Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 623

I don't know when Dabao climbs up to Ji Rui, comfortably takes Ji Rui's thigh as a pillow, lies on his back, looks at the bright moon in the sky and asks.

"Daddy, can I find someone as good as mommy?"

Ji Rui couldn't help laughing. He pinched his nose and said with a smile, "fool, you are only ten years old. Are you worried?"

Dabao shook his head. "Of course not. It's just that if I like Yin Zhihao, I would like a girl with different appearances. It's better not to like her."

Dabao understands a lot of great principles. Moreover, he is more transparent than many adults.

But he, after all, is only a ten-year-old child. He has not experienced many things, nor can he predict or imagine what he is interested in.

At this moment, Ji Rui deeply feels that it's not necessarily a good thing for a child to be too smart. Other people's 10-year-old children will only ask their parents for pocket money or gifts at this time. However, Ji Rui's son will discuss emotional problems with him when he is 10 years old. Moreover, it's very deep-seated, not superficial.

"Baby, no one is perfect. There is no perfect person in this world. The so-called perfection is just the illusion made up by each person's own imagination. But if one day, you come across a person who you know is not perfect, knows that she has many shortcomings, and still thinks she is lovely and beautiful, it means that you really love her

Ji Rui's palm gently sweeps the round inch of Dabao's stab, a little bit prickly, just like Dabao's own personality.

Think of this little guy with a mushroom head, cute and cool, I really don't understand how he insisted on cutting his hair into a board inch later.

Dabao put the bracelet on his strong waist and asked, "Mommy is not perfect either. Does she have many shortcomings?"

In Dabao's mind, his mother is perfect and almost flawless.

"Of course, machines have no shortcomings. No flesh and blood person can have no shortcomings. Like me... "

Dabao interrupted Ji Rui by picking his eyebrows. "Ah, you have shortcomings. I know you are jealous, mean, jealous, grumpy, not gentle and not romantic!"

Ji Rui was angry and laughed by his precious son. He couldn't help turning him over and slapping him on the ass twice. Of course, the strength was very small.

Dabao screamed with exaggeration, "and child abuse..."

Ji Rui is so angry that his teeth itch. He reaches out and wrists his face.

"Mommy loves you so much, too. With so many shortcomings, she can smile all day. I don't know. I think she married a very good man."

Ji Rui is so angry that his blood is boiling all over. If you take his blood pressure at this time, it will be much higher than his blood pressure when he works out.

"Stinky boy, aren't you the same? I know that I've been bullying your father behind your mother's back all day. I don't know. I thought my Ji family's son was sensible and considerate, and he was very relieved. "

Dabao snorted, "I'm both sensible and considerate!"

The two of them mix for a while. Ji Rui goes back to business.

"Boy, if there is someone you like, remember to tell daddy and Mommy. Daddy and Mommy will help you to guard well."

This is what parents say. But the only parents who would say that to a ten-year-old child are Ji Rui and Letong.

Dabao looked at him solemnly, "Daddy, I can't trust your eyes! But I'll tell you for sure, and then let mommy take care of it for me! "

After Dabao was a little sensible, he secretly despised his stupid father's EQ thoroughly. Of course, he didn't understand it at that time.

Anyway, since he was a child, he knew that his father would not guess people's hearts, and he would not do anything to please anyone.

Of course, in the past few years, under the guidance and guidance of himself and Mommy, he has greatly improved. At least, he is much more competent for Niuniu and Xiaobao than before. Although he is not romantic to Mommy, he is extremely gentle. It's not too much to say that he is obedient to mommy.

Although Dabao kept disdaining his father in his mouth, he had to admit in his heart that his father is really a good husband now.

"Well, you can't believe daddy's eyes. It's OK to show me. I won't say anything. Anyway, we all listen to your mommy."

After several years of competition, Ji Rui has already admitted to himself that his EQ is really not very high, but his son, with his sharp eyes, can often see people through, and he can handle all kinds of people at a young age.

Such a son, I really don't know what kind of girl to find to get along with him. After all, no one wants to be seen through easily.

While sleeping, Ji Rui tells Letong what he thinks. Letong yawns and slouches into his arms.

"Mr. Ji, when did you become so worried? This kind of thing, just go with the flow. He is different from you. He knows what he wants, so he must be able to find the right person. Moreover, he is only ten years old. Is it necessary for us to start worrying about it now? "

"What makes him different from me? Are you trying to comfort me or strike me? " Ji Rui hugs the person in her arms and gnaws at her lips.

"To comfort you!"

Letong is very sleepy. She climbs up his neck and rubs it in his arms to find a comfortable place to sleep.

"It sounds like a blow to me, but it doesn't sound like a comfort." Ji Rui holds her nose to keep her from sleeping.

"What is not consolation for a man like you to have such a clever and carefree son?" Yue Tong mumbles and closes her eyes. She decides to ignore him and go to find Duke Zhou.

Ji Rui is angry on the spot. He knows that he can't pull back the situation. He gnashes his teeth secretly for a while, then he shakes his head helplessly.

Looking down at her, she was really tired, so she couldn't bear to torture her any more. She stretched out her hand to help her close her hair on her face, tucked in the quilt and gave her a kiss on her lips.

"Good night, wife!"

Letong gave him a kiss vaguely, "well... Good night..."


The next day, Dabao returned to the school as usual, and was dragged to the nearby biological garden by Yin Zhihao in front of the teaching building.

"What's the matter? Dumb? "

Dabao felt strange. As usual, this guy was always chattering when he met. Today, he pulled him all the way, but he didn't say a word.

Yin Zhihao took Dabao to a place where there was no one. He looked around again and confirmed that there was no one around. Then he said, "Dabao, give me some advice."

Dabao was at a loss. "What's the matter? You have to make it clear so that I can give you advice."