Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 580

The man is not surprised by Letong's firmness at all. Maybe Yang Hao, who suffered a loss yesterday, has already embellished her "beautiful" image after he went back. Therefore, he, who is a great uncle, once he came back today, he put on a face that the elder taught the younger generation a lesson.

"Oh, he is really a fierce character with sharp teeth. No wonder when he comes back, he coaxes the old man around and his soul disappears. This is the same as your father. Of course, the premise is that you are really our little niece."

Men always look at Letong with contempt, but Letong doesn't feel much about it. In any case, she has no feelings for these three people, so she totally ignores their opinions.

"I really don't know if I'm your little niece. I only know that I'm my father's daughter, my grandfather's granddaughter, and my brother's sister. As for you, I haven't identified. I'm not sure."

Yue Tong's words, as long as you think about it, you can figure them out. In fact, they are really poisonous.

She said that she had been identified with the old master and Yang Sheng, so she could be sure that she was born. But at the moment, none of the three people would be free to have a paternity test with the old master. Since they have not done the identification, that is to say, they have no position to doubt each other's identity as the Yang family.

My aunt, who was watching the play, finally couldn't help saying, "tut Tut, I can't see that the girl's mouth is really poisonous. We've been in love with the old man for decades, but haven't we been married to your little girl? Whether we are born or not, we can tell by looking at this face. It's like some people with a fox's face... "

The fox spirit that Aunt refers to refers to Letong, but the second uncle on one side, I don't know if he was stabbed by this name, or he couldn't see his brother and sister bullying Letong, so he interrupted her.

"Big brother, Su Su, Tong Tong is Weikang's daughter, this is an iron fact! How can you say that if you are all her uncles and aunts, you can't care about her life for more than 20 years like a real elder? I don't want you to be so enthusiastic. Do you have to be so insinuated to show your dignity as an elder? "

Just now, Letong was at the door of the study. She told Yang Sheng and Ji Rui not to protect her like a hen protecting her cubs all day long. It's up to her to face it. She can deal with it by herself.

So, after coming out, Ji Rui and Yang Sheng basically sit around and drink tea. Naturally, they also believe that Letong has the ability to protect herself and fight back when necessary.

Letong is still able to deal with several elders. To her surprise, her second uncle, who just met for the first time, would stand up for her injustice and offend the three brothers and sisters.

Yue Tong smiles gratefully at the second uncle, "second uncle, thank you! They are not abusing me. They are either abusing themselves or suspecting my grandfather's intelligence. "

Letong sits facing the porch and glimpses the old face of the porch. Letong deliberately raises the volume and pretends to be powerful. She does it very well.

Anyway, just like what the old man said, as long as he has an old man's house, he has the final say in this family.

Since she Letong has passed the strict medical appraisal and has been recognized by the elderly, others are still here, not disrespectful to the old man.

"Who doubts my IQ?! Huh? " The voice of the old came from the porch, and the elders who had looked contemptuous before changed their faces.

"Dad, are you back? Don't run around in such cold weather. " The eldest uncle and aunt reacted first, got up and trotted to the old man to help him.

"Hum, you unfilial descendants, if you don't annoy me a little, I will live a long life!"

The old man threw away his son's and daughter's support, turned around and hugged the baby. His face immediately became extremely kind, and his old hands supported the baby's shoulder. "Baby, take Niuniu to the playroom for a while."

The old master has already learned the intelligence and delicate mind of the baby, so he doesn't want the child to see a little bit of trouble.

"All right!" The baby is very straightforward. He runs over to Letong and kisses her face twice. He lies in Letong's ear and asks, "Mommy, they didn't bully you, did they?"

Le Tong pulled his little face and said with a smile, "no, baby's Mommy is Superman!"

The baby giggled. Obviously, he also has confidence in his mother.

"Superman Mommy, this is a flower for you." The baby put a handful of unknown flowers into Letong's arms and slid down from her without going to see other elders. She turned to help Aunt Wang push Niuniu away.

The old man watched the child walk away, then he went to Letong and sat down. He took the cold ginger tea from Uncle Jing and took a sip of it. Then he said to Letong lovingly.

"Girl, this is your home. You can live as long as you like. You can send people here as you like, including me and your brother, you know?"

"Grandfather, I see. Thank you, grandfather, brother!" Letong dutifully thanks the old master and Yang Sheng.

The eldest uncle, aunt and fourth uncle over there changed their faces one after another.

You know, some of them are the sons and daughters of the old man, but every time they come back, they have to call back to report and get the approval of the old man, and the security guard at the gate will let them in.

Moreover, since they have been resettled by the old master, every time they come back, the old master will not give them a good look.

Therefore, it is their privilege to come and go freely and live in love.

Let alone send anyone, including the Great Buddha and Yang Sheng, who are now in power as if they didn't know them.

The brothers and sisters sitting over there, except for the second uncle, who was still leisurely drinking tea, the fourth uncle and the third aunt all tried their best to wink at the eldest uncle, indicating that he would come forward and say a fair word for everyone.

The great uncle hesitated for a long time, finally licked his lips, rubbed his palms, and said to the old man.

"Dad! Even if she is really Weikang's daughter, are you too partial? "

"Asshole, what do you mean even if she is? She is! It's no use either of you being such a wimp. I really doubt if you're my own! "

The meaning of the old master's words is exactly the same as that of Letong.

The three sons and daughters changed their faces again. The fourth uncle, who had not spoken much, argued half wronged and half angry.

"Dad! When did Wellcome leave the company? We are left to work here, but we even need your approval to go home. What's wrong with you? "