Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 590

Zhuo Jiarui breathed a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, he heard Ji Rui's voice cooling down again.

"It's sister-in-law!"

"Ah?" Zhuo Jiarui stealthily wipe sweat, with smart people, the head is really not enough!

"Is Tong Tong your name? Call me sister-in-law later

Zhuo Jiarui rolled his eyes in his heart and knew that it was the wife of President Ji. Who dares to think that there are no others?!

In the heart disdain, the mouth can not say what, "is a sister-in-law, is a sister-in-law! It's not because my sister-in-law is young and beautiful that I can't say it. "

Ji Rui didn't pay much attention to him. He walked in front of him. He turned his head and glared at him.

"It's also my business to be beautiful, it's none of your business!"

Zhuo Jiarui secretly complained in his heart. As expected, he made many mistakes!

"Yes! yes! It's nothing to do with me. I'll send it to the courier. When is Mr. Ji free to have a drink together? "

Two people who used to meet occasionally had not drunk together for several months.

"No time!" Ji Rui pushes open the door of the office and turns him down.

Zhuo Jiarui is secretly grieving. He hears Ji Rui say, "if you don't think coffee is hard to drink, just come in and have a drink."

Zhuo Jiarui looks very grateful, but Ji Rui says, "for the sake of boss Zhuo's delivery, it's OK to treat you to a cup of instant coffee."

Zhuo Jiarui, who was following him, faltered slightly. Is it hard for him to drive the necklace to him in person? He just wanted a cup of instant coffee from President Ji?

In the office of Ji's president, boss Zhuo is tasting the fast melting coffee that is hard to swallow. On the other side of the shopping mall, Letong has already bought a Christmas present for the two children and Ji Rui.

Originally, Xiao Li asked her to call him after she bought the gift. Letong thought it was too troublesome, so accompanied by the bodyguard, she called a taxi back to the hospital.

Back in the ward, before the baby wakes up, Letong hides the gift and goes to Dr. Dong to inquire about the progress of the test. Dr. Dong says that the items that have been tested are not suspicious. There are still some items that may have to wait until tomorrow to have a specific test result.

Le Tong nodded to understand, afraid of interfering with Dr. Dong's work, after thanking, she turned around and left, "Tong Tong, I'll go with you to see the baby's condition. If there's nothing wrong, we can go through the discharge procedures."

Dr. Dong carefully checked the baby and confirmed that there was no abnormality. He closed the medical record and handed it to his assistant. He touched the baby's face and said with a smile.

"Baby, you can leave the hospital now."

"Thank you, uncle Dong. Here you are!"

The baby smilingly handed a big red apple to Dr. Dong, "happy Christmas Eve!"

Dr. Dong took the apple with a smile, "thank you, baby! What to do? Uncle Dong didn't prepare a gift for the baby. "

The baby shook his head solemnly, "Uncle Dong, you are wrong!"

"Oh? What's wrong with me? " Dr. Dong doesn't pretend to be stupid. He really doesn't want to understand what's wrong with him.

"Mommy said that health is the greatest wealth, so, uncle Dong, you have already given your baby a big gift." The little guy's logical reasoning ability is not generally strong.

"Ha ha, baby is so smart, right, health is the biggest wealth!"

Dr. Dong takes a look at Letong, who is standing by the bed and tidying things for her baby. He silently wishes for the mother and son who are optimistic to survive the great disaster.

Letong completes the baby's discharge procedures, and Xiao Li just returns to the hospital.

Letong calls Ji Rui, "Ji Rui, Dr. Dong says that the baby can be discharged. You haven't finished your work. Let brother Li take us back, so you don't have to run on both sides."

There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone before he said, "OK! Let Xiao Li take you back to your apartment. My uncle Li arranges the driver to send Niuniu back, too. "

Letong knows Ji Rui very well. Naturally, after last night, Ji Rui must be in a very complicated mood. It's normal not to want to go back to the mansion and not to face him.

"Well, well, I'll ask aunt Guan to prepare dinner. What do you want to eat? I'll send you a message later."

From the hospital back to the mansion and Ji Rui's apartment is just the north and south two opposite directions, smart baby see the car's direction is wrong, pick the driver's chair to ask Xiao Li.

"Uncle Xiao Li, aren't we going back to my grandfather's house?"

Xiao Li didn't know how to answer for a moment, but Letong answered quickly.

"Grandpa asked some friends out for tea and chess today. We went back to our apartment."

Baobao always believes in Letong, but in his heart, he is still thinking about his sister.

"What about Niuniu?"

"Mommy has asked grandfather Li to send Niuniu back to our house."

When Ji Rui returns to the apartment, it's dark. As soon as he opens the door, he hears the baby telling stories. Needless to say, the elder brother is telling stories to the baby sister again.

"Are you tired? Do you want to take a shower first? "

Hearing the door ring, Letong comes out and takes the briefcase in Ji Rui's hand.

Ji Rui embraces her waist and kisses her lips. "No, I'll wash my face and let aunt Guan have dinner."

He hands his coat to Letong and walks to the sofa where the baby is sitting. He kneels on the carpet half on one knee. His big hand naturally touches the baby's forehead and kisses the girl on the sofa.

"Daddy, Niuniu can listen to stories." Baby has to show her sister to Ji Rui.

"Well, because the baby's story is very interesting!"

Ji Rui is no longer the strict father who was stingy to praise his children.

At dinner, when Letong and Ji Rui mentioned their trip tomorrow, the baby was very happy.

"Daddy and Mommy, are we really going to the theme park tomorrow?"

Baobaochang is so old that no one has ever celebrated Christmas for him. Every year when the children in the class come back to school after Christmas, they would boast about the Christmas Carnival and show off the Christmas gifts they received. At that time, he had to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and he also pretended to disdain the foreign Ghost Festival.

So, when he knew that this year he could show off to the children, his face immediately filled with smiles.

"Of course, it's true, so after dinner, the baby should go to bed earlier. Tomorrow, the task of protecting Niuniu should be given to the baby!"

"No problem!" The baby who has been entrusted with the important task has a great sense of responsibility, and even the speed of eating is much faster.

After dinner, the baby was obedient and climbed into bed early.

Letong and Ji Rui go to have a look at the two children after their respective baths. Both of them have fallen asleep.

Letong takes out the two big socks that hold the gifts, and puts the gifts of Baobao and Niuniu into the socks and hangs them on the bedside of the two children.