Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 595

In the police station, Ji Rui and Letong don't meet with Ji Laozi. Ji Laozi doesn't know. When he records his confession, Ji Rui and Letong watch quietly in another room.

In the next two or three days, Mr. Ji was not normal. In the past, I used to call every day to ask about my baby and Niuniu, but I haven't heard a word these days.

Even the baby feels strange, "Daddy, didn't grandfather call?"

Ji Rui had to lie, "well, grandfather can't sleep well these days. He is sleeping during the day."

Half believe and half doubt, he pulled back as like as two peas.

"Young master, the master has been losing sleep these nights, so he has to make up for it during the day. He is still sleeping at this time."

Baby is hands-free, so Ji Rui and Letong also heard the words of housekeeper Li.

Of course, mending sleep is a fake. It is estimated that master Ji has no face to see his son, grandson and daughter-in-law.

Baobao is a sensible child. After that, he didn't ask Ji Rui and Letong about Ji Laozi. Just call back to the mansion in private, every time, of course, it's housekeeper Li who answers the phone, but Baobao can only ask housekeeper Li, "please help him take good care of his grandfather. When he is more comfortable, Baobao and Niuniu will go back to accompany him."

Blink of an eye, to the last day of the year.

In Letong's opinion, this day is no different from usual, class photo, work photo.

New year's Day coincides with Saturday and Sunday, so there will be three days of holiday next. When Ji's employees have lunch, they get together to discuss the place of the long holiday.

Today, Letong also went to the dining hall to have dinner. When she came back with the meal, she asked Ji Rui, "Ji Rui, do we have a travel plan for new year's day?"

Ji Rui shook his head. "I don't have it. Do you?"

Yue Tong couldn't think of any good idea for a moment, so she gave up on this issue.

"Forget it, go back and see what the baby means."

Ji Rui took the meal she handed over, but didn't eat it immediately.

"We seldom have a few days off. Why don't we go to see the wedding dress tomorrow?"

The wedding day was finally decided on February 14, the Western Valentine's day, after a selection between Mr. Yang and the man in his mouth.

"So early?"

But in Letong's mind, February 14 is still more than 40 days away. There's really no need to worry.

Ji Rui can't help sighing, saying that marriage is one of the two important things in a woman's life. But in front of this woman, where does she feel that marriage is important?

Whether it's a license or a wedding that hasn't started yet, she looks like a normal person.

"Letong, can you be a little conscious?" Ji Rui didn't ask.

"What consciousness?" Yue Tong is bulging the cheek to slant to look at him, the clear eyes completely can't see the tiny impurity.

I don't know if she was stupid or didn't care about the wedding.

"Forget it, eat."

Ji Rui thinks that he is more and more careful. If he goes on like this, he will have to be sick sooner or later. And she seems to be more and more confused. Is it because of too much work?

Originally silly Letong, suddenly came over, body a shake a shake, wait for Ji Rui to look down at her, just know that she is holding a smile.

In an instant, he knew that this woman was making fun of herself again!

Originally, how could such a smart person not know his dissatisfaction and thoughts?

Letong giggled for a while, finally stopped and said, "Mr. Ji, I've seen the wedding dress and dress design that you secretly asked people to send. I also gave our information to a wedding company. Of course, if you want to do it yourself, the wedding company can cancel it. "

Ji Rui's breath in his heart is finally relieved.

"The wedding company doesn't have to cancel it. Let them help. It's more comprehensive. Don't make it as casual as yuan'er."

Letong rolled her eyes. Now she is afraid of the situation of yuaner's wedding. How can president Ji say that people are casual and incomplete?

Does that mean that on the wedding day, she will suffer a great crime?

After lunch, Letong goes out to do business. When she comes back, Ji Rui is not in.

Letong is a little puzzled. Didn't she hear that he was going out to work today?

When I come out of Ji Rui's office, I happen to meet Lin Ling who is delivering the documents.

"Tongtong, Ji always said to go to the construction site to see, let you don't run around after work, wait for Xiao Li to come back to pick you up."

"Oh, thank you, sister Ling!" Letong didn't think much about it.

But Lin Ling laughed and teased her, "Tong Tong, does Ji always treat you as a child? And don't run around... When he said this to me, he seemed very worried. "

Over the past few months, Letong has become a lot more cheeky by Ji's employees.

"He just treats me like a child! Of course, it also shows that he is quite conscious and knows that he is old. "

Lin Ling doesn't dare to answer Letong's words. Letong dares to run, but Ji Zong dares not.

What's more, President Ji is just in his early 30s. It's the age of yizhihua. How old is he?

Lin Ling, who was afraid that she would not be able to come back again, quickly handed over the documents on her hand.

"This is a document that needs to be signed by general manager Ji. Shall I send it in?"

"Give it to me!"

Letong took the document, took it out and looked at it carefully, some of which she could deal with, so she helped to deal with it first.

There was a knock on the door outside, and Le Tong, who was looking at the documents, called out, "come in."

"Miss Le, the president asked me to come back to pick you up."

It was the driver Xiao Li who pushed the door in.

Letong looked up at the time, a little puzzled, "so early? It's not five o'clock yet

"The president asked me to pick you up and then pick up the baby. The whole kindergarten was disinfected today, and there was no delay in service."

As soon as she heard that she was going to pick up the baby, Letong immediately took the document back.

"Miss Le, you look very tired. Close your eyes and have a rest. I'll call you when it's time." Xiao Li said to Letong in the back seat while driving the EMU.

From Ji to kindergarten, if the traffic is smooth, it will take more than 20 minutes. As usual, Letong often takes this short time to have a rest.

"Well, please brother Li."

Letong sleeps peacefully with her eyes closed. For 20 minutes, it seems very long. Letong has a beautiful dream. When the car stops, Letong slowly opens her eyes.

Gradually clear head, in front of the scene, but is not a kindergarten, but a three story small house with a garden.

"Brother Li, this is..."

Le Tong's face is full of confusion. She rubs her eyes hard. She thinks she is confused and sees the illusion.

"Miss Le, please!"

Xiao Li opens the door and asks Letong to get off.

Although Le Tong was confused, she trusted Xiao Li and got out of the car neatly. She went to the wooden fence of the house.

"Miss Le, go in."

Holding the pure white fence, Letong feels that the small house is like a castle in a fairy tale, and pushes the fence aside.


A mass of ribbons spread and fell before her eyes.

"Happy Birthday