Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 635

Da Bao and Xiao Bao are able to adapt to the instructor's high-intensity training. Letong and Ji Rui are not surprised at all.

To their surprise, Niuniu, who was looking at a very delicate little princess, even clenched her teeth and did not say a word to complete all the training contents according to the instructor's requirements.

The two instructors seem to be very surprised. They say to Letong and Ji Rui, "Mr. Ji, your three children have different qualifications, but they have one thing in common, stubborn!"

Dabao and Xiaobao have their own blood and Letong's blood in their bones. It's almost inevitable that they are stubborn. But Niuniu, no matter Ji Rui or Letong, or even Dabao, always acquiesces that she is a delicate little princess. She is delicate and fragile both externally and internally, and needs to be taken care of by the Ji family.

But the fact shows that Niuniu has not become cowardly because of the doting of the Ji family. On the contrary, like her brother and brother, Niuniu bears this kind of high-intensity training silently.

Xiaobao, a little guy with too much energy, has been training in the top martial arts room all day since he began to learn martial arts. It can be seen that he really likes this kind of sports which looks very powerful and stylish.

After studying for more than a month, Xiaobao pestered the instructor to teach him nunchakus. The instructor asked Ji Rui and his wife for advice. With permission, he set aside one day a week to teach them how to learn nunchaku.

As boys, Dabao and Xiaobao are naturally more receptive than Niuniu. Both martial arts routines and nunchakus are much easier to use than Niuniu.

The instructor's class time is fixed for one hour every day. Every night when the instructor leaves, Dabao and Xiaobao are not in a hurry to go downstairs to play, but patiently accompany Niuniu. Until Niuniu has mastered all the moves of the day, they slowly go downstairs to play.

Letong and Ji Rui occasionally come to the top floor to see a few children's training. They see that the three brothers, who are not even able to squat steadily from the beginning, are gradually able to play a few sets of fists in a methodical way. They are not only gratified, but also proud of the children.

Niuniu is nearly four years old. Letong and Ji Rui privately begin to plan how to celebrate Niuniu that day.

"Why don't we have a big party for Niuniu?"

For people who are similar to Ji Rui, most of them, whether old or young, will hold a party or a luxury party.

But their parents, Ji Rui and Letong, have never held a big party for a few children, except that Dabao had a few birthday parties when he was a child.

The reason, of course, is that Le Tong does not approve.

The reason for her disapproval is that she doesn't want several children to think they are superior from childhood, and she doesn't want them to develop respectable childe friends.

"I don't want to. That kind of party, to put it bluntly, is just adults fawning on each other under the guise of children. Busy social intercourse is enough for us. It's better for us to have fun with Niuniu and eat something delicious. Isn't it more realistic for us to have a happy day?"

To put it bluntly, parents who hold birthday parties for their children are more likely to show off than to celebrate. Otherwise, whose children would like to be led by adults as monkeys to entertain all kinds of guests.

Ji Rui certainly won't listen to what his wife says, but in the end, they decided that since Niu Niu is the leading role, it's more democratic and reasonable to give the decision to the little birthday girl.

That day after dinner, the three children sat on the carpet in a circle to play flying chess. Letong also came over and held Niuniu to her lap.

"Baby, it's your birthday in a few days. How do you want to celebrate it?"

Dabao and Xiaobao immediately raise their heads and focus their eyes on Letong and Niuniu.

Niuniu tilted her head and thought, "can Niuniu celebrate like brother Dabao?"

On his 10th birthday, Dabao invited a class of students to play at home, just like when he was nine years old. Niuniu is now in school and has her own children.

Yue Tong smiles and kisses her, "of course you can! Does Niuniu want to invite the children in her class to play at home? "

Niuniu is in the middle class. Her classmates are basically four or five-year-old children. There must be a lot of things to ask them to come home, but as long as Niuniu feels happy, Letong doesn't think it matters.

Niuniu clapped her hands happily, "great, Niuniu can invite children to play!"

The smiling little girl stood up from Letong's arms and gave her face a kiss. "Thank you, Mommy!"

After kissing, Niu Niu suddenly thinks of something. She puts away her smile and looks at Le Tong.

"What's the matter, baby? Is there anything else? "

Niuniu licked her lips, and after a while, she said, "Mommy, besides inviting children to play, can Niuniu still ask for a birthday present?"

Le Tong smiles and wrists her face, "of course! What kind of birthday present Niuniu wants, daddy and Mommy will buy it for you! "

Niuniu looks at Dabao. Dabao nods slightly to her, indicating that she can mention whatever she wants. Niuniu, who has got courage from Dabao's brother, turns her head around Letong's neck, buries her face in her neck socket, and says with embarrassment, "Niuniu wants a violin, but Huang Xinyi says her violin is so expensive!"

Letong can't help but reflect on whether she has ever sent Niuniu such a message as "our family is very poor", so that the little girl will worry that the price of violin is too expensive and won't buy it for her!

Letong holds Niuniu's face up, mother and daughter face to face, "Niuniu wants to learn violin?"

Letong is not in a hurry to answer whether she wants to buy a violin, but to understand the motive of the little girl to have a violin. If you just want a violin, whether it's expensive or cheap, there's no need to buy it.

Niu Niu nodded heavily, "Well! Niuniu wants to learn! Huang Xinyi plays the violin very well. She can play little stars and two tigers. Niuniu also wants to learn how to play it. Then she plays it to her father, mother, brother and brother! "

After listening to Niuniu's reasons, let alone buying a violin is just a piece of cake for Letong. Even if it's to sell iron, Letong will buy it for a little girl.

"Well, since Niuniu wants to learn violin, mom and dad will buy it for Niuniu!"

Ji Rui, a father, has been listening to the conversation between his mother and daughter. Hearing this, he immediately stood up and said, "since Niu Niu likes it so much, go buy it now. Anyway, it's still early."

Dabao and Xiaobao have already stood up, but Letong waved to the three men, "what's the hurry? Let's help Niuniu find a good teacher first, and then let the teacher help us choose a suitable piano. Otherwise, who knows? "