Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 622

Dabao lies down with his head on Letong's thigh and looks up at Letong.

"Mommy, are you jealous?"

Yue Tong patted his face, "don't listen to your father's provocation. Am I as mean as he is? Even the vinegar of one's own children

Ji Rui said he was innocent. "When did I get jealous with the children?", Say, put a bunch of grapes into Letong's hand.

Dabao glanced at the bunch of grapes on mommy's hand. Before Letong spoke, he said, "Daddy, you are always jealous with us! For example, now, you are also jealous! "

"I didn't!"

Ji Rui's face is tight, although he can't scare the children, especially Dabao.

Because, a few children all know that mommy is the biggest in the family. It's not terrible to make daddy angry. It's OK to have mommy's support.

"No! Mommy skinned Xiaobao and Niuniu grapes because they were young. They couldn't peel or remove the core. Can't you peel them when you are old? "

Dabao's glib is especially impolite when dealing with his father.

Letong lowers her head and smiles, but pretends to peel the grape skin seriously.

Ji Rui slapped Dabao on the head and said, "smelly boy, I'm very old. Are you only two or three years old? Xiaobaoniuniu doesn't know how to peel and core. When you are ten years old, don't you know how to peel and core? "

Dabao blinked. "But no matter how old I am, I'm a child in Mommy's eyes, right, Mommy?"

Dabao said, as if deliberately to gas Ji Rui, specially arch up to kiss in Letong face.

Ji Rui was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Letong gave the peeled grapes to him with a trembling smile. "Well, don't be angry. I'm getting older, and I'm going to get angry."

Ji Ruibai glanced at her, "yes, I'm old. I don't need to be loved, do I? This smelly boy is smarter than me. Why do you need to protect him? "

Seeing their posture, Letong seems to really want to fight. She doesn't want to worry about it. She helps Dabao up, kisses each other on their faces, and gets up to pat the grass on their buttocks.

"I'll go to see Xiaobao and Niuniu. You two chat slowly!"

Letong knows these two as well as the back of her hand. As long as she is there, the contradiction between them will only become more and more intense. On the contrary, as long as she withdraws from the war, they will make up quickly and turn their attention to other things.

Ji Rui looks at Letong walking away slowly, then turns his head and looks at Dabao.

"What your mommy just said is true?"

While speaking, Ji Rui looks at his eldest son seriously. The boy is only ten years old, but his imposing manner and polite behavior always give people the illusion that he is an adult rather than a child.

"What do you mean?" Dabao threw the peeled grape into his mouth. He didn't understand what dad meant.

"Say someone likes your business."

Ji Rui has known for a long time that his son is precocious, but he never thought that his 10-year-old would face the problem of love between men and women.

It seems that as a father, he has to find a time to teach his son adult knowledge.

"Well, it's true!"

Dabao's answer is very simple. He doesn't think it's necessary to keep it from his parents.

Ji Rui has a slight headache. After thinking about it, he still asks.

"Do you have any girls you like?"

Dabao raised his eyelid and glared at Ji Rui, "how can it be?"

"Huh?" Ji Rui doesn't quite understand what his son means.

"Daddy, when did you like Mommy?"

Dabao was not in a hurry to explain, because he also had a lot of doubts in his mind.

Ji Rui was stunned. It was when he was 30 years old that he fell in love with Letong. The secret of Dabao's birth is impossible for Dabao to know.

"When I have you." Ji Rui is vague.

Big treasure cut a, "originally is to offer a son to marry, Daddy you too irresponsible!"

Although Dabao said that, in his heart, he always thought that his father and mother had a very good relationship. Of course, he was the crystallization of their love.

"I'm not irresponsible!" Ji Rui can't put the facts in front of his son, but he doesn't want his son to misunderstand that he is the kind of playful man who always abandons the relationship between men and women.

"I know... Anyway, you must have done something to make Mommy hurt her heart, then Mommy will ignore you! Forget it. Anyway, you've chased Mommy back, so I won't pursue her. "

Dabao is a smart child. He never wanted to explore the truth of the days when daddy and Mommy separated. He just felt that those years were a minefield. He could step on land mines wherever he stepped.

Knowing that it was a minefield, he avoided it carefully. In his opinion, it is the most practical thing to cherish what we have in front of us.

Ji Rui secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "this matter, do you have something to do with the girl you like?"

Dabao nodded, "of course it does! Count it out. You're 25 years old, aren't you? Then you only like my mom when you are 25 years old. I think I will not meet the person I like until I am in my twenties, just like you

Dabao spoke seriously, as if he was sure that he would not be moved by anyone until he was 25 years old.

Ji Rui originally thought that his son was really mature. He was no different from an adult in his views and thoughts. But when he heard his last words, he couldn't help laughing.

"Silly son, this kind of thing is not accurate."

Dabao didn't mind being treated as a joke by daddy, but he still said seriously, "Daddy, I'm still young, so I'm not in a hurry. I'll wait until I have enough ability to protect the people I like, just like my father

Ji Rui saw that he said it so seriously, and thought that the boy already had something he liked in his heart.

"Baby, you mean you already have someone you like, but do you think you have to wait until you have the ability to tell her?"

Ji Rui thinks that his son's idea is too idealistic, but on the whole, it is quite correct. If his son has been self disciplined with this idea since then, he and Letong, who are parents, will be relieved a lot.

Dabao looked at Ji Rui contemptuously, "how can it be? I'm still young. I don't know who I like. I mean, if I meet someone I like in the future, I'll be like Daddy. I won't tell her I like her until I have the ability to protect her! "

Ji Rui finally understands that Dabao always thinks that the gap between him and Letong is because he has no ability to protect her, so he will let her leave temporarily.

Although, the fact is not so, but the son can think like this, it seems good!