Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 600

When the baby is seven years old, his parents have been married for more than half a year.

In the past six months, the two people's feelings have become more and more like glue, and this kind of glue is more and more manifested in the fact that the baby can stick to Letong all day and all night as in the past.

Because his father, President Ji, is a big vinegar jar. Since he got married, his father has made it clear that he has the supreme ownership over his wife. As long as he is present, no matter the baby or Niuniu can stick to Letong for more than half an hour.

This is a cruel and heartless thing for the baby who is seriously controlled by the mother.

Fortunately, in addition to Mommy, he also has a super lovely and invincible sister. When he was rejected by his father and couldn't get close to Mommy, he poured all his love into Niuniu Ji Sihan.

However, even if the baby loves Niuniu again, most of his attention is still on mommy.

As a result, when he saw mommy drinking milk at breakfast that morning, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and immediately took a drink from his glass.

It's OK. The milk is fresh.

"Mommy, aren't you feeling well?"

Over there, Ji Rui just finished washing and came out of the bedroom. As soon as he heard the baby's question, the wind blew over, and his big hand immediately pasted on Letong's forehead.

"What's the matter? Are you sick? "

Letong raises her eyelids to see what father and son want to say. Suddenly, her face changes. She covers her mouth and runs to the bathroom.

So, extremely nervous, Letong's father and son, one skipping class, the other skipping class, left and right escorting Letong to the hospital.

Hang the number is Gastroenterology, the doctor is Chinese medicine, to Letong after the pulse, did not give a diagnosis, but suggested, "this young lady, I suggest you go to obstetrics and Gynecology diagnosis."

Letong's response to the doctor's advice is puzzling, including Ji Rui and ye, which is similar to Letong's response.


The doctor looked at the three men strangely, and then looked at the name and age on the medical record.

"Miss Le, you are only twenty-six. Is it strange to be pregnant?"

Of course, it's not surprising, but Dr. Fu said before that Letong's constitution is difficult to conceive a child again. Therefore, even though Letong almost vomited out all the contents of her stomach all the way, the three people only thought that she was gastroenteritis, and no one had anything to do with her pregnancy.

But, did not expect, does not mean does not expect. This heard the sudden news, three people once again Leng Leng, and then, again surprised to confirm with one voice.

"Doctor, do you think I'm pregnant?"

Doctor in strict professional attitude to answer the instant face of the three, "I just doubt, you can now go to the third floor obstetrics and Gynecology diagnosis."

The impatient president of Jida once again used his privilege to find the president, and directly sent Letong to the consulting room of the director of Obstetrics and gynecology. The director told Letong to have a urine test. In a few minutes waiting for the results, the director felt the pulse for Letong, and at the same time had a detailed understanding of Letong's physical condition, including the previous diagnosis of doctor Fu.

"Mr. Ji, from the pulse, Mrs. Ji is really pregnant."

Speaking, the nurse took the test results of the pregnancy test box, the results showed that it was positive, that is pregnant.

In the process of diagnosis, Ji Rui has been quietly standing on one side holding Letong, while Baobao is on the other side nestling Letong. Anyone can see that this is a woman with a happy family.

After listening to the doctor's words, the male owner of the happy family grasped Le Tong's hand tightly and asked the doctor nervously, "director, if we want this baby, will my wife feel sick or in danger?"

Although he was very eager to see Letong pregnant with him and her children, and wanted to see her from a flat stomach to a big belly, he wanted to accompany her and really feel the pain and happiness of being a parent.

No matter to Baobao and Letong, he has too much debt, so he always hopes to have another child, so that he can fulfill his obligations as a good husband and qualified father.

But think about it, if the baby will affect Letong's health, he would rather not. For him, nothing is more important than Letong.

"Ji Rui, I will be very careful!" Letong shakes Ji Rui's hand eagerly.

She has never been a compulsive person, but since the baby in her stomach has finally come, she, as a mother, has to do everything to save him.

While cuddling up to Letong's baby, he also nervously pulls Letong's arm and raises his face to wait for the doctor's reply.

The director looked at the family with a smile. "Mr. Ji, judging from Mrs. Ji's pulse condition, she is in good health. Moreover, she is still very young. Don't worry too much. After more attention, try to work and rest on time, control and regulate diet, I believe the pregnancy process will be very smooth

With the director's assurance, the three members of the family were relieved at the same time.

Next, Ji Rui and Letong both listened to the doctor's advice and did a full set of health checks. When they came out of the hospital, Ji Rui was not at ease and asked Xiao Li to drive to doctor Fu's clinic.

After Dr. Fu got the same diagnosis as the chief physician, Ji Rui was completely relieved.

The news of Letong's pregnancy was soon advertised by Baobao's little brother in the Yang and Ji families.

That afternoon, accompanied by Uncle Jing, the Yang family brought a lot of tonics to r city, while Ji also brought a lot of cakes and snacks that Letong liked to eat.

Mrs. Ji's case was closed shortly after the wedding of Letong and Ji Rui, and Mrs. Ji was sentenced to 10 years. Not long after the case was settled, Mr. Ji set up a charity foundation to raise funds for the treatment and rehabilitation of children with leukemia. In just six months, the foundation has helped nearly ten sick children.

Ji Rui and Letong donated a lot of money to the foundation. Even Baobao also donated a lot of money to the foundation from their own coffers.

Today, although the relationship between father Ji and his wife is not as intimate as that between them and the Yang family, it is not too bad. Every week, Letong and Ji Rui take their baby and Niuniu back to the mansion to have dinner with him.

Because of her pregnancy, Letong instantly became the key protection object of the Ji family and the Yang family. The Yang family's old master even suggested that Letong stop working and return to the capital to have a baby.

This proposal was immediately rejected by Ji Rui, Baobao and Letong.

For one thing, she felt she could cope with her work while she was pregnant. After all, that's how most professional women come along.

Second, let her leave baby Niuniu and Ji Rui to live in the capital for a while. Isn't it going to kill her?