Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 628

A moment later, Dabao was sitting in the tent with Niuniu in her arms. The little girl kept sobbing in a low voice. Her uninjured hand was holding Dabao's clothes. Her body was shaking all the time in Dabao's arms, and she kept murmuring, "brother, it hurts... Brother, it hurts..."

For the first time in his life, his heart seemed to be torn by a powerful shredder, and he felt intense pain.

This kind of pain is different from that of Dabao when he was ill.

When Dabao was ill, the pain was sharp and intense. It was a painful pain that made people want to be killed.

Now this kind of pain, with a sense of suffocation, accompanied by a sense of irritability, is strong but not fatal, but it makes people sit and stand uneasy and there is no hole.

Dabao tried his best to endure the pain of his heart, and soothed the little girl who was still shaking. "Niu Niu, don't cry, it won't hurt when Uncle bandages it up." Her hands caressed her weak back.

When the bodyguard finally helps Niuniu eliminate the poison, apply the hemostatic and bandage it, Dabao remembers to investigate the cause of Niuniu's injury.

Dabao didn't dare to ask the girl who gradually calmed down in her arms, for fear that she would have to cry again and again. Looking at Xiaobao, who has been sitting obediently, it's hard for him to be so clever and quiet.

"Xiaobao, is my sister accidentally bitten by a crab?" The two little guys said that it's not impossible to pick up shells or get caught by crabs.

Xiaobao's eyes dodged for a moment, and he lowered his head and twisted his fingers. After a long time, he raised his head and said to Dabao in a timid low voice, "Xiaobao told his sister to catch him..."

Big treasure heart, Huo ground rises Tengteng fiery.

His eyes were fixed on Xiaobao, but his hands gently sent Niuniu to Xiaoli and winked at him, "Uncle Li, you take Niuniu out for a walk!"

Xiaobao saw Niuniu was carried out of the tent by Xiao Li, and tried to stand up and go out with her

Dabao took his arm in one hand and whispered, "stand!"

Xiaobao looked back at Dabao in fear, flattened his mouth and said wrongly, "brother... Sorry, Xiaobao didn't mean to..."

Dabao was so angry that he glared at him, "shut up!"

Xiaobao is also spoiled at home, and he is also fierce. He is very upset when Dabao stares at him and drinks. His mouth is so high, "brother! Xiaobao didn't mean it

Big treasure heart fire is fanned more prosperous, stare at small treasure cold hum a way, "you still have reason?"?! Ah? "

Xiao Bao angrily glared back at him. "It's my sister who is so stupid. Who let her grasp on the pliers?"

Dabao originally just wanted to scold the boy so that he would have a good heart and stop fooling around next time.

This time, Xiao Bao put all the responsibilities on Niu Niu. He was so angry that he pulled him hard. Xiao Bao rushed forward unpreparedly, and the whole person fell on Da Bao's thigh.

"You're so smart, you don't want to catch yourself?" Dabao roared in a low voice and raised his hand to slap Xiaobao's ass.

"Ah! Brother, it hurts

Dabao has not beaten Xiaobao, but every time he carefully controlled his strength based on the principle of minor punishment and major admonition.

But this time, Dabao is really mad at Xiaobao. First of all, he let Niuniu innocent hurt, at the thought of Niuniu crying constantly pitiful, Dabao this anger can't go away. Second, the boy clearly made a mistake, but put the blame on Niu Niu.

"Does it hurt? The pain is right. You hurt your sister even more when she was bitten by crabs

Dabao has the same gene as Xiaobao, and he has passed Xiaobao's age. Therefore, he knows very well that although the boy is only over two years old, the things and common sense in his clever brain are definitely clearer and more accurate than Niuniu's silly girl.

Niuniu, a silly girl, doesn't necessarily know the common sense that crabs can pinch people, but Xiaobao absolutely knows it, and he encourages Niuniu to catch crabs for him when he knows it's dangerous. If you don't punish him today, I'm afraid he will bully Niuniu in the future.

Big treasure thinks so, hit in small treasure fart * the palm of the hand of the stock then compare heavy.

"Ah, brother, spare your life. It's really painful!" Xiaobao desperately uses both hands to protect the fart * shares, while crying for mercy.

"Do you dare to ask my sister to do dangerous things in the future?" Although Dabao loves his brother, he can tell the difference between doting and loving.

Xiaobao bit his lip and didn't make a sound. After Dabao's heavy hands, the stubborn little guy finally couldn't help crying.

"Brother, brother, Xiaobao dare not..."

"Xiao Bao is wrong... I don't dare to..."

Xiaobao cried and admitted his mistake. Dabao's hand stopped.

Xiaobao is still crying. Dabao opens his pants and takes a look. There's a big red spot on the flesh fart.

"Next time I bully my sister, my brother will beat you!" Dabao clearly also loves Xiaobao, but he sternly warns the little guy.

Because Niuniu was injured, Dabao naturally didn't want to stay to play. He was worried that Niuniu's wound would be inflamed and infected. After Niuniu calmed down, he asked the driver to take him and Niuniu home.

As for Xiao Bao, who got into trouble and was beaten up, he refused to stay although he said he could stay with his brothers and sisters until tomorrow.

Because, after being beaten by Dabao's brother, he also felt uneasy. For fear that something might happen to his Niuniu sister, he insisted on going home with Dabao and Niuniu.

Niuniu may be tired of crying, or the wound is not so painful after applying the medicine, or Dabao's gentle and patient comfort has played a role. Not long after driving on the road, Niuniu sleeps deeply in Dabao's arms.

Xiaobao, who has done something wrong, has been close to Dabao with fear, and dare not say a word.

Dabao saw that Niuniu in his arms was asleep. He rubbed Xiaobao's head and asked softly.

"Does your butt still hurt?"

Although he had a heavy hand, he just wanted to make Xiaobao suffer from flesh and blood, but he didn't really fight hard.

Xiaobao pursed her mouth and took a careful look at Dabao. He was afraid that his brother's anger had not subsided, and he would be beaten if he was accidentally provoked.

Dabao saw Xiaobao's mind clearly, put his arms around his shoulder, gently pulled him over, and bowed his head to kiss him on the forehead.

"Well, I'm sorry, brother. It's a little heavy..."

Xiaobao raised her head and carefully touched Niu Niu's face in her sleep.

"Brother, I'm sorry... Xiaobao really dare not..." Xiaolian rubbed Dabao's arms and confessed in a low voice.

"Well, I forgive you... Don't blame me..."

"Well... No wonder..."