Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 633

Although Le Tong repeatedly assures Ji Rui that his eldest son really has no one to be attracted to, Ji Rui, who is a father, actually has a heart attack.

After a few days, President Ji went to the school in person for the first time to visit teacher Zhang, Dabao's head teacher.

Originally, he considered whether to go with Letong.

But after careful consideration, he still doesn't want Letong to worry and work too hard. Letong has always been more concerned about family and children's affairs. This time, it's up to him as a father.

After all, if Dabao really enters the restless period of youth as he thinks, he should be able to understand his son's thoughts and actions better and communicate more easily.

Mr. Zhang was called to the principal's office in fear. He thought he had done something wrong and would be taught a lesson by the principal in private.

When he saw the handsome man sitting in the reception hall who had only seen it on TV and in the special financial magazine, Mr. Zhang was even more frightened.

In contrast, although the headmaster is terrible, compared with Ji Rui, a man who is easy to crush people regardless of his aura and social status, the headmaster can only be regarded as a little caterpillar, while Ji Rui is a terrifying carnivorous dinosaur.

"Ji... Hello, Mr. Ji!" Without waiting for the principal to introduce him, Mr. Zhang went to Ji Rui and took the initiative to say hello.

Ji Rui's strong aura makes Mr. Zhang feel that he is a student who has made a big mistake.

"Hello, Miss Zhang. Please have a seat."

Ji Rui also stood up, shook hands with Mr. Zhang, and both sides sat down.

Ji Rui didn't make any politeness, so he went straight to the theme, "Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry to disturb you. This time I come here mainly to understand Ji Yu's situation in school."

Mr. Zhang quickly replied, "Mr. Ji, please don't worry. Ji Yu is very smart. He has never been worried about his study. With him, grade one is always in his pocket."

About learning, Ji Rui is very confident. With his son's qualification, the first grade is of course no suspense.

"Ji Yu can be so excellent, all rely on the teachers' careful teaching, Ji said here thank you. I come here this time mainly to learn about how Ji Yu gets along with other students in school. "

Mr. Zhang is full of praise for Ji Yu.

"Ji Yu and his classmates get along very well, which Mr. Ji absolutely need not worry about. A little pity is that he clearly has super leadership and excellent management ability, but he is not willing to take any position in the class or school. "

According to Ji Rui's understanding of baby's son, his son doesn't want to take on any class duty, probably because of his two younger brothers and sisters. Dabao, who is controlled by younger brother and controlled by younger sister, wants to accompany his younger brother and sister all day and all night. Except for the time he has to spend in school, he is eager to spend all his time with his younger brother and sister. How can he help the teacher share the class affairs?

Of course, it's not that Dabao has no collective spirit, but in his eyes, his family is always more important than anyone else.

"It's our head teacher's fault in this respect. Ji Yu is a grade skipper. His mother and I are worried that he can't keep up with his studies. We hired a tutor for him in private, so he doesn't have much time."

When Dabao was promoted to junior high school, he once mentioned it, so Ji Rui's words are exactly the same as Dabao's.

Mr. Zhang nodded repeatedly, "well, he also said the reason, we can understand. Moreover, his actual age is still very young, and it's not good to put too much pressure on him. "

Ji Rui heard this and knew that he could ask the question more deeply.

"Yes, he is still young. Most of his classmates are two or three years older than him. As parents, we are worried that he doesn't know how to get along with his classmates, so we want to know what classmates he usually has more contact with at school?"

Ji Rui was very patient, and asked in a rather obscure way.

Now he has already slowly learned how to be a qualified father.

Mr. Zhang bowed his head and thought, "he has a good relationship with his classmates. The ones who are closer to him should be Yin Zhihao and Ren Weiqi. These students are mischievous, but they have a good character and are very good to Ji Yu. Mr. Ji should be able to rest assured. "

It seems that Mr. Zhang misunderstood that Ji Rui was worried about his baby son being bullied at school.

The information provided by Mr. Zhang is basically the same as Ji Rui's, but he wants to know more than that.

"Where are the girls?"

Zhang teacher Leng Leng, when did not want to understand Ji Rui's real intention of this question, he directly gave the answer.

"Ji Yu gets along well with the female students in his class, but he doesn't agree with them. He seems to prefer to get along with the male students."

"No other class?" Ji Rui has completely forgotten to be polite. The question is direct and concise.

Teacher Zhang shook his head decisively, "no, Ji Yu seldom stays in school except in class. Especially this semester, he runs to the children's department as soon as he finishes school, saying that he is going to pick up his younger brother and sister."

Ji Rui's lips slightly smile, "yes, my younger brother and sister have started kindergarten this semester. We are usually busy and have no time to pick up the children, so he is responsible for picking them up."

Ji Rui talked with Mr. Zhang for nearly a lesson, and he came to the conclusion that his baby eldest son is excellent in all aspects. Except for being too homesick (which Mr. Ji thinks should be an advantage), he basically has nothing to choose from.

As for the problem of puppy love that President Ji is worried about, naturally there is no possibility.

Ji Rui and teacher Zhang had a similar conversation, so he got up and left. Seeing that the time was close to school, he decided to surprise his baby son.

As soon as the school bell rang, Da Baoli walked out of the classroom from the front door with his schoolbag on his back. In the usual unobstructed corridor, a tall man stood in front of him.

Dabao looked up and was surprised. "Daddy, how can you be here?"

Ji Rui is very satisfied with his son's reaction. He smiles and says, "come to pick you up from school!"

After Dabao, Yin Zhihao and Ren Weiqi greet Ji Rui with a smile, "Hello uncle Ji!"

Ji Rui smiles and waves with them, embracing Dabao and going to the children's department.

After the surprise, Dabao raised his head and looked at him carefully. "Daddy, you are honest. What are you doing at school?"

Ji Rui said formally, "as a donor, I will supervise the progress of the new teaching building in your school."

Dabao doesn't believe him. "Uncle Li will do this kind of thing.".

His father is the president of Ji's empire. If he had to do such trifles himself, he would be too busy to eat.