Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 594

There was an important meeting in the morning. Letong and Ji Rui returned to Ji as usual. The meeting lasted all morning, and it was lunch time when the meeting ended.

Almost all the people in the conference hall are gone, only Ji Rui and Letong are still sorting out the contents of the conference.

It took them more than half an hour to get things done.

"What would you like for lunch? take-out food? Or to the opposite restaurant? "

Ji Rui refers to the restaurant in the shopping city opposite Ji's building, which belongs to Luo Yifan. Letong likes the dishes there very much.

"Let them send it. I'll prepare some materials later. I'll use them when I apply for the license in the afternoon." Letong chose the most time-saving plan.

Who knows, before the takeout is delivered, Ji Rui receives a call from captain Wu of the police station, asking him to go there.

"Letong, will you come with me?"

Letong hesitates to take a look at the unfinished materials spread on the table. She can't make up her mind for a moment.

About the baby, of course, Letong wants to know.

Even though what she learned may be the dark side, she couldn't help exploring it. Her cowardice has always appeared only when she was alone. In front of her relatives who need her protection, she has always been brave and strong.

"You want to go, don't you?" Ji Rui sees through her heart easily.

"Is that ok?" Ji Rui has already said hello to the other party in advance about the application for the license. Now it's not good to break one's promise.

"If there's anything you can't do, you can submit the materials tomorrow."

Said, directly hung up a phone in the past, to the home of the elderly sick need to take care of the reason, the agreed time in the morning moved to tomorrow afternoon.

The lunch for the two was settled in the car.

To the police station, the captain led the two to one of the offices, pointing to the computer screen showing the snowflakes for the time being.

"You sit here and have a look. Put on your headphones and see if her confession is true."

They nodded their heads to show that they understood. Captain Wu hid the door and went out.

Not long after captain Wu left, the screen flashed a few times, and finally a person appeared in the picture. This person, no one else, is Mrs. Ji.

Ji Rui and Letong haven't seen her for a while. At this time, her eyes are deeply sunken and haggard. It seems that she is not comfortable in the sanatorium.

When the camera opens, the person on the screen in another compartment startles Letong and Ji Rui.

"Your father, how could he be there?" Letong asks Ji Rui's questions.

The door was pushed open and captain Wu put his head in.

"Mr. Ji, I forgot to tell you just now that Mr. Ji was sent by your driver. He said he should also be tried."

Ji Rui answered "well" and didn't say anything again.

After the trial, it seemed very smooth. Mrs. Ji clearly explained the purpose, process and result of her doing so.

"Yes, it's all my own business. It is clear that I am Mrs. Ji. Why should I be constrained by him everywhere and let him bully and insult me? He is the young master of the Ji family, and so are our sons. Why can he sit on the throne of president, and our sons have to be exiled abroad, and finally they are framed by him and become prisoners

In Letong's eyes, Mrs. Ji on the screen has been blinded by hatred.

"Mrs. Ji, though, these are your family affairs. But I heard that the predecessor of Ji's family was actually the brilliant group of general Ji's grandfather. Moreover, when you brought your two sons in, general Ji's mother was still alive, right? "

It's captain Wu, who has some friendship with Ji Rui, who said this. As for the old stories of the Ji family, the old people know a lot, but few dare to say it.

Mrs. Ji bited her lips and stared at captain Wu. Her eyes were in a panic. For a moment, she couldn't find the right words to answer him.

"Be contented! Don't you think it's shameful that some things, which are not yours at all, are forcibly seized by grabbing and even harrowed? What's more, do you still have humanity when you treat a child like this? "

Captain Wu scolds others perfectly. It seems that he doesn't want to see such a vicious woman again. He gets up directly. On the screen here, he jumps and the screen turns black.

When the screen came back on, it was Mr. Ji's face.

Compared with Mrs. Ji's orderly statement, Mr. Ji's statement is chaotic and illogical. What he said, whether the purpose or the process, is quite different from what Mrs. Ji said.

Obviously, one of them is lying.

Ji's trial was not long. It was over in less than 20 minutes.

Captain Wu went back to this room again, "Mr. Ji, which of them do you think lied?"

Ji Rui hardly thought, "my dad!"

As a man, Ji Rui knows why he wants to do it.

At that time, when Mr. Ji pursued his mother, he already had this childhood sweetheart behind him. It's just that his mother didn't know.

In other words, at the beginning, Ji Rui's motive was very impure. From the beginning, both Ji Rui's mother and the woman were victims.

What's more ridiculous is that after master Ji completely controlled the glory of Ji's family, he selfishly wanted to enjoy the happiness of the whole family and resolutely brought his childhood sweetheart and their two sons back to Ji's family.

It can be said that the ultimate fuse of today's situation is actually Mr. Ji.

From the heart, in the past decades, Mr. Ji has been obedient to Mrs. Ji until the arrival of the baby.

Maybe it's because of the debt to Ji Rui's mother and son, or maybe the baby is too cute. Anyway, as soon as the baby appears, it instantly takes away most of Ji's attention.

Has been spoiled lawless old lady Ji, where can accommodate the baby?

Therefore, it can also be said that Ji's love for the baby, indirectly, has become a sharp weapon to hurt the baby.

Le Tong knows Ji Rui's idea, and captain Wu seems to know it.

"By doing so, he is obstructing judicial justice. If President Ji wants to be investigated, we can also sue him."

"No need!"

Ji Rui knows that there is a kind of prison in this world, which is called the shackles of the heart. Even if Ji doesn't have to go to prison, his heart will bear these sins to death.

"Well, we will verify it one by one according to the woman's confession. If she is convicted, she will have to stay in it for at least ten years. Can you accept the result?"

Captain Wu's "acceptable" does not mean that the sentence is too heavy, but asks Ji Rui if he thinks the sentence is too light.

"Team Wu, I'll let lawyer fan contact you later."