dabao glanced at Niuniu, "don't you want to protect your sister at school?"

"Yes Xiao Bao's answer was very sharp.

"Why did you just play by yourself and leave your sister alone? Huh? "

Xiaobao said that she was very innocent, but there was no way to be innocent. Except Niuniu herself, everyone in their Ji family thought Niuniu was the most protected one.

"Sister, have you been bullied?" Xiaobao looks at Niuniu knowingly.

Niuniu also shook her head blankly, "no, Niuniu was just painting!"

Silly girl's brain, simply did not put the boy's kiss with bullying this word.

Xiaobao then pulled Dabao innocently, "brother Dabao, sister Niuniu has not been bullied!"

Dabao was angry and laughed by his stupid sister. He stretched out his hand and twisted her face. It looked fierce, but the strength was very small.

"Silly girl, if you are kissed by others, you will be taken advantage of and bullied, you know?"

Before Niuniu spoke, Xiaobao blinked and asked curiously, "brother, is Xiaobao being taken advantage of and bullied by children?"