Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 581

"Bang!" With a white light, four uncle's head glory in the move.

What hit him on the head was the cup with tea in his hand.

"Dad, you..." the fourth uncle stared at the old man with both surprise and fear. On his hair, tea quickly gathered in a string and trickled down on him.

"Go away!" The old master roared, which made Letong jump.

"Ah Jing, throw the three of them out." Although the voice of the old man is old, it has the dignity and deterrence that people can't disobey.

"Yes, sir!"

Uncle Jing took the words respectfully. Almost in the blink of an eye, several strong men with bodyguard appearance came out and went straight to the three elders who were insulting and disdaining Le Tong. He made a gesture of please with no expression on his face, "senior young master (third young lady) please!"

The three men stood up, not daring to be fierce to the old master. They had to stare at Letong, turn around, and were forced to "throw" out of the door under the escort of several strong men.

Letong is really aware of, what is eccentric!

Moreover, this kind of eccentric protagonist, or she!

"Ah Jing, tell the security guard not to let them step into this room for three months."

When the old man finished his orders, he turned to comfort his "hurt" granddaughter.

"Girl, don't worry about them. One or two of them are all rubbish. They have no ability. They don't have the right mind all day. They want to poison others. Who dares to trouble you again in the future? Remember to tell your grandfather. He will teach them a lesson for you."

The old man's kindness, Letong naturally refused and nodded obediently.

"Thank you, grandpa!"

Yang Sheng, sitting on one side, seems to be a little blind.

"Grandfather, you are eccentric. At the beginning, when you caught me back, looking at being bullied, how could you not protect me and love me so much? How can I remember that you were still watching a good play and pouring cold water on it at that time? The more you watched, the better it was! "

It's also a protest against the old man's partiality, but Yang Sheng said it as a joke.

The old man gave him a white look and looked scornful. "What do you mean? Do you want me, an 80-90-year-old man, to help you out? Girl is a girl, born to be painful! "

Yang Sheng gave him a white eye. "Isn't my aunt a woman?"

The old man decided not to bird the "unfilial" grandson who poked his heart. He got up and went to the nursery to play with the baby and Niuniu.

As a result, what should have been a bustling family gathering turned into a small gathering because of the old man's "partiality".

However, compared with the lively atmosphere last night, the atmosphere of the lunch was more serious.

The reason is that Yang Sheng's father and Xiao Jing joined in, which made the atmosphere dull.

After the elders were politely asked to leave, Letong has been secretly observing the interaction between the old man and the second uncle. It turns out that the old man basically regarded the second uncle as a wallpaper and ignored him.

Letong is a little puzzled. Judging from the fact that the old man didn't drive the second uncle away together, the old man should have a good impression of the second uncle. At least, he didn't classify him into the big uncle group.

But if the impression is so good, the father and son hardly communicate with each other, and the old man never even glances at the second uncle.

And the old man has no enthusiasm for Xiaojing. He feels that a child he doesn't know is just like eating.

On the contrary, the baby is very curious about this little aunt and asks some questions from time to time. A big one and a small two children become the most noisy people at the dinner table.

Other adults, all eat in silence, no nonsense.

After dinner, Yang Sheng and Ji Rui are still studying a chess game with their baby. Xiaojing sits quietly and teases Niuniu. Instead of taking a nap, the old man talks about Letong's daily life.

"Your brother and Rui boy are discussing the cooperation conference. I'll explain your identity publicly by the way, so that someone will not be blind and always think you are bullying. What do you mean

Second uncle is also sitting in the living room. However, he hasn't intervened much from the beginning to the end, and even Le Tong slowly starts to ignore him.

"Grandfather, that's it. I don't like to make too much publicity. Life experience is always a private matter. I know that it's enough for me to have elders who love me. There's no need to publicize it. "

This is not the first time that the old master raised this question, but every time Letong was perfunctory. This time, she clearly expressed her own will.

Of course, the old master wants to be the right person for his granddaughter, but Letong insists on it. He can't beat her, so he has to give up.

After chatting for more than half an hour, the old man was finally tired. Uncle Jing helped him upstairs to take a nap.

Several children, including Xiaojing, went back to their rooms for lunch break. In the living room, there were four people left, including their second uncle, Yang Sheng and Ji ruiletong.

"Tongtong, this is my business card. If you have anything, you can call the second uncle. Although the second uncle has limited ability, he will try his best."

Letong politely took the business card, and her affection for the second uncle increased a little.

"Thank you, second uncle." She wanted to say that next time we invite you to dinner, but considering Yang Sheng's presence, she just put up with it.

"You're welcome, Xiaojing. If you call later, you can ignore her if you have no time."

In view of Xiaojing's undisguised love for Letong and Baobao, men certainly see it in their eyes.

"Second uncle, you are too polite. If she really comes to me, it's my honor to be a sister."

The second uncle sits for a while. He doesn't know if he has something to do or he doesn't want to face Yang Sheng. He asks uncle Jing to ask Xiao Jing to come out. Father and daughter leave.

Ji Rui and Yang Sheng's topic has been changed to the affairs of Y country. Letong has never followed the affairs of Y country. Therefore, he is not clear about the specific situation. After listening to this, he has no idea. He simply uses his laptop to surf the Internet.

In the past, most of Letong only looked at the entertainment gossip on the Internet, but recently, she also looked at the financial page to care about the economic and political trends and events.

As a result, a big headline on the front page of the financial page of a famous website suddenly attracted all her attention.

[Longxing Industrial Co., Ltd., funded by the largest consortium in country y, was boycotted by major domestic industrial companies, resulting in a sharp drop in its share price!]

Letong frowned slightly. If she remembers correctly, the largest consortia in Y country refers to the consortia owned by coco family, right?

She opened the page and read the report carefully.

Then, not surprisingly, she saw the names of Yang and Ji, who were in the top two on the boycott list.