Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 599

At this moment, she almost couldn't help crying on the spot.

More than a year ago, she was an orphan without father or mother.

A year ago, she found her most precious baby.

More than half a year ago, she established a love relationship with a man who could be entrusted for life.

A few months ago, she found her own grandfather and brother.

Today, she will establish a family with the man she loves most, who can be entrusted for life. From now on, she will not be alone any more.

She has a pair of precious children who need her to care for and nurture, her grandfather and brother who love her as a little princess, and her husband who takes care of her as her destiny.

Yang Sheng, who was on one side, heard her sniffing desperately. He was very anxious to remind her, "Tong Tong, don't cry, you will spend your makeup."

Letong responded with a "um", raised her head and blinked desperately towards the sky.

It used to be very useful. But it turns out that it is more difficult to endure happy tears than sad ones.

"Mommy, baby, wipe it for you..."

The baby, who was picked up by Yang Sheng, took the cotton pad handed over by the makeup artist and printed it gently and carefully at the corners of her eyes and under the fundus of her eyes.

Letong is more moved in her heart, but she also understands that she has to control her emotions well. Otherwise, when the guests see her blushing, they think Ji Rui is forcing her marriage.

"Thank you, baby!" Letong kisses her baby and sucks heavily again, suppressing all the moving and complicated thoughts.

"Girl, are you ready?"

After getting the affirmative answer from Letong, the old man walked vigorously through the arch and stepped on the long red carpet.

Behind Letong, in addition to Yang Sheng, a little girl and her baby walk into the red carpet together as a flower boy holding the long skirt of the wedding dress and slowly in tune with the concerto of the wedding march.

The colorful rose petals, like snow, flutter down in the air, and fall on Letong's black hair and white wedding dress. With the mist rising at her feet, Letong, like a flower fairy flying from the flowers, flutters to the new clothes on the other side of the red carpet, and the guests all around applaud.

The master of ceremonies on the stage called out for the bridegroom, "Wow, the bride is so beautiful, just like a flower fairy. Is the happy bridegroom worried? Granddad over there, would you mind understanding this son-in-law's mood and speed up a little bit? "

Yang's old master did not seem to realize the bridegroom's impatience at all. He walked slowly with Letong in his arm, and said to Letong in a low voice, "girl, you should spend more time with your grandfather. In the future, you will have plenty of time with him!"

Letong was in a mixed mood. It was only at this time that she understood why many brides were so sad and sad when they got married.

Now, after listening to the old master's words, she understood the feelings of those brides.

For a woman, marriage means that when she entrusts herself to another man, she has to leave her parents who have given her life and raised her up with more than 20 years of hard work.

Although, this kind of leaving is not the real meaning of leaving. But those parents who NAG in your ear every day that you go to bed early but cook supper at night will never live under the same roof with you. From now on, you will have your family and children to care for, and you will have a new life to fight for.

From now on, you are still the only one in your parents' heart, but your parents have become the fixed scenery behind you with red eyes forever looking at you. They will always stay there quietly, waiting for you to go back to rest when you need to rest, but they won't interfere in your life as they used to.

Although Letong has lost her parents, she is in the same mood for her grandfather who has only recognized her for a few months.

"Grandfather, when everything is settled down, come and stay with me and baby for a while..."

Letong is not sure whether the old man is willing or not, but she really wants to do her best for herself and her father in the old man's lifetime.

"Good... Good... I'll..." the voice of the old man was obviously trembling.

Letong sniffs hard, and then hears Yang Sheng behind him warning the old man in a low voice.

"Grandfather, you mean to make Tongtong cry, don't you? If you do this again, I'll give her to Rui! "

Yang Sheng's threat was very effective. The old master didn't dare to say any more sensational words after that. He took Letong by his arm and sped up to the bridegroom on the other side of the red carpet.

It's only a few meters away from Ji Rui that Letong can see clearly. Ji Rui, who is dressed in black gifts, is more handsome than usual. However, his paralyzed face of ten thousand years, which has never been changed, is filled with anxiety and expectation.

When the old master and Letong come to him and stand still, Ji Rui calls "grandfather!"

Then he bowed respectfully to master Yang, straightened up and extended his hand to Letong.

Le Tong's sharp eyes found that the man's hands, which had pulled countless waves, were trembling slightly.

"Ji Rui, today I, old man Yang, give you my most precious granddaughter. If you dare to be a little unkind to her in the future, be careful that I break your leg!"

The old man changed his pleasant face to Ji Rui and taught him seriously.

Ji Rui bowed his head slightly, and assured with a voice.

"Grandfather, don't worry, I will love her and protect her!"

The old master nodded and held Letong's hand. He gently put it on Ji Ruiwei's shaking palm.

Ji Rui's hand is always warm. Today, it's no exception. It's just that in addition to warmth, there's a little bit of wetness. Even though Letong is wearing gloves, she can still really feel it.

Ji Rui holds Letong's hand in both hands and looks at Letong face to face.

This woman, he's known for three years.

But every time he looked at her, he thought she was a little more beautiful.

When Ji Rui stares at her in public, Letong can't help being shy. Even if she puts on her make-up, she can't hide the flush on her face.

"How beautiful you are

Ji Rui looks at her like a fool, which makes Le Tong feel even more embarrassed. He pinches the back of his hand with his fingers, indicating that he should not be too numb. There are thousands of guests at the ceremony!

Ji Rui didn't seem to understand her meaning, or understood it, but he didn't intend to comply with her wishes. After seeing enough without blinking, he hugged her tightly with his long hand.

"Wow, kiss her, kiss her!"

The applause and noise all around, but the emcee said awkwardly.

"The bridegroom really loves the bride. Before he exchanges the rings, he hugs her..."

Being held tightly by Ji Rui, Letong struggles to say something to Ji Rui, but the man suddenly holds her shoulder, pushes her away, takes her hand, and whispers in her ear, "baby, follow me!"

Le Tong was stunned for half a second, but his trust in this man was better than anything else. He responded with a "um", bent over and pulled up his long skirt, and stepped up with the rhythm of the man's starting.

"Oh, bridegroom! Mr. Ji! The wedding hasn't started yet. Where are you going? "

The Emcee's anxious voice rang out at the scene, and then the guests behind them called one after another.

Ji Rui, regardless of the noise behind him, takes Letong's hand and runs forward for more than ten steps. He probably realizes that Letong in high heels can't keep up with him. He squats down and helps Letong take off his shoes. Before Letong knows the situation, Ji Rui holds him in the air.

As a result, the master of ceremonies and guests in the back watched the tall man in black dress run forward like a prince holding his princess. The wind blew up the princess's white wedding dress and black hair, while the prince in black, holding her like lightning, ran towards their common happiness.

When Ji Rui finally stops and stands still, Letong, who has a lingering fear, can see clearly that she and Ji Rui are in a round territory.

"What's this?"

Letong felt the round site tremble slightly, raised his head and found that the top of the round object had a mushroom umbrella top like a hot-air balloon.

The round object bumped a few more times. Letong could feel it slowly leave the ground. At this time, she could be sure what it was.

"Is this a hot air balloon?"

Ji Rui nods and comes to her. Her forehead is against her. Her dark green eyes are deeply in her eyes.

"Do you like it?"

Letong's heart hasn't recovered yet. She glimpses the guests who are still shouting at the scene, "what do they do?"

Ji Rui gently kisses her lips, "fool, it's our business to get married. Why do you care about them?"

Le Tong rolled a white eye in the heart, if choose the most capricious bridegroom, it is his Ji Rui!

"And you invite them?" Letong said in a bad mood.

"Bustling Ji Rui said with a smile.

The two men whispered, and the balloon slowly rose into the air.

"Look, is it beautiful?"

Ji Rui let go of Letong and pointed to the scenery outside.

Letong looked around, in front of a blue sky, at the foot, is already unable to see the face of the guests.

Letong takes back her sight and suppresses her excitement. The previous noise has all gone. In her ears, there is only the whirring wind. In front of her eyes, there is only the man she loves most and will accompany her all her life.


The man hugged her, kissed her on the lips and said softly, "you are more beautiful!"

Letong's face flushed, for fear that the man would say something more numb.

Ji Rui pushes her away again. He takes out a small brocade box and opens it. There are two rings in it.

Slender fingers, pinch the women's money to pass to le Tong.

"Letong, will you marry me? No matter poor or ill, will you stay with me forever

Yue Tong bit her lip and handed her left hand to her, "I do!"

Ji Rui shakes for a long time to help her wear the ring. Letong picks up the male ring, changes the leading role and repeats Ji Rui's words.

"Ji Rui, will you marry me? No matter I am poor or ill, I will stay with me all my life. No matter I am capricious or sentimental, are you willing to tolerate me with the most tolerant heart and love me? "

Ji Rui answered calmly, "I do!"

The ring was then firmly put on Ji Rui's slender ring finger.

From this moment on, He Ji Rui, only belongs to her Letong!

And she Le Tong, also belong to him Ji Rui one person only!

Heaven and earth as proof! Learn from the sun and the moon!