Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 640

Teacher fan's new year's concert was held in the central theater, with a total of three performances. The concert consists of two hours and is divided into two parts. The first part takes 90 minutes for teacher fan and his orchestra, and the second part takes 30 minutes for teacher fan and his few students.

Yang's Master heard that Niuniu had a performance, so he made a special flight to attend the concert.

Ji Rui's family bought VIP tickets. Sitting in the center of the front row, they could see the details of the stage clearly.

Little girl is wearing the same white princess skirt as her other two sisters. Her curly hair is over the shoulder and tied with a white ribbon. Because she is the youngest and the shortest, she stands in the front of the middle. Several senior brothers and sisters and teacher fan are standing behind her.

It's obviously a small one, standing in the middle of the stage with a violin and bowing to the audience, but it's very eye-catching.

People at the back and around said that the youngest girl on the stage was so beautiful, her manners were gentle and generous, and she didn't have stage fright at all.

Sitting next to Dabao, the old master of the Yang family said to Dabao in a low voice with a smile, "I didn't expect that Niuniu would give us a long face when she was young."

Dabao himself, in fact, has given his parents a big face. In the past few years of school, he has almost no suspense about what subject competition or debate competition he has been able to win.

Probably because he is too top-notch, parents and elders have been used to his excellent, often hear his achievements, also always a pair of expected expression.

And Niuniu, in kindergarten, in addition to being beautiful, clever and sensible, no other aspect is particularly excellent.

Therefore, when Niu Niu heard that she could attend teacher fan's concert, she was very excited.

As a family member and an elder, I feel proud and happy for her.

Niu Niu plays three pieces of music in total. Although she is not the one responsible for the main melody, she is very serious and devoted on stage. She is very young and looks very petite when standing in front of other children. However, her calm performance is not inferior to other children.

Letong and Dabao watch intently, while Ji Rui, a father, puts the DV in front of him. From time to time, they zoom in to give her a beautiful close-up, recording her first concert in her life.

Since the concert, Niuniu has been more energetic in learning to play the piano. The first thing she does every day when she comes back from kindergarten is to pick up her violin and practice in the yard. At 8 p.m., the martial arts instructor will come to give the three brothers an hour of martial arts class.

In this way, Niuniu doesn't have much free time to play when she comes home from school every day except for practicing piano and martial arts.

Dabao loves his sister and worries that she can't bear it.

"Niuniu, you spend so much time practicing the piano now, or you won't have martial arts class?"

Dabao originally suggested that brother and sister learn martial arts, because he thought this sport could not only strengthen the body, but also learn some skills to protect themselves. But Niuniu's time schedule is too tight now. For a child who is only four years old, she doesn't even have time to play. It's really cruel.

"No! Niuniu is going to class with her brother

Niuniu, a stubborn girl, shakes her head and vetoes Dabao's proposal without thinking about it.

On the one hand, Dabao felt sorry for his sister, on the other hand, he didn't have the heart to interfere in her decision, so he lived day by day in a tug of war.

In the twinkling of an eye, another year later, Niuniu was promoted to the big class, and Xiaobao was promoted to the small class.

Dabao, on the other hand, was promoted to the first grade of senior high school.

It turned out that there were only about ten students in the same class as Dabao, including Yin Zhihao, Ren weiqi and Shao Yuxin.

Yin Zhihao even remembered what Dabao said to him. During the summer vacation, he summoned up the courage and boldly confessed to Shao Yuxin.

No suspense, got Shao Yuxin directly and simply refused, "sorry, I don't like you!"

Yin Zhihao probably had already prepared for the worst, so although he was very depressed at that time, he sincerely said that it didn't matter if he was a spare tire.

"Yuxin, it doesn't matter if you don't like me now, I can wait!"

"Sorry, I have someone I like!"

Shao Yuxin said, got up to pick up the bag and left, leaving the sad Yin Zhihao directly to eat, a person to solve the two sets!

"Dabao, do you think she really has someone she likes, or is she just perfunctory to me? If there is someone she likes, who is that person?"

This passage, Yin Zhihao asked Dabao a summer vacation, Dabao's answer, has been only one, "how do I know? I don't know her very well

At the beginning of the new semester, Yin Zhihao is still very persistent in trying to get answers from his friends. In his opinion, Ji Dabao is not only good at learning, but also good at spying on people's hearts.

However, even if Ji Dabao can really pry into Shao Yuxin's heart, he can't tell his friends the truth, "she really has someone she likes, and the one she likes is me!"

Ji Dabao can never say that. For a girl he doesn't care about, gain or loss of his good brother, this kind of stupid thing he won't do.

Yin Zhihao asked Dabao when he was resting in PE class. Next to him was Ren Weiqi.

"Zhihao, I don't think Shao Yuxin is perfunctory. She should really like someone. Moreover, this person is very likely to be Dabao!"

Ren Weiqi doesn't have a long brain, but he mercilessly pokes the truth out.

Yin Zhihao turns his head and stares at Dabao. Dabao, who is one year older, is not small. Now he is only half a head shorter than Yin Zhihao.

However, although he was a little short, he did not know how many times he left Yin Zhihao, regardless of his bearing and knowledge.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Dabao was so calm that he even put the basketball on his fingertips in a good mood. As soon as he picked it up, the basketball swished around.

"Does she really like you?" It seems that Yin Zhihao never thought about this possibility.

Dabao shrugged and said with a smile, "you have to ask her, where do I know?"

Yin Zhihao's burning eyes still did not move away, "do you like her?"

In Yin Zhihao's opinion, if other boys like Shao Yuxin, he still has the chance to fight for it. If it's Dabao, he certainly has no chance at all.

"No!" Dabao answered without hesitation.

"Really? She's so beautiful, and her grades are so good! " In the eyes of Yin Zhihao, even if Shao Yuxin refuses him, he is still a girl with zero defects.

"I don't like her type!" Dabao stood up, quickly took the ball to the basketball stand, raised his hand, and the basketball "swished" through the basket.