Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 601

Letong's pregnancy and vomiting lasted for about a month. This month, the president of Ji DA and Baobao ye were deeply distressed.

Fortunately, a month later, Letong had a good sleep, but she was the kind of physique that only had a long stomach but not a long body. After more than five months of pregnancy, we could only guess from her slightly raised abdomen that she was pregnant. If we only looked from the back, she would still be the fair lady she used to be.

Ji Rui also worried about this for a long time. After the doctor's repeated assurance that the mother and son are very healthy and all the indicators are excellent, Ji Rui was a little relieved.

When the baby stayed in Letong's belly for more than five months, he began to move around mischievously. At first, he only occasionally propped up Letong's belly with his little fist and his mother sayhi. When he was seven or eight months old, he was just like the monkey king making havoc in heaven. All day long, he was tumbling in Letong's belly and tossing about with his hands and feet. Moreover, he was very bad. He slept during the day, Big night began to be full of tummy, make Letong sleep all night.

The president of Jida, who loves his wife, protects her mother's baby and forbids Letong to go to work again. Therefore, from eight months on, Letong has been waiting at home to give birth.

At this time, Niuniu Ji Sihan is one year old and eight months old. She has a few white teeth, can walk, can call Daddy, mommy and brother, and can say some simple words.

"Niuniu, you are going to be a sister soon. Do you like it?"

Niuniu is very beautiful. She has long black hair, thick eyelashes and delicate facial features. At first glance, she looks like a doll doll. She is very noble and lovely.

When Letong talked to her, the girl blinked her big dark eyes, put her little finger in her mouth, and then gave a coquettish reply.

"Yes! Niuniu wants to be a sister

Although Niu Niu is an adopted child, both Le Tong and Ji Rui, and even the Yangs and Ji all love her as if she were their own child. As for Bao Bao, let alone how much she loves her.

It happened that she was a little princess who was loved by thousands of people, but she was not pampered at all. She was always polite and gentle, and she was a lady of a family.

Since she realized that mommy was pregnant with a baby, she often handed the bottle to Letong, "Mommy, drink grandma."

She thinks that since she wants to drink grandma when she is hungry, the baby in Mommy's stomach must be the same as her. She needs to drink grandma to fill her stomach.

At this time, Letong is more and more glad to have brought back this kind of cotton padded jacket.

The baby was born on time on the day of the due date. Although she suffered a lot from him in the past few months, the birth process was very smooth. It took less than three hours from severe labor pain to going to the delivery bed to giving birth smoothly.

As a result, when Baobao, a brother, later described his birth to Xiaobao, he said, "Xiaobao, you are not born to Mommy, you can't wait to jump out."

That's right. This baby is a little boy. Does he look good? He combines all the advantages of Letong and Ji Rui. At a glance, five points look like Ji Rui and five points like Letong.

With a little baby, baby Ji Yu, who was a brother, was promoted to Dabao, while little baby, whose name was Xiaobao, was named Ji Huan.

Dabao was nearly eight years old. He was in the fourth grade in primary school. After more than a year of experience as a brother, he was like a baby brother to Xiaobao.

Speaking of the way to take care of children, even Ji Rui, a father, is not so familiar with him.

Niuniu, a little girl, is not noisy. She always follows her brother and takes care of him.

Xiaobao pees. Her brother wants to change Xiaobao's diaper. Niuniu runs to get the diaper and hands it to her brother.

Dabao is busy changing his diaper. Niuniu, who is two years old, stares at Xiaobao tightly. Xiaobao tilts her head, sticks out her tongue and licks her lips desperately. She says with experience, "brother, Xiaobao is hungry!"

Dabao, the commander, said to his sister without raising his head, "Niuniu, go and call aunt Guan Chong's grandmother."

Niuniu ran to the kitchen with her short legs, pulled aunt Guan's pants and said in a sweet voice.

"Aunt Guan, Xiao Bao is hungry."

With a smile, aunt Guan wiped her hands in her apron, pinched her little face, washed the milk powder, and turned to go out.

Niu Niu raised her face, pulled her and cried urgently, "Niu Niu feed my brother, Niu Niu feed my brother."

Aunt Guan handed her a bottle with moderate temperature. She put it in her arms and ran out of the living room with a thump.

Aunt Guan went out to see the brothers and sisters. One of them put on Xiaobao's pants, the other carefully held the bottle and fed Xiaobao. Then she safely withdrew to the kitchen and continued to prepare the family's dinner.

In this year, Ji's company has developed rapidly, and its assets have risen from the original third place to the second place, only a few hundred million yuan different from Yang's.

Letong began to go back to work one month after delivery. Of course, this is not Ji Rui's wish, but Letong insists on it. In addition, the doctor also said that her body is recovering well, and there is absolutely no problem with proper amount of work.

Ji Rui doesn't work overtime since Letong is pregnant. Now he works with Letong, and he leaves on time as soon as it's time to get off work. He seems to be afraid that if he works a few more minutes, Letong will be exhausted.

When Letong and Ji Rui get home from work on time, they happen to see that Dabao and Niuniu are changing diapers one by one and feeding the other. They happily walk over and kiss the three children on the face.

"Dabao and Niuniu are really good at taking care of children!" Letong praised her brother and sister with a smile.

Dabao's body shape is completely inherited from Ji Rui. He's only eight years old. He's already under Letong's arm. Coupled with his precocious personality, he's the elder brother of two little kids. Now he looks like a little adult.

"Daddy and Mommy, please wash your face quickly. Don't pass the germs to Xiaobao and Niuniu." The elder brother solemnly popularized science to his parents, put Xiaobao back in the pram, picked up the diapers and walked away.

Le Tong tut tut two, "Ji Zong, do you think our family is a little strange?"

Ji Rui looks at her askew. Letong's brain always thinks something strange sometimes. He often can't guess it. At present, it's such a situation.

"Do you think I'm not as good as Dabao when I'm a mother? And you're a father. I don't think you're as professional as Niuniu. "

Ji Rui doesn't mind the comment that he is incompetent, because it is true, and he is happy to enjoy his success.

He hugged Letong and walked slowly to the washroom.

"Baby, children and grandchildren have their own happiness. Since they have loved each other since they were young, we are happy, aren't we?"