Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 636

Ji Rui has always been highly efficient. Originally, he said that he was going to buy a piano. After hearing Le Tong's words, he called and asked for a good teacher. A few minutes later, he called back and said that he had contacted the chief violinist of the r city orchestra. The other party wanted to see the child before making a decision.

"No problem, we can go out now. You ask him to give us a place to meet, and we'll take our children to meet."

Ji Rui also loves Niu Niu. This little girl is usually very sensible and makes little demands. Now she says that she wants to learn violin. She must really like it, so she can't help saying it on her birthday.

So, he didn't want to miss Niu Niu. She was always thinking that she couldn't be sure. He directly asked her to make an appointment for a meeting immediately. If she couldn't, she would find another teacher.

In any case, in his father's opinion, his daughter just likes it. Whether he has talent or not and whether he will achieve something in the future are not in his consideration.

A few minutes later, the other party called again, "Mr. Ji, Mr. Fan said he's free now. I'll send you his address and contact number. You can contact me again."

Letong changes Niuniu into a pure white princess dress, Dabao combs her sister's head, and the four members of the family surround Niuniu like a princess.

Le Tong thought that the other party would meet in a cafe or other places. Who knows, teacher fan made a direct appointment to meet him in the piano room of a certain community.

Standing at the gate of the community, waiting for them is a man in his thirties. He is not very handsome, but he has a very elegant temperament. Wearing a very ordinary white shirt and black trousers, he gives people a feeling of extra elegance.

"Teacher fan?" Letong got out of the car first and went up.

"Yes, I am! Are you Mrs. Ji? "

"Yes, Hello! I'm Ji Sihan's mother, Letong

Ji Rui and the three children got out of the car. They stood at the gate of the community and introduced each other. Teacher fan led the family into the community.

The introducer is an official of the Municipal Bureau of culture. He must have mentioned the identity of Ji Rui to teacher fan.

But teacher fan is no different from ordinary people to Ji Rui and Letong. He has never been particularly polite or courteous because of Ji Rui's identity and status. And the pride and personality of his kind of artist, let Letong privately give him a lot of points.

Originally, she didn't insist that she had to learn from him, but after meeting a real person and seeing his speech and temperament, she secretly prayed that her baby daughter could pass the teacher's eyes.

Mr. Fan led them to the front of the small yard and pushed aside the wooden fence. There was a small garden with a small area. The garden was full of all kinds of flowers and plants. The fragrance of Osmanthus was coming.

Teacher fan pushed open the door of the piano room, took off his shoes and went in. Several Letong also took off their shoes and went in barefoot.

There are carpets inside. Apart from two sofas, a tea table and several stools next to the wall, there are almost no other furniture. There are large and small Violas hanging on all sides of the wall, as well as portraits of some famous musicians. In the innermost part of the wall, there is a piano and beside it, a music stand.

"Sit down!"

Teacher fan asked them to sit down. He pushed open a door beside them. Soon, he came out with a tray. On the tray, there were several cups of steaming tea.

Several members of the Ji family took the tea respectively. Teacher fan dragged the stool over and sat opposite them.

"I heard Du Ju say that your children want to learn violin. Who is it?" Eyes, very naturally swept the three brothers and sisters.

Niu Niu, who is usually very timid, did not wait for her parents to speak. She slipped down from the sofa, stood up straight, raised her little hand and said loudly, "Hello teacher, it's Niu Niu who wants to learn!"

Teacher fan's eyes turned to Niuniu. There was no expression on her face, but her eyes were very focused.

"Well, nice girl! What's your name? "

Niuniu immediately replied in a loud and clear voice, "report to the teacher, Niuniu's name is Ji Sihan."

Letong is holding a smile. It seems that the two instructors' intensive training for more than a month has not only trained the children's skills quickly, but also cultivated their courage and discipline.

"Well, can you tell the teacher why you want to learn violin?"

Letong secretly pinches a sweat for her daughter, thinking whether or not to give her a perfect answer. Here, Niuniu blinks her beautiful eyes, and says, "because it sounds good!"

Her face was naive, and in her opinion, that was enough.

Teacher fan smiles. This is the first time that Letong sees him smile.

Thought, it seems that there is a play.

"Come here, you come here." Teacher fan waved to Niuniu.

Niuniu hesitated a little and turned to look at Dabao. Dabao winked at her and secretly gave her a thumbs up. The little girl then turned around and walked with teacher fan to the piano.

Teacher fan pointed to a small stool beside him, "you can sit down!"

Niuniu pauses, Letong's heart immediately tightens. If Xiaobao is replaced, she immediately sits down. Niuniu's courage still needs to be exercised.

Fortunately, after hesitating for a few seconds, the little girl still sat down, and her sitting posture was like that in kindergarten, straight waist, knees together, a pair of small hands flat on the knees.

Teacher fan looked at her sideways, once again showed a shallow smile, seems to be very satisfied with her cleverness.

"Sihan, the teacher plays a piece of music. Listen carefully."

Niu Niu opened her eyes and nodded.

Teacher fan turned to face the piano, his fingers flying on the black and white keys, and then played a melodious piece of music.

This piece of music, which le Tong has heard, is part of the ode to the Virgin Mary.

The melodious sound of the piano lasted for dozens of seconds and suddenly stopped.

Teacher fan turned his head and looked into Niuniu's big black and clear eyes.

"Does it sound good?"

"Well, that sounds good!" Niu Niu answers honestly.

"Have you heard this before?" Teacher fan asked again.

Dabao, sitting on the other side of the sofa, raised his heart. If he remembers correctly, Niuniu should never have heard this song, unless she heard it at school.

Sure enough, the little girl sitting on the stool quickly shook her head, "never heard of it!"

Teacher fan seemed not surprised by the result. "Well, can Sihan hum the tune that the teacher just played?"

Dabao grabs Letong's hand. It seems that he is nervous for Niuniu, and Letong, like Dabao, is also very nervous.

In my family, almost no one has artistic talent. At ordinary times, I seldom play music at home. Now teacher fan asks Niuniu to sing the original music after only listening to it once. Can Niuniu pass the test?