Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 626

The change of Yin Zhihao's awareness of current affairs makes Niu Niu very satisfied. She smilingly puts the chocolate on Yin Zhihao's palm.

"Niuniu's brother is the best!"

Yin Zhihao envies Dabao for having such a baby sister who is extremely protective of him. However, it's useless for him to envy him. After his parents gave birth to him, they eagerly responded to the call of the state to give birth to fewer and better children. Even after the policy was released, his mother refused to risk giving him a baby to play with.

"Niuniu, why don't you recognize brother Zhihao as your brother?" Yin Zhihao is reluctant to let go of Niu Niu's hands.

Without waiting for Niu Niu to answer, Dabao clapped Yin Zhihao's hand.

"Let's go! Niuniu, it's enough to have my brother. Get out of the way and cool off. "

I'm kidding! He has a big heart to protect the baby pimple in his hand. How can he be taken advantage of by others?

Yin Zhihao is not angry. When Dabao doesn't exist, he looks at the girl with a smile, "Niu Niu, don't listen to your brother Dabao's nonsense! Brother Zhihao will buy Niuniu beautiful skirts, lovely dolls and many delicious ones. "

No matter what Yin Zhihao said, Niuniu only glared at him and said angrily, "Niuniu, don't! Niuniu only needs brother Dabao! "

Don't turn your face and bury your head in Dabao's neck nest. You don't even want to look at Yin Zhihao.

Yin Zhihao had no fun at all, so he decided to go to Xiaobao, who was sitting in his seat and licking lollipops while swinging his short legs.

"Xiaobao, if you don't, you should take brother Zhihao as your brother!"

Yin Zhihao likes Niuniu very much, but Xiaobao is not bad either. Although she is a little naughty, she is handsome and smart. If she can have such a brother, it should be very good.

Xiao Bao glanced at him, twisted his body, and said in a meek voice like Da Bao, "let's go! It's enough for Xiaobao to have Dabao's brother. Let's go and cool off! "

More than a dozen classmates in the same car burst out laughing. Some teased Yin Zhihao about his Toad's desire to eat swan meat, while others teased Yin Zhihao about his appearance as a human dealer, which scared the two babies.

So along the way, Yin Zhihao became the object of ridicule. Finally, everyone said that since Yin Zhihao wanted to be a brother so much, he would simply recognize Dabao as his younger brother. In that way, he would have more than one younger brother, but also another younger brother and sister.

As soon as he was reminded by the public, Yin Zhihao suddenly remembered that his elder brother was more than enough.

"Dabao, you should conform to the public opinion and recognize me as a brother!" Yin Zhihao looks at Dabao with a cheeky smile.

Dabao glanced at him coolly, "Cheng, your IQ has increased to 200. I'll call you brother!"

"Ha ha ha, Yin Zhihao, this is the age of brain eating. Just give up!" Ren weiqi, sitting next to Yin Zhihao, laughs mercilessly.

At this time, Yin Zhihao finally died, "Alas, I still live with my little cat for a lifetime."

The car loaded with laughter drove to the seaside of their outing. Although Xiaobao and Niuniu refused to recognize anyone as their brother, they had been familiar with this small team for a long time.

See elder brother is directing everybody to move down from the car, they two obediently follow a few little elder sisters to one side of the sun umbrella to play.

"Niuniu, does your brother have a girlfriend?"

Although the girls are not fanatic, they are gossipy. After giving Niuniu and Xiaobao ice cream, they secretly inquired.

Niuniu licked the ice cream and askew her head to ask the girl named Nie Wei, "what is a girlfriend?"

Nie Wei and Ren Weiqi are a couple. Of course, she has a good feeling for Dabao, but she has a great sense of self-knowledge. She only appreciates Dabao from a distance.

But even if you know that he has nothing to do with you, you can't help gossiping about how to attract the attention of a boy like Dabao who is so good both inside and outside.

"Sister, a girlfriend is a girl who can play with her brother and take a walk with her little hand." Xiaobao, who was eating ice cream, said solemnly, pulling Niuniu's little hand.

Aunt Wang and aunt Guan love to watch a reality TV show in love recently. No one has seen Xiaobao seriously watching TV, but somehow, he just glances at it casually and gets to know the essence of the TV show.

Nie Wei was frowning, thinking about how to explain it so that Niuniu could understand the definition of "girlfriend". Hearing Xiaobao's words, she laughed.

"Yes, Xiaobao is right. The girl who plays with Niuniu's brother Dabao and walks with her little hand is her girlfriend." Nie Wei has to admit that Xiaobao blurts out the answer without thinking, which is more accurate and appropriate than what she racked her brain to think.

Niuniu grabs the ice cream and says "Oh". Then she tilts her head and thinks about it. She sticks out her little tongue and licks the cream on her lips. She says very seriously, "my brother's girlfriend is Niuniu!"

Nie Wei and some girls were stunned at first, and then they laughed at Niu Niu's reply one after another, "Niu Niu, you are Dabao's sister, not your girlfriend!"

Niuniu's big black and shining eyes looked at Nie Wei laughing without blinking. After she finished laughing, she said very seriously, "my brother will play with Niuniu, and my brother will take Niuniu's hand for a walk, so Niuniu is my brother's girlfriend."

Several little girls were stunned again. It seems that Niu Niu is right to understand this!

"Silly girl, you will play with your brother and hold hands, but my sister is always my sister, and my girlfriend is my girlfriend. It's different!"

Niuniu blinks. First, she looks at Nie Wei in confusion. A moment later, Xiaolian tells Nie Wei stubbornly, "Niuniu is not only her brother's sister, but also her brother's girlfriend!"

No matter how Nie Wei explains it, Niu Niu still insists that she is not only her brother's sister but also her girlfriend.

Nie Wei finally admitted that his ability is limited, there is no way to persuade Niu Niu. Just then, Dabao came with two bags of food.

Nie Wei went to help carry a bag, "Dabao, your sister is so funny!"

Dabao immediately looked at Niuniu nervously. After seeing that she was enjoying the ice cream, he turned around and asked, "what's the matter, are you bullying Niuniu again?"

Nie Wei shook her head and waved her hand. "No, she said she was your girlfriend."

Everyone in the small group knows that Dabao is very nervous about his baby sister. Even if she eats leopard gall, she doesn't dare to bully his baby sister!

Originally thought very strong news, big treasure but a face calm, just light "Oh" a.

Where does Nie Wei know? Niuniu also says that she wants to marry Dabao, a girlfriend or something. It's a strange thing.