Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 584

"No! That swan is not for eating. Mommy will take you ice cream. "

The woman's voice made Yang Sheng's face change suddenly.

Hands of the cup "bang" fell on the white tiles, splashing a dazzling flower!

The whole person is stupefied for a while, then tube regardless of ground suddenly shout out, "Chu ran!"

He cried, striding forward with his long legs, his hands around him, and the women who were still trying to wink at him.

When the obstacles around him disappeared, he could see clearly that a slim woman was standing in front of the cake with a little girl of about four or five years old. The little girl with two braids was pointing at the swan on the cake, rubbing her body against the woman, whining, "Mommy, I want to eat..."

The woman's figure is thinner than Chu Ran's, but her height is almost the same.

Just, the voice that can make him recognize immediately even if it turns grey, is not churan, who else can it be?!

"Churan!" Yang Sheng called to his back again in a slightly trembling voice.

The woman, however, did not respond at all. She just bent down and coaxed the little girl in a low voice.

Yang Sheng's eyes were full of sadness, and his fists were loose and tight, tight and loose. Finally, he took two steps forward with his red eyes biting his teeth, stretched out his hand shaking slightly, put it on the woman's shoulder, and called again softly, "churan..."

The woman seemed to be startled by his hand. She turned her head and looked at Yang Sheng.

"President Yang?"

Obviously, this woman is also the guest of the reception.

When Yang Sheng saw the woman's face, the sadness in her eyes was quickly replaced by disappointment.

"Mr. Yang? Do you recognize the wrong person? " The woman's words, like a sharp knife, stabbed into Yang Sheng's heart.

When I look down, I can see clearly that there is a famous brand of the director of an industrial company on the other side's chest. Of course, the name is not as churan he thought.


Yang Sheng withdrew his hand dejectedly, walked to the lounge and pushed open the door in silence amid the noise


After the joint reception, Letong and Ji Rui only stayed one night in Beijing. The next morning, they flew back to r city by the earliest flight.

In the days after that, Letong and Ji Rui were even busier. However, the busy work did not make Letong lose any weight. On the contrary, their weight rose slowly.

Then he went to see Dr. Fu again. As soon as he saw Letong, before he could feel his pulse, he nodded with a smile, "well, this time he looks good."

Before Letong can thank him, Ji Rui has handed over a box of hardbound wild Cordyceps sinensis that he brought back from Beijing last time.

"Thanks to doctor Fu's careful diagnosis and treatment, she not only has a good appetite, but also has a better sleep than before."

Letong's sleep quality is not good before. Ji Rui has never seen it with his own eyes, but he has heard of it. However, since he shared the same bed, he felt that Letong's sleep was getting heavier day by day.

Doctor Fu nodded again, "well, that's a good thing."

Say, push soft cushion to le Tong in front, signal her hand to put up.

"Well... The function of the five zang organs is really much better than before." Doctor Fu finished the pulse and gave a positive diagnosis.

"It's hard to drink the medicine of the previous prescription, isn't it? This recipe is a little different from the original one. It will taste better and taste better. "

As Dr. Fu lowered his head and wrote the prescription, he explained.

Yue Tong gives Ji Rui a white look. She has never complained to doctor Fu about the taste of the medicine. Think about it, Ji Rui should have mentioned it to doctor Fu in private.

After getting on the bus, Letong finally couldn't help complaining, "Ji Rui, did you complain with Dr. Fu that the medicine is too bad?"

Ji Rui replied boldly, "of course, he is a doctor. Shouldn't he listen to the patient's feedback and improve it?"

Letong completely convinced him, "Mr. Ji, traditional Chinese medicine is just like this. If you want to taste good, go to eat sugar. Or, it's OK to eat Chinese patent medicine made into sugar coated tablets, but those effects are certainly not as good as Chinese herbal decoction. "

"Dr. Fu didn't say as much as you did!" Ji Rui squints at Le Tong and pinches her face to show her dissatisfaction.

"Dr. Ren Fu is too lazy to give you the same opinion!" Le Tong is not angry to hum a way.

Ji Rui blinked, thought about it, put his arm around her shoulder and brought her into his arms.

"Well, I have the same idea. You had a little sleep last night. Now hurry up and squint for a while. In the afternoon, you will go to the auction with me. "

Because the cooperation between Ji and Yang has been in full swing, Ji needs two pieces of suburban land to build the factory. In the afternoon, there are two suitable pieces of land for auction.

Originally, Ji Rui could go alone or bring an assistant to this kind of occasion, but Ji Rui wanted Letong to be familiar with more workflow, so he insisted that she go with her.

Letong has no objection to this, because she knows that no matter how much theoretical knowledge Ji Rui teaches her, without practice, those can only be on paper.

Ji Rui got two pieces of land that he wanted. When he came out of the auction, he immediately asked the designer to explore the terrain on one of them while it was still early.

Letong naturally went with him. When the car was on the way, there was a sudden thunder in the clear sky. In the blink of an eye, it rained heavily.

As a last resort, Ji Rui had to cancel the itinerary. After calling the designer to communicate with him, he changed the direction for Xiao Li to go home.

Le Tong is woken up by Ji Rui's phone. She props up and looks out of the window. After catching a glimpse of the shops on both sides of the street, she turns to Ji Rui and says, "what's the date today?"

During this period of time, she has been so busy that she has forgotten the specific time. All she knows is that it is approaching the end of the year and new year's day.

"Twenty third." Ji Rui reported the date without thinking about it.

"You don't even remember the date after your promotion?" Ji Rui laughs and teases her.

Letong is very busy now. The affairs of the president's secretary have been handed over to a secretary who has just been recruited.

Yue Tong patted her forehead and nodded helplessly.

"It's true that you don't have to remember your itinerary and work schedule every day. The date is blurry in your mind. There are only about days left. I only remember that it's almost Christmas. Why don't we go to pick up the baby and Niuniu and spend Christmas together?"

They work too much and have been working overtime for several days. Ji can't see it. He just takes Baobao and Niuniu back to live in the mansion so that the two busy people can pick up their children when they have time.

Can't leave the children's Letong, had to go back to the mansion with Ji Rui every day.

Ji Rui thought, "or, just live in the mansion, OK?"