Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 586

After Dr. Dong finished a series of tests for the baby, it was late. The baby, who had been yawning for a long time, saw the doctor and the nurse leave, lay on the bed, found a comfortable place and soon fell asleep.

Letong helps him tuck in the quilt, dims the bedside lamp, and then lowers her head to kiss him. Then she turns around and follows Ji Rui out of the intensive care unit and comes to his office according to Dr. Dong's instructions.

"Mr. Ji, the baby is in good health. You don't have to worry about it. I want you to accompany him here, first to be just in case, and second to give him a comprehensive physical examination. "

Letong and Ji Rui nod and listen carefully.

"Today's examination, in addition to the normal routine examination, I also gave him an additional examination."

Yue Tong and Ji Rui take a look at each other. They can't help but ask anxiously, "is there any special situation?"

Dr. Dong shook his head to appease Letong. "No, the baby's condition is very stable. You don't have to worry too much. It's my master's idea to do this extra examination. "

"Your master?" This time, even Ji Rui couldn't help asking the exit.

"Well, didn't I tell you before? The baby's recovery is good. My master takes his whole treatment process as a detailed research object. About a month ago, my master discovered a new doubt. "

Hearing this, Letong's heart is half empty. She's afraid that the baby's condition will be repeated. But she doesn't intervene any more. She just holds Ji Rui's hand tightly and waits for Dr. Dong to say it quietly.

"From the baby's initial physical examination report, we found that a group of data in the baby's body is different from ordinary people. After more than a month of in-depth search and deliberation, we came to the conclusion that the baby's disease may be caused by some nitrosamines."

Letong stares at Ji Rui, thinking that his smart head should understand what Dr. Dong said. Unexpectedly, Ji Rui's eyes are also full of fog.

Ji Rui leaned forward slightly, "Dr. Dong, please make it clear."

"My master and I suspect that the baby's disease should not be related to heredity, but more likely to be caused by long-term use of certain nitrosamines."

Dr Tung's expression was very dignified and his words were very careful.

Letong and Ji Rui's brows twist together. Letong can even feel Ji Rui's palms are gurgling and sweating. Then, she hears Ji Rui ask what she wants to ask.

"Dr. Dong, do you mean that it is suspected that the baby's long-term ingestion of the substance you mentioned for some man-made reason will lead to the onset of the disease?"

Ji Rui's voice, suddenly no temperature, and his hand, with his tone, cold, stiff!

Dr. Dong nodded slowly, "yes, my master and I do think so. The baby is in good health before that, so it can be ruled out that the cause of disease is caused by taking some drugs for a long time. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a child who lives in a normal environment and has a normal diet to detect this set of abnormal data. "

Ji Rui looked dignified. After a long time, he asked Dr. Dong, "Dr. Dong, would you please cooperate with me to come to my home?"

By this time, Letong has vaguely understood Ji Rui's thoughts and intentions, "Ji Rui, are you sure?"

As a mother, she worries about her baby's body more than anyone else. But at the same time, as Ji Rui's wife, she is almost sure that if she finds something in Ji's mansion, the relationship between Ji Rui and Ji Laozi will break up again.

"I'm sure! No matter who dares to hurt the baby, I will make him or her pay the price! "

Ji Rui's eyes, in addition to the determination, there is incomparable pain.

As the father of the baby, he knows better than anyone that the pain and suffering after the baby's illness, even now, whether it is the baby or he and Letong, are always walking on thin ice.

If it's God's will, he can only choose to bear it silently and try to change it. But if it's man-made, he won't make the originator feel better.

Letong didn't mean to persuade Ji Rui, because the baby is her life. Anyone who wants to hurt him will want her life.

So, she just silently watched Ji Rui call the police station to arrange everything, and listen to Ji Rui's words, stay in the hospital to take care of the baby.

Ji Rui takes Dr. Dong and another doctor back to the gate of the mansion. There is a black car with several plainclothes policemen in it.

Ji Rui leads Dr. Dong and several policemen back to the mansion. Mr. Ji is sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper. When he sees Ji Rui coming back, he looks happy at first. Later, he is surprised to see that he is followed by several strangers except Dr. Dong.

"Ah Rui, where's the baby?"

Ji Rui ignores him and just raises his hand to call in housekeeper Li.

"Uncle Li, please let everyone go back to his room now. No one is allowed to leave the room without my order."

Li housekeeper a listen to Ji Rui's tone, already scared the facial expression is very white, where dare to ask why, repeatedly promise then turn round to run to arrange.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Ji Laozi also realized that something was wrong. He folded the newspaper and looked at Ji Rui seriously.

"Ah Rui, what happened?"

Ji Rui took a deep look at him. He seemed to have no desire to talk to him. He turned to Dr. Dong and said, "Dr. Dong, please repeat what you said to us in the hospital."

Ji Laozi put his hand on the armrest of the wheelchair, slightly shaking.

Since these days, the relationship between father and son has greatly improved. For him, Ji Rui is always called Dad, but now he is called "he" who is alienated from him. What's the big thing that makes Ji Rui's attitude change?

Ji old man son looks at Ji Rui, but, the other side actually even the white eye all grudges to give him a, just low voice heel after death that several strange men are saying what.

It took Dr. Dong about ten minutes to let Mr. Ji understand what he meant. "Dr. Dong, do you mean that the baby is like this? Maybe it's because of being deliberately harmed?"

Ji's voice trembled slightly, and his face was complicated. At this time, he didn't even have the courage to look up at his son.

"Well, it means something like that. Of course, these are our guesses, and I hope they are our guesses. "

The implication is that if this becomes true, it will do great harm to the family.

"Don't you mind if I let them do a carpet search all over the house?" His words were questions, but his actions showed everywhere that the search would be carried out whether Mr. Ji agreed or not.

Ji Rui looks at him coldly. His eyes are mixed with all kinds of emotions, including strong hatred.

Ji old son long ground sighed a breath, "search, search my bedroom first."