Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 585

Because it rained harder and harder, it took more than an hour for the car to drive back to the mansion. However, compared with the days of working overtime, the time to go home was much earlier.

Originally thought, a return to the mansion will not get the baby shouting welcome.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door was opened, a servant came up in a hurry.

"Where's the baby?" Yue Tong a see the other side a face sad color, in the heart secretly cry not good.

"Miss Le, the baby went to find Dabai and Xiaobai."

Letong frowned and looked outside. The pouring rain was still falling.

"You mean the baby went to find the cat and hasn't come back yet?"

"Yes, I don't know where the two cats have gone. The baby is anxious, and housekeeper Li and they have rushed out, but they haven't come back yet..."

"Is the baby going that way?" Letong didn't wait for the servant to finish. She found two raincoats from the shelf of the porch and stuffed one for Ji Rui.

"Over there." The servant pointed to the West.

Letong turns to run, Ji Rui pulls her, "Letong, I'll go with Xiao Li, you stay at home."

Letong's body is getting better. Ji Rui is afraid that once she gets in the rain, she will suffer again.

"No!" Letong shook her hand and quickly put on her raincoat. In the blink of an eye, she ran into the heavy rain.

Ji Rui has no choice but to tell Xiao Li, "go and turn on the monitoring of the whole garden to see where the baby is."

After giving orders, he chased Letong and ran into the rain.

The heavy rain poured into Letong's mouth, and her eyes couldn't be fully opened by the rain. The rain seeped in from her neck, cold to the bone.

But Letong's heart is a hundred times colder than the rain.

After the baby was discharged from the hospital, both she and Ji Rui have been very careful to protect the baby.

Dr. Dong urged them to pay attention, because the baby is still in the recovery period. Although the body is getting stronger day by day, the immunity has not reached the level of normal people. It may be a minor disease for others, but it may be a disaster for the baby.

So, now Letong, the bone chilling into a surge of fear from the bone, her mouth loudly called, "baby, baby..."

Hands and feet, but constantly shaking.

"Letong, don't run around. You are not familiar with this place. Let's look for it together."

Ji Rui, who catches up with her, pulls her back from the muddy grass to the stone path. Compared with Letong, Ji Rui is much calmer.

But that doesn't mean he's not afraid!

He can't imagine how bad the consequences will be if the baby gets sick.

"Ji Rui, let's look for it separately... It will be faster..." Letong's voice trembled slightly, especially desolate in the sound of the heavy rain.

"No, let's look for it together."

Ji Rui resolutely vetoed Le Tong's proposal, holding her big hand like a pair of pliers, holding her hand tightly.

"Baby... Baby..."

Letong has no choice but to anxiously follow Ji Rui to find out.

After searching in the heavy rain for about ten minutes, Letong's voice was a little hoarse.

Ji Rui is both distressed and anxious. Fortunately, at this time, his phone rings. It's Xiao Li.

"President, the baby is in the osmanthus forest of Xiyuan."

A few minutes later, Ji Rui and Letong run into the osmanthus forest. Under a big osmanthus tree, they find the baby with Dabai and Xiaobai in their arms.

"Daddy, Mommy." The baby is very smart. He knows that it's hard to get wet when he's hiding from the big tree. Even if he hears the cry of the two, he still stays under the big tree obediently.

The baby's voice sounds the same as usual, but Letong's cold heart is a little warm.

Ji Rui walks out of Gui Garden with his baby in his arms. Xiao Li has already driven a small car. As soon as he gets on the car, Ji Rui peels off the wet clothes on the baby and wraps him in a blanket. As soon as he gets home, he immediately puts him in a warm bath with ginger.

The baby seems to know that she has scared her parents. She is soaking in the bathtub, but her little hand is on Letong's hand beside the bathtub.

"Mommy, I'm sorry. Baby is OK, don't worry

Letong here where have the heart to blame him, red eyes bent over his head into his arms.

"If the baby is OK..."

Ji Rui put the baby in the bathtub. On the side of caution, he went out of the bedroom, called Dr. Dong and told him the situation.

"Mr. Ji, although the baby has recovered well, we can't take it lightly. I think you and Tong Tong had better send him to the hospital and stay in the hospital for observation for a day or two. It's better if it's OK. In case of any abnormality, we are all here, and the treatment will be faster. "

Ji Rui thinks that Dr. Dong's words are reasonable. He immediately orders people to clean up some urgently needed goods. When the baby's body is warm, Ji Rui picks him up and helps him dry his body. While dressing, he carefully explains the hospitalization to the baby.

"Baby, uncle Dong asked you to go to the hospital for observation for one night, and we'll come back tomorrow, OK?"

The baby who comes back from the edge of life and death has no emotion of resistance, because he knows better than anyone. Only by actively cooperating with the doctor can he be healthier.

"Well, the baby knows."

Yue Tonghong bit her lips with her eyes, rubbed her baby's head and led him out of the door.

Dinner for the three was packed by the servant and taken to the car.

Housekeeper Li had a guilty look on his face

Ji Rui hasn't opened his mouth yet. Baobao has opened his mouth to help him get rid of it.

"Daddy, it's none of grandfather Li's business. It's the baby who doesn't know how to go to Dabai Xiaobai. Grandfather Li will accompany me to find him."

At this point, Ji Rui couldn't say anything. "Well," he answered the baby and said to housekeeper Li, "Uncle Li, when my father asks, you will say that the baby needs routine examination today and needs to be monitored for one night before he can come back tomorrow."

Father Ji has been suffering from rheumatism these two days. He can't sleep well at night. He has been resting in bed all afternoon. Therefore, he doesn't know that the baby was caught in the rain in order to find a cat.

"Well, I know what to say."

When he went to the hospital, Dr. Dong had specially vacated an intensive care unit for the baby. When the baby lay down in bed, Dr. Dong took out the inspection equipment and comforted the baby.

"Don't be afraid, baby. In fact, you have nothing to do. Uncle Dong is timid and wants you to come back and lie down for one night. I'm sorry!"

Baby giggled for a while, "baby knows that uncle Dong is the most timid doctor in the hospital."

Dr. Dong patted his little ass with approval, "yes, uncle Dong is the least courageous, and the baby is the bravest and the most courageous."

"Of course! Daddy and Mommy, do you think baby is brave? "

Baby stinks to show, his optimism and intimate, let tightly hold hands to stay in the bedside of Letong and Ji Rui both moved and worried.

"Yes, baby is the bravest man mom and dad have ever seen!"