Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 632

At the same time, Letong and Dabao raised their heads and looked at him in perplexity. They asked in one voice, "why?"

"I had a minor operation today."

Ji Rui said faintly, put the newspaper aside, walked over, picked up Xiaobao in one hand, and took Niuniu out of the yard, "Niuniu Xiaobao, daddy will take you to swing."

Mother and son, who were left in the living room and looked at each other face to face, thought about each other for a long time before they understood.

Yue Tong couldn't tell what it was like in his heart. He said to Dabao with a complicated look, "your father, he..."

Dabao came to rub her face and interrupted her, "Mommy, you misunderstood me. Daddy is just like me. He just doesn't want you to suffer any more."

It's not that Letong didn't think of this possibility. After hearing Dabao say that, her heart was moved by the unknown taste.

He believed it, but he said, "how do you know Daddy is the same as you?"

Dabao squeezed her eyes and said mischievously, "because I'm his son!"

"Well, that's a good reason." Yue Tong pinches her son's face and takes a sip of tea.

"Mommy, you can wait to be a grandmother." Dabao solemnly added.


The tea in Letong's mouth, sprayed a tea table.

It's not easy to clean the tea table, but le Tong turns his head and stares at Dabao.

"Dabao, are you in love with Mommy?"

For another 10-year-old child, if it's a love affair, Letong will definitely treat others as just playing around.

But her family's big treasure is not the same, this boy completely inherited his father's advantages from the appearance and figure, not only handsome but also tall, as far as the appearance is concerned, it's almost the same as a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old.

From the perspective of his mental age, I'm afraid it's not much different from the seventeen or eighteen year olds, and even more sensible and steady than many young people.

If he's really in love, it's supposed to be a real game, not a family game.

For the first time, Letong really felt that her son's love had been so close to her.

Dabao shook his head innocently, "no, mummy, where do you think of?"

Letong stares at Dabao's eyes tightly. Those dark eyes are clear and clear. They really don't look like lying.

Yue Tong was relieved and looked at him reproachfully. "Then why do you say that to scare me?"

Dabao pounced on her and put his arms around her waist, lying on her back and coquettishing, "don't you like babies? When I grow up, let my daughter-in-law give birth to you. "

Dabao's words made Letong angry and funny. He twisted his face with his backhand and said, "don't you mean it's suffering to have a baby? If you don't want your mother to suffer, you're willing to let your daughter-in-law suffer?"

Dabao buries on her back. He laughs a few times. After a while, he raises his head. "Suffering or something is just our big man's opinion. Mommy, don't you tell me. When you are pregnant with me and Xiaobao, it's your happiest moment. My daughter-in-law will think like you."

Le Tong bent over and laughed, "Tut, you seem to have asked for a wife!"

When she straightened up, she sighed inexplicably, "but when you ask for a wife, Mommy will become an old woman."

Dabao held her shoulder and pushed her out of the yard. "When I ask for a wife, it's hard to tell if Mommy is not old."

The three men who came out to swing were sitting on the grass at the door playing with dogs.

"What's my business?" Ji Rui is holding Niu Niu with his knees crossed, and his big hand is folding her little hand, sweeping the long hair on Da Hui's head.

"When you were a grandfather, you were a bad old man." Dabao went and sat down with his knees crossed. He swept the hair on his back.

Niuniu stretches out her arms as soon as she sees Dabao, struggles to stand up from Ji Rui and asks Dabao to hold her.

Ji Rui kisses her little curly hair, pretending to be sad, "see my brother, don't you want Daddy?"

Letong sat down beside him with a smile, "of course, my brother is a handsome boy, but my father is a bad old man!"

Said, toward Niu Niu thumbs up, "Niu Er really have eyes!"

Ji Rui was so embarrassed by the mother and son that he hugged Le Tong and bit her on the tip of her nose. "Are you saying that your own eyes are not good?"

Dabao and Niuniu have long been familiar with the intimate behavior of their parents at home. Brother and sister continue to give Dahui shunmao.

Letong pushes Ji Rui away a little, takes a serious look at him, and then turns to the conclusion, "Hmm! Not really! "

The couple run on each other for a while. Ji Rui finally turns his attention back to Dabao's words.

"Dabao, have you been in love secretly?"

If you ask, it's the same as that of Letong. Therefore, parents, regardless of their dullness or delicacy, think in the same direction.

Dabao rolled his eyes, picked up Niuniu and led Da Hui to Xiaobao not far away.

"Mommy, please explain to Daddy slowly. I can't stand you. What a nag!"

Ji Rui was angry and laughed by the two words behind his son. He pointed to his son's back and said to Letong, "do you think Dabao is rebellious?"

Yue Tong also stares at his son's back for a moment, then shakes his head firmly, "no!"

Ji Rui looks at her with an expression of asking for advice, "then he is..."

"It's not the rebellious period, it's the spring period of thinking!" Le Tong made a firm conclusion.

Ji Rui had no choice but to help him. "I'd rather he was in the rebellious period. Tut, the spring missing period... He was just a little over ten years old!"

At this time, Ji Rui, frowning, looks as if he has suffered from a big contract worth several hundred million.

Yue Tong pursed her lips and looked serious. After a while, Dad, who was worried and Pondering over the countermeasures, suddenly realized when he heard his wife's chuckling.

I was played by my wife again!

"Letong, are you itchy?" Ji Rui glares at Le Tong.

Letong couldn't help laughing out loud, "ha ha ha, Mr. Ji, you're too easy to cheat! Even if Dabao wants to miss spring, he has to have someone to miss spring! "

Ji Rui thought of the most important problem. It's true that although Dabao is mature, he has never seen any other opposite sex like him. The women who appear in his mouth, except Le tongniuniu, yuan erxiaojing and Wenwen, seem to have no one else.

"Are you sure he has no one to miss?"

Ji Rui is a little worried. Two days ago, he heard a director say that his granddaughter fell in love with an 11 year old boy when she was 12 years old. In this way, his baby son is really at a dangerous age.