Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 627

Nie Wei naturally doesn't know, Niu Niu also says that she wants to marry Dabao, a girlfriend or something. It's something strange.

"Hey, look at your calm face, don't you think it's funny or strange?" Nie Wei is puzzled by Ji Yu's calmness.

"What's so strange? It's said that many girls said that they would marry their father when they were young. Niuniu is the same."

Dabao secretly congratulated that the man Niuniu said she was going to marry was him, not Dad.

After Dabao said this, Nie Wei suddenly remembered that she seemed to have said something similar when she was a child. I don't think it's worth making a fuss.

Sitting under the sun umbrella, Niu Niu, who is eating ice cream attentively, sees Dabao come over, stands on the chair and opens her arms to Dabao. Dabao goes over and hugs her with one hand.

"Brother, kiss!"

Niuniu said, with a small mouth full of cream, she kiss Dabao's lips.

Dabao's lips are covered with cream, and he sticks out his tongue to lick it. It's sweet and greasy. He should have been used to the taste, but at this time, there are some strange tastes around the tip of his tongue.

Big treasure didn't think much, habitually in the little girl face back to kiss a.

"Brother, Niuniu is stamping a seal!" The little girl smiles and squints at Dabao. She is so cute that Dabao can't help biting her.

"Seal?" Dabao didn't respond to what the little girl meant.

Xiaobao, who has been eating ice cream silently, points to his lips and says, "brother, kiss is seal!"

It turned out that Xiaobao told Niuniu that her boyfriend and girlfriend were actually stamping on each other's lips.

Dabao vaguely understands that Xiaobao's comments and ideas beyond his age are all caused by reality TV.

However, if you change a silly girl like Niuniu, even if you watch a similar reality show, you probably won't have any extra ideas. But it was Xiaobao, a strange little devil, who might have hidden a lot of confused remarks in his brain.

"Xiaobao, my brother will also seal for you?"

Dabao doesn't wait for Xiaobao to respond. He kisses Xiaobao on his lips. Xiaobao blinks, "brother, Xiaobao doesn't need to stamp!"

Dabao asked him with a smile, "Niuniu is my sister and Xiaobao is my brother. Why does Niuniu need to stamp, but Xiaobao doesn't?"

Xiaobao was misled by Dabao for a moment. He opened his eyes and thought about it. It seemed that he was convinced by his brother, so he stood up to kiss Dabao“ Xiaobao also needs a seal! "

After kissing Dabao, xiaopindian went over to kiss Niuniu on her lips. "My sister wants to seal it, too!"

Nie Wei and some young girls watched the three big brothers play the game of seal and kiss sweetly. When they were envious and jealous, they took out their mobile phones and snapped the pictures of love between brothers and sisters.

"Give me a copy of all the photos. In addition, you are not allowed to upload them to Weibo, wechat blog or button space."

In recent years, with the development of Ji's scale, Ji Rui and Letong have become more and more aware of the safety protection of several children. In the past, Ji Rui occasionally sent a few photos to show his love. Now, the photos will still be sent, but all the pictures of the children will be replaced with P cute pictures.

The students in the small group also basically know the fame and background of Dabao's family. They usually make trouble. In principle, they all respect Dabao's wishes.

After a while, Dabao received dozens of photos from different angles. In addition to the pictures of kissing fish, there were many pictures of three brothers on the way to the bus.

"Nie Wei, you guys take care of Niuniu and Xiaobao for me. I'll help set up the tent."

Dabao, they chose a relatively remote beach that has not yet been developed. There are few tourists nearby, and there are no accommodation facilities. However, they had planned to go camping, tent sleeping bags are already ready, just set up by themselves.

"Brother, niuniuxiaobao also wants to help set up the tent!"

Dabao's family sometimes set up a tent in the yard to watch the stars and the moon. Therefore, Niuniu and Xiaobao are no strangers to the tent.

Dabao didn't stop him. He was helped by two little guys. Ten minutes later, Xiaobao came out of the drooping tent and said, "Oh, brother, Xiaobao is so tired!"

Dabao pinched his red face and patted Niuniu, who was puckering around to help tie the rope. "Well, Xiaobao and Niuniu go to play with the girls."

Niuniu and Xiaobao run to a class of female students hand in hand with small buckets and sand shovels. Dabao continues to set up his tent.

Several male students, together with Xiao Li and bodyguards, a total of 123 people, spent nearly an hour, finally put up ten tents.

Dabao stood up straight, unscrewed the water bottle to drink, thinking that after drinking the water, he would go to see his younger brother and sister.

After drinking half a bottle of water, a sharp and loud cry came from the distance.

Dabao's heart and liver trembled. With his years of experience as a brother, this sharp and crisp cry was the cry of his girl.


Dabao couldn't care to drink any more. He threw the water away, turned around and ran away following the cry.

Xiao Li and his bodyguards behind him also heard Niu Niu's cry and Dabao's cry. They also threw down their work and ran after Dabao.

"Elder sister, elder sister..." then, Xiao Bao, who seldom cried at ordinary times, even cried. Now, Da Bao was even more flustered, thinking that something big had happened.

Niuniu's cry is getting louder and louder, and mixed in Niuniu's cry is Xiaobao's cry.

"Brother, save sister, brother, save sister!"

Seeing Xiaobao and Niuniu standing on the beach from a distance, Dabao's heart became more stable. When he finally ran to his younger brother and sister, he almost didn't feel dizzy.

The fine sand in front of Niu Niu's body was dyed a pool of bright red, while Niu Niu's shaking hand was clamped by a crab, and her white fingers were dripping blood.

Dabao's face turned blue with fright, and his brain thumped. He didn't think about anything. He hugged Niuniu, who was shaking with tears, and wanted to pull the crab with one hand.

"Don't mess about, Dabao."

Xiao Li and three bodyguards have caught up with him. One of them seems to be familiar with the habits of crabs. He reaches over and pinches them. The crabs quickly loosen their pincers.

Dabao looks at Niuniu's bloody hand. He is so distressed that he knows that his speed is not as fast as that of his bodyguard uncle. He shoves Niuniu and Xiaobao into the bodyguard and runs to the tent together.