Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 624

"What's the matter? You have to make it clear so that I can give you some advice."

Looking at Yin Zhihao's depressed face, Dabao seems to know something.

"Oh, it's about your goddess?"

Dabao now, even Shao Yuxin's name is not willing to say.

Yin Zhihao nodded, "well, I sent the cat to her downstairs last night. At first, she didn't want to come down to see me. Later, I said that she came down after a long time. I gave the cat to her, but she refused to accept it!"

Dabao looks at his friend who is half a head taller than himself and looks sad and depressed. He pats him on the shoulder and considers how to comfort him. However, he hears Yin Zhihao murmur, "she clearly tells you that she likes white cats. Why does she refuse to accept them when I give them to her?"

Seeing her friend's dejected appearance, Dabao doesn't dare to tell him that Shao Yuxin may like the white cat, but she only likes Dabao's white cat, or she doesn't like the cat at all. The so-called love is just that the drunk doesn't want to drink.

"You're stupid. We're in the graduating class now. The teacher keeps reminding us that we can't fall in love with each other. It's strange that she dares to accept the cat you give her at this point! Anyway, she's a good student. She can't be ruined by you hot fool, can't she? "

Dabao's words made Yin Zhihao's dim eyes glow again.

"Dabao, do you mean that she doesn't like me, but because it's the critical stage, she doesn't dare to accept me?"

Dabao is convinced by Yin Zhihao. How thick is his nerve? For more than a year, even Dabao, a bystander, can clearly feel Shao Yuxin's friendship with him as an ordinary classmate. Where does he get his self-confidence? He thinks that the arrogant girl with gentle and easy-going appearance and long eyes on her head will like him?

"I don't know if she likes you, but I think you'd better wait until after graduation to tell her."

Dabao only uses procrastination tactics for his friends who are stubborn at present. It's almost a year before graduation. Maybe a year later, his friends' enthusiasm will cool down. After all, he's a 14-year-old or a 15-year-old. He's not mature in both emotion and thought.

Ten thousand steps back, even to graduation when friends still like her, even if the advertisement failed, it will not affect the entrance examination, affect learning.

Yin Zhihao is finally convinced by Dabao and never mentions anything to Shao Yuxin. Dabao, after the exaggeration and boasting of Yin Zhihao, has a nickname of "love expert" in the boys' group of the same class.

Dabao doesn't care about it. However, under the influence of Yin Zhihao, the male students in the same class like to come to Dabao to have a chat. As time goes by, the relationship between Dabao and many boys in the same class is getting better and better unconsciously.

Because the relationship is good, Dabao often goes to small group activities, but every time he goes, he always takes Niuniu and Xiaobao with him.

Xiaobao is a lovely sprite. Niuniu is clever and beautiful. She is familiar with each other and has a sweet mouth. Therefore, boys in small groups always welcome Dabao's group activities with his family.

And the most important thing is that as long as Dabao comes with Niuniu Xiaobao, the Ji family will definitely be ready for luxury RV transportation, including food and snacks.

With the increase of Xiaobao and Niuniu's participation in group activities with Dabao, Niuniu's timid personality has gradually changed a lot. Of course, it has something to do with the fact that she has more children in kindergarten.

At the beginning, there was only one class of boys in this small group. Later, several girls who had good relationship with these boys joined in the activities. However, these girls all had a common characteristic, that is, they would not blindly love Ji Dabao like Shao Yuxin.

In fact, Dabao doesn't hate to communicate with girls. The premise is that they communicate with each other in the way of normal classmates, not with ulterior motives.

This small group seems to exclude Shao Yuxin. Even if Yin Zhihao likes Shao Yuxin so much, he never mentioned that he would let her participate in the activities of the small group.

October holiday, the weather has been a bit cool, small groups decided to go to the suburbs autumn.

Originally, he planned to go only for one day, but later he said that he wanted to go camping. Dabao thought it was inconvenient to take Xiaobao Niuniu with him, so he discussed with the two kids and wanted them to stay at home.

When he said what he meant, Xiaobao and Niuniu stood in front of him and raised their faces to protest.

"No! Xiao Bao is going together Xiaobao expressed his dissatisfaction with the manner of a bully.

"Brother, Niuniu also wants to go... Niuniu promises not to make trouble for her brother." Niuniu is much more gentle, her face full of desire and expectation.

"But, brother, other brothers are camping on the beach. It's not safe to take you with them." Dabao is not afraid that his younger brother and sister will make trouble for him, but he is afraid that it is not safe for him to spend a party with two little ghosts alone.

Sitting on the sofa, holding a laptop to handle official business, Letong looks up at the three children.

"Dabao, since Niuniu and Xiaobao want to go, you can take them with you. Uncle Li can take you and two bodyguards to do some physical work for you. Is that ok?"

As parents, Letong and Ji Rui are inconvenient to come forward, because if they go, it will be a family gathering. Since the children want to enjoy their collective life, let them go out and have a good experience.

Before Dabao had time to answer, xiaobaoniuniu had already jumped on him and promised in a loud voice, "brother, take us. We promise that we'll be good, not mischievous, not making trouble, not crying, not making noise..."

The reason why Xiaobao and Niuniu share the same voice is that they have already found out Dabao's temperament. As long as they ask for it, Dabao's brother will agree to them no matter how difficult it is.

Sure enough, Dabao had no way to deal with such a younger sister-in-law. He touched the head of this one and pinched the face of that one. Finally, he agreed to mummy's proposal.

Xiaobao and Niuniu see Dabao nodding, as if they are afraid of Dabao and mummy's repentance. They immediately let Dabao go and run into the baby room with their hands. They also move stools and ladders and drag out their suitcases.

"Brother, does Niuniu want a swimsuit?" Niuniu's crisp voice came out of the baby room. Dabao had no choice but to smile at Letong. "Mommy, I'll go and see what the two little kids have packed up."

After a few steps, I heard Xiaobao's cry again, "brother Dabao, can Xiaobao take the surfboard?"