Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 625

Dabao steps into the baby room. Xiaobao is dragging a small surfboard out of his cloakroom.

Ji Rui is a master of sports, and surfing is particularly fascinating. Under his leadership, Dabao and Xiaobao also love surfing. However, Xiaobao is still small. Ji Rui always takes him to play with him.

Dabao ran over and confiscated the surfboard. "No, Xiaobao can't play without Daddy!"

Dabao has a lot of self-knowledge. At his present level, he certainly can't play with Xiaobao.

Xiaobao was very aggrieved. He stood still, raised his face and blinked his black eyes. "Brother, what can Xiaobao play with?"

Niu Niu dragged a big bag of sand shovels, buckets and lifebuoys out of the room. She yelled to Xiao Bao, "Xiao Bao, we can build castles, dig shells and swim..."

Xiao Bao's mouth is curled. For him, he is tired of these things.

Dabao touched Xiaobao's head and repeated Niuniu's words.

"Well, Niuniu is right. You two can build castles, dig shells and swim!"

Xiaobao sat down on the ground, and hummed angrily, "Xiaobao won't go!"

Niuniu dragged the big bag of beach supplies to her brother's side. When she saw that her brother suddenly gave up, she was a little flustered. She stood at the same place and looked at her brother again. She didn't know what to do next.

Dabao doesn't coax Xiaobao either. He takes Niuniu by the hand and drags Niuniu to the wall. The bag is put beside the trunk.

"Niuniu, if Xiaobao doesn't go, let's play with our brothers and sisters and let Xiaobao play at home."

Niu Niu reluctantly turned to look at Xiaobao, "but, how miserable Xiaobao is to stay at home alone..."

"Silly girl, and daddy and mummy accompany Xiaobao. Let's go. Brother helps Niuniu to clean up her clothes." Dabao pretends to completely forget Xiaobao's existence, and walks into the cloakroom with Niuniu in one hand and Hello Kitty's suitcase in the other.

"Niuniu, how about this little vest and skirt?" Dabao picked up a set of clothes and put them on the girl. Niuniu was a little absent-minded, because she was worried about her brother, so she turned to look at the stuffy little guy lying on the ground.

"Brother..." Niuniu pulls Dabao's hand, turns around and points to Xiaobao who is lying on the ground and has a bad temper.

Dabao didn't even look at the little guy. He even asked Niuniu in a loud voice, "Niuer, let Uncle Li take that tank car with us. Shall we drive it on the beach?"

Lying Xiaobao couldn't hold it any longer. He turned over and stood up and cried, "brother, Xiaobao wants to drive a tank car!"

With that, yigulu got up and ran into the cloakroom, dogleg pulled Dabao's pants and repeated, "brother Dabao, Xiaobao wants to drive a tank."

Dabao, as if nothing had happened, put Niuniu's vest and skirt in the trunk. He didn't look at Xiaobao. "You can open it at home and let uncle bodyguard play with you."

Xiaobao squatted down and knelt down beside the suitcase. "Xiaobao wants to go to the beach with his brother and sister.", Eager to please his brother, Xiaobao snatches Dabao's clothes and clumsily puts them in the trunk one by one.

"Brother, Niuniu also wants to play with Xiaobao." Niuniu earnestly pleads for Xiaobao, kneeling beside the suitcase to help fold her clothes just like Xiaobao.

Dabao held his arms and pretended to be hesitant, but Xiaobao was very anxious. Xiaobao was busy living, and he promised eagerly“ Brother, Xiaobao is obedient. He doesn't surf. He only drives tanks, castles, shells and swims. OK

Dabao is still unmoved, Niuniu is also anxious, "brother, Niuniu promise to look at Xiaobao, don't let xiaobaopi."

Xiaobao immediately stood up and stood straight in front of Dabao, "Xiaobao is not skinny, but will protect his sister with his brother!"

Dabao was amused by his younger brother and sister and pulled Xiaobao's face. "Well, for the sake of Niuniu's sister pleading for you, my brother promised you, but if you don't obey me, my brother won't take you out to play next time!"

Xiaobao pounces on Dabao's leg and rubs it hard“ Xiao Bao will be obedient and will not be disobedient! "

Of course, Xiaobao's guarantee, Dabao's basic when he farts. Because the boy always speaks very well every time. When he really does it, he will cause more trouble.

However, as a child, it's natural for him to be playful and it's normal for him to cause minor troubles. Therefore, every time Xiaobao commits an offence, Dabao will not scold Xiaobao too much as long as it's not a major matter of principle.

But in this holiday, Xiaobao was beaten by Dabao for getting into trouble.

Together with three brothers and sisters of Dabao, there were a total of 156 people on the outing. As usual, Letong asked people to arrange the transport car, food, snacks and other supplies in advance. In addition to Xiao Li, she also arranged three bodyguards to take care of the children and protect the safety of the family.

In the early morning of this day, more than a dozen students gathered at Dabao's house. They boarded the bus and sat down.

Yin Zhihao likes Xiaobao and Niuniu very much. As soon as he gets up, he occupies two seats. Seeing Niuniu and Xiaobao get on the bus, he stands at the door and looks around, desperately waving his hand to the two little guys. "Niuniu Xiaobao, come and sit here with brother Zhihao."

The two little guys called "brother Zhihao" sweetly, but they didn't move. When Dabao got into the car, they immediately stuck to it.

"Brother, we want to sit with you." One hugged his waist and the other his thigh. It seemed that he was afraid that his brother Dabao would be robbed.

Dabao gives Yin Zhihao a flattering look and sits down in the seat behind his younger brother and sister. Yin Zhihao, who has been ignored and ridiculed, is the only one who hides in a corner and "wipes tears".

"Brother Zhihao, don't be sad. Niuniu will treat you to chocolate."

Kind Niu Niu took a box of chocolate out of her backpack and generously handed one to Yin Zhihao.

"Dabao, you are so bad. How can you have such a lovely and kind sister?" Yin Zhihao said, reaching for it.

Niuniu suddenly changed her face, took back her hand, glared at Yin Zhihao and said, "brother is not bad, brother Zhihao is bad!"

Yin Zhihao then remembered that he had committed a big taboo. In front of the two little ancestors of the Ji family, he could never speak ill of their brother. Of course, he could not speak ill of their family.

Dabao is also of the same virtue. If anyone says that his younger brother and sister are not good at all in front of him, he can immediately turn against others.

"Oh, it's Zhihao's brother. Zhihao's brother is bad. Niuniu's Dabao's brother is a good man. Dashai is better than Niuniu." Yin Zhihao immediately changed his smiling face.