Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 634

Ji Rui knew that he couldn't hide from his clever son, so he didn't hide any more. "I've come to find out about you from Mr. Zhang."

Dabao still looked up at him? Do you hear the answer you want to know? "

To tell you the truth, Dabao is actually very happy.

Although he has always been so excellent that he does not need any attention from his parents, there are two concepts: no need and total disregard.

Ji Rui pinches his face. Although Dabao is already a big boy, his face is no longer a fleshy hand, just as Dabao himself said, in Ji Rui's and Letong's eyes, he will always be a child.

"Well, basically."

Dabao didn't dislike his parents' intimacy at all. On the contrary, he enjoyed it very much.

After all, everyone has a need to be loved. Ji Rui and Letong, the parents, prefer to express their love for their children in the most direct way.

Dabao stared at his father for a long time and said, "Daddy, aren't you afraid of my puppy love?"

Recalling his parents' conversation with him a few days ago, Dabao quickly came to this conclusion.

Ji Rui coughs twice. He doesn't admit it or deny it. His son is much smarter than he thought.

"Don't worry, daddy, I won't." Dabao assured me with great certainty.

"So sure?" Ji Rui does not believe in his son, but is curious about why he is so confident.


Without more explanation, Ji Rui thinks that his son is probably the same as himself. Before he meets the right person, he has a pure heart and few desires. He has almost no desire and no desire.

At this moment, he naturally treats his son as an adult. He has forgotten that his son is only this age. No matter physically or psychologically, it is normal for him to have no desire or talent.

Xiaobao and Niuniu are very excited when they see daddy and brother picking them up. Both of them rushed to Ji Rui with great face. As a result, Dabao was given a cold shoulder. Today, he was only responsible for helping his younger brother and sister carry a small schoolbag, while the two little guys were hugged by his tall and handsome father and left school with a big stride.

"Daddy, don't you have to work today?" Niu Niu embraces Ji Rui's neck and asks softly.

Niuniu is also very dependent on Ji Rui, but her father and daughter usually have less contact, so she has less chance to stick to Ji Rui.

The men of the Ji family, from Ji Rui to Dabao and even Xiaobao, who are just over two years old, seem to have a reassuring aura. Niuniu is very alert to others, but she is totally dependent on the three of them.

"Well, daddy has a holiday today, so he's here to pick you up."

"Daddy worked hard!" Niuniu gave him a sweet kiss on the face.

Ji Rui feels a little guilty. In recent years, Ji's scale has become larger and larger, and his affairs have become more and more. Although he has shunted a lot of work to senior executives, he and Letong, as the top decision makers of Ji, still have a lot to do personally.

Therefore, even though he attaches more importance to his family than before, sometimes he still feels powerless and spends less time with a few children than a father in an ordinary family.

Fortunately, a few children have never been alienated from him because of his busyness. On the contrary, when he comes home every day, Niuniu or Xiaobao will always wait for him with her slippers, and then, just like just now, give him a sweet kiss and say "Daddy's hard work."

A shallow kiss, a soft "hard", the moment will be able to Ji Rui all fatigue are dispersed.

Niuniu and Xiaobao are very excited because Daddy comes to pick them up in person. Dabao is very knowledgeable and sits directly on the co driver, leaving the back seat for daddy and his younger brother and sister.

Xiaobao and Niuniu chatter in the back seat to report to Ji Rui about today's situation in the kindergarten, while Dabao on the copilot always listens with a smile.

"President, the ticket to Beijing the day after tomorrow has been reserved. Do you want to book the return ticket for that day?" Xiao Li asked while driving.

Ji Rui hasn't had time to answer, Niuniu and Xiaobao have been cheerfully pulling him "Daddy, daddy, are we going to play in Taiye's house?"

Ji Rui calculates that several little guys and Letong really haven't seen Yang's master for some time“ Niuniu and Xiaobao miss you

Strange to say, the old master of the Yang family, who used to be able to frighten his opponents with fierce actions, is now living more and more. As soon as he meets Le Tong and his three children, the old master becomes an old urchin. But a few children still sell him a lot. If they don't see each other for a while, they will clamor to go to the old master's house to play.

Like now.

"Yes! I still miss my uncle and aunt Xiaojing... "The two little kids answered almost in unison.

"What about Dabao, do you have any plans for this Saturday?"

"I miss you too!" In terms of emotional expression, Dabao has always been very direct.

Ji Rui decided the schedule without Letong's permission, "OK, I'll take the flight on Friday morning, and you and Mommy will take the late flight."

The five members of the family spent two days in Beijing with the old master of the Yang family. They made him happy. When he left, the old master asked Uncle Jing to take out three bright jade PEIs and asked Letong to help the three children put them on.

"Grandfather, it's too expensive. Isn't it good for children to wear it?"

Letong doesn't know how to appreciate jade, but she intuitively thinks that these yupeis won't be cheap. The child is still young, so it's a bit of flaunting wealth to wear them.

"These Yupei are specially opened by the grandfather to the eminent monks. They can protect the children's safety. Wear them."

The old master's kindness, Letong is not good against his meaning, so he helps the three children wear Yupei.

"You'd better keep the Yupei that your father left you for self-defense." The implication is to let Letong wear it like several children.

"Well, I see."

Yue Tong agrees. When she gets home, she takes Yu Pei back. Ji Rui, who hasn't expressed any opinions, says something to stop her.

"It's up to them to take it, grandfather said, to keep them safe."

Even Ji Rui said so, Letong had to give up.

Dabao, who was playing with his younger brother and sister, suddenly raised his head and said to his parents, "Daddy, mummy, give Xiaobao and I a boxing class."

Le Tong didn't respond, "Dabao, why are you suddenly interested in boxing?"

But Dabao said, "it's not a matter of interest. Compared with Yupei, learning some self-defense martial arts is more safe, isn't it?"

Ji Rui and Letong have an epiphany. Soon, Ji Rui builds a martial arts room on the top floor, and specially invites two retired special forces officers to teach the three children.