Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 591

After tossing about the Christmas gifts of the two children, Letong is pulled back to the master bedroom by the mysterious Ji Rui.

"What's the matter?" Simple Letong thinks Ji Rui has something to talk about with her.

Ji Rui does not say a word however, the music Tong that does not have guard completely overwhelms on the bed.

Letong didn't panic. She glanced at the wall clock and said, "Hey, it's still early!"

Recently, their lives in bed are very harmonious, but Ji's work is too much. After the children sleep, most of them will work overtime to deal with their affairs. All bed activities are carried out around 0:00. It's not 9:00 now. It's really early!

Ji Rui chewed two mouthfuls on her lips, then opened a little distance and looked at Letong solemnly, "where's mine?"

Yue Tong does not dodge ground to return to looking at him, "what?"

Ji Rui frowns slightly, not sure whether she's pretending to be stupid, or she doesn't hear him at all, or she doesn't prepare Christmas gifts for him at all.

Ji Rui's face sank at the thought of the last possibility.

Baby six years old, never had Christmas, not miserable.

Unfortunately, the president of Jida, who is one year old in his thirties, has never been with him for Christmas.

The worst thing is that when he thought he would receive the first Christmas gift in his life, the cruel reality told him that it was just a beautiful lie and there was no gift at all.

"Where's my present?" Ji Rui didn't give up. He forced down all kinds of unhappiness and disappointment in his heart and asked.

Yue Tong blinked, "gift? What gift? "

Letong's innocent innocence is Ji Rui's favorite, but she wants to crush her innocent face.

Ji Rui didn't know whether to hate his self indulgence or Letong's incomprehensible amorous feelings. Originally, he was going to wait for her to present the gift before taking it out. But he was not in the mood at all.

Holding the bed in his hand, he sprang up, got out of bed in a twinkling of an eye, and strode to the door, but he didn't see Le Tong on the bed smiling like a sly fox.

"Hello, Ji Rui, you should make it clear. What's the present?"

Le Tong sat up on the bed, forced to smile, and strode toward Ji Rui who was stiff and walked to the door.

The man, who was obviously sulking, ignored her, opened the door, flashed out and "bang" closed the door.

Letong listens to his heavy footstep sound, walks far, just lies on the bed to laugh.

Occasionally tease this sultry man, really can let the body and mind comfortable!

After Ji Rui goes out, Letong stays in the bedroom for a few minutes before she gets up and pulls off her clothes. She automatically goes to the study to help Ji Rui deal with his affairs.

She teases Ji Rui, but it is a kind of small taste, or to be exact, it is evil taste. Ji Rui is too kind and gentle to her now. Occasionally, she wants to see him sulky.

Therefore, Letong, who knows that she is wrong, obediently takes a cup of Ji Rui's recently favorite Dahongpao and pushes it to Ji Rui.

"Are you all set for tomorrow? If you really can't leave, you can go back to the company in the afternoon and I'll accompany the two children. "

Christmas is a Western holiday, but there is no holiday in China. In principle, Ji Rui and Letong both have to work. Although they are the boss and the boss's wife, they have no right to ask and manage whether they go back or not. However, due to the cooperation with Yang, Jin Ji's recent development momentum is very rapid, and the workload is also increasing suddenly. As a responsible boss and landlady, they are naturally the two busiest ones.

"No, I've arranged it all!" Ji Rui doesn't come back to her angrily. He doesn't even raise his head.

Letong smiles in her heart. No matter whether he is working or not, she walks up behind him and hugs him around the neck. The whole person lies on his back.

"Mr. Ji, are you in a bad mood? Is it too busy and stressful? "

Ji Rui's hand, which used to knock on the keyboard at full speed, stagnates and turns to stare at her silently. He turns back to face the screen and continues to be busy with his own business.

Ji Rui looks at calm without wave on the surface. In fact, he is vomited with blood by Yue Tong.

He is in a bad mood, which is because he is too busy, too much pressure, all because she is good or not?!

But the culprit didn't feel it at all. After stabbing him, he came to make up for it.

Letong clenched her lips and forced herself to smile. She touched his chin with one hand and lifted the teacup with the other. She handed it to his mouth and coaxed him with a soft voice.

"Officer, have a cup of tea! It's made by a little girl with love and care. People can't drink it if they want to... "

Ji Rui's hand is in the air again.

Letong's soft voice, Letong's words, like dexterous fingers, "Ding Ding Ding" to knock in his heart, his reason, then a little bit to collapse. Some of his senses and desires, which were deliberately suppressed, were also activated little by little by these crisp voices and provocative words.

Slightly warm cup along the stick on his lips, some kind of primitive instinct, with the boiling blood, fanatically running shouting.

His mouth opened completely out of his control.

The slender hand tilted the cup slightly, and the sweet tea slowly poured into his mouth.

"Officer, is it good?"

Letong soft waxy to ask, hot breath, spray in Ji Rui neck after ear.


No matter how strong Ji Rui's self-control is, under his beloved's words and behaviors full of temptation, his original anger and resentment have already been defeated together with reason.

At this time, Ji Rui deeply understood the true meaning of "overcoming hardness with softness".

And Letong is the best woman to use this weapon that Ji Rui met.

He did not think that it was because he loved this woman so much that her "softness" could not go against him.

At this time Ji Rui was very contradictory.

Perceptual, he told himself, this time, should ignore, work is not done, tea is not drunk, directly take her back to the room to do exercise is the most important thing.

But his remaining reason told him that these documents in his hand must be completed before midnight tonight, because the staff of Y country are waiting for this plan to deploy the next work.

Hesitating, the cup of tea, he has been a drop left to drink all.

"Officer, do you want any more?" Letong seems to be addicted to the role game, and Ji Rui's sweet and greasy voice is very crisp.

"No more." Ji Rui, of course, wants to make a cup of tea with love. He wants to drink it for a lifetime.

But he forced himself to say what was right and wrong, and tried his best to straighten up and continue his work, because he knew very well that the hard work of him, Letong, Yang Sheng and all Ji's people was more important than the joy of the night.

And he and Letong, after a lifetime of time together, everything, not urgent.