Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 592

Most young people, at this time, are playing freely in bars or squares or KTV, waving their limited youth and unlimited enthusiasm.

Letong and Ji Rui, on the other hand, are typing on a computer. Sometimes they are wrinkling and meditating. Sometimes they get together to exchange their opinions. Time flies by. Blink of an eye. It's past zero. They have a new day in their work, that is, Christmas.

"Tired, go to sleep."

Ji Rui turns off the computer and hugs Letong who leans back in the chair.

Some time ago, she was ordered to go to bed at 11 o'clock at the latest every day. But recently, there are many facts on hand. She is unwilling to make Ji Rui work hard alone, so she insists on accompanying Ji Rui to the end.

However, after a period of comfortable life, the labor intensity of these days really makes her a little unbearable. Ji Rui couldn't persuade her, so he had to go to bed at zero every day.

Seeing that she was really tired, Ji Rui bent over to pick her up and went back to the bedroom.

Twist on the light, holding her to the bed, tired paralysis, Yue Tong body a stick to the bed, then comfortable to stretch out the body, closed his eyes.

Ji Rui doesn't ask her to brush her teeth any more. He helps her cover the quilt. He wants to wring a hot towel to wash her face. He straightens up and sees a big sock hanging on the head of the bed!

Ji Rui was overjoyed. He was afraid that he would make a mistake again, but he was bored and depressed. He reached over and fished out the sock. Holding his breath, he opened the sock to have a look. Inside, there was a beautifully packed box.

"Baby, is this your present for me?"

Ji Rui was disappointed once before. This time, he carefully asked Letong for confirmation.

"Eh..." Yue Tong still closed her eyes and answered vaguely.

Ji Rui embraces the socks and sits on the bed happily. The depression of the whole night is swept away.

"Really for me?" Ji Rui carefully takes the box out of the sock like a child.

Letong turns over and lies on Ji Rui's thigh, half asleep and half awake, muttering, "well... See if you like..."

"I must like it!" Ji Rui hasn't opened the box. He doesn't even know what's inside. His lips are about to reach his ears.

The confused Letong thinks his answer is too perfunctory. He half opens his eyes and takes a look at him. Seeing that the box is still intact in his hand, he turns his lips and says, "it's not opened yet!"

Ji Rui bent over and gave her a kiss on her lips. "As long as it's from you, no matter what it is, I like it."

Le Tong rolled his eyes, "I knew this, I'll go to the market to buy a big wax gourd for you, let you sleep every day."

Ji Rui smiles and kisses her again“ I don't like big wax gourd. I have you. "

Yue Tong poked his chest and pretended to be very unhappy. "In your heart, am I just like a big wax gourd?"

Ji Rui blinked innocently, "I didn't say it. Didn't you say it yourself?"

Le Tong snorted and reached out to grab the box. "I won't give you this gift. It's a cruel thing."

Ji Rui handed the box in the air.

"I've already accepted the gift. It's mine."

Le Tong snorted again, rubbed rubbed, found a comfortable position on his thigh, and slowly closed his eyes.

Ji Rui touched her face pitifully. He could not help kissing her on the tip of the nose. Letong's palm slapped on his face. "I'm so tired. I don't want it today..."

Ji Rui naturally knows that she is tired. She stayed up all night in the hospital last night. Where can he afford to disturb her?

"Look at it quickly..." Yue Tong, who closed her eyes, orders him vaguely.

Ji Rui rips open the wrapping paper of the box. Inside is a square box. In the box, in addition to a men's watch, there is a pair of Cufflinks of the same brand as the watch.

"Do you like it?"

Letong didn't open her eyes, but with her voice, she knew that he had seen the true face of the gift.

"Yes! Baby, thank you Ji Rui's lips are printed on Letong's lips again.

Letong opened his eyes in a daze and sat up on his bed. "Put it on and show me..."

Letong's eyes are gradually clear, and she looks at Ji Rui wearing his watch on his wrist without blinking.

She hasn't bought anything so expensive, and she's not sure that her aesthetic judgment must be in line with Ji Rui's mind. She's not sure whether Ji Rui will look good with the style she chooses.

"The cuff link is the same as the watch. I think it suits you very well, so I bought it together."

Letong has added a lot of clothes for Ji Rui during this period, but they are basically casual clothes, because Ji Rui's wardrobe has a lot of high-grade suits tailored by private fashion designers, and there are also a lot of ties that match these suits, so she doesn't need to buy any more.

As for watch accessories, Ji Rui also has a lot of them. Letong didn't plan to buy them originally, but just saw this one and thought that Ji Rui would look very good on it, so she bit her teeth and bought the expensive limited edition watch.

Fortunately, she has a black gold card given to her by Mr. Yang a few days ago, which is a regular dividend of shares. Otherwise, she will have to borrow money from her baby's account again.

Ji Rui is a well proportioned wheat skin. Although his skin is not as delicate as Letong's and baby's, it is not as rough as most men's. the lines of his wrists are very beautiful, and his hands are big, but his fingers are slender. This watch with silver white watch chain, black dial and diamond inlaid scale shows his wisdom and calmness when worn on his wrists.

"It's very nice!" Ji Rui sighs sincerely.

"Do you like it?" Letong put her face in front of him to ask for credit.

"Very much!" Ji Rui has decided that he will only wear this watch in the future.

"And the Cufflinks?" Letong fingers are also inlaid with broken diamond cufflinks.

"I like it very much, too!" Ji Rui is not lying.

He put the cuff link in his hand and looked at it carefully. It suddenly occurred to him.

"Baby, do you remember?"

"Huh?" Le Tong was asked inexplicably.

"You've given Yang Sheng a pair of Cufflinks before."

Ji Rui remembers very clearly that just a few days after Yang Sheng returned from Y country, Letong gave him a pair of cuff links. At that time, he was very unhappy!

Of course, Letong remembers, but that was more than a year ago.

"Mr. Ji, don't you? It's been a long time. It's hard for you to remember!" Letong curls her lips, admires Ji Rui's memory and despises his spirit.

"Of course, I remember all about you!"

Ji Rui himself can't say why. Before he realizes that he likes Letong, everything about her has sprouted and rooted in his heart, and deeply branded.