Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 593

Le Tong gave Ji Rui the watch, "OK, let's go back to examine the woman first. Your father's side, I'll leave one of my men here to watch. Let's put it for the moment."

Of course, the team leader knows that from Ji Rui's point of view, one side is the father, the other side is the son. No matter which side he chooses, he will feel uncomfortable.

As a result, he boldly made a decision, turned around and told one of his subordinates that he was monitoring Mr. Ji's daily life, and rushed back to the police station with Dr. Dong.

After the captain left, Ji said "sorry" to Letong and Ji Rui, Then he asked Uncle Jing to push him upstairs to have a rest. Maybe he didn't have the face to face his son and daughter-in-law.

Ji Rui and Letong did not stay, and then left the mansion to rush to the apartment.

Sitting in the car, Letong looks out the window at the street view flying by. She feels like she has overturned a bottle of Schisandra.

The pain and suffering of the baby during his illness are still fresh in my mind.

At that time, she only thought that the baby's life was miserable. Now she knows that all these sufferings are not God's will, but are harmed by her closest relatives!