Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 582

Then, not surprisingly, she saw the names of Yang and Ji, who were in the top two on the boycott list.

It was obviously planned, but none of the two men around had told her in advance.

"Ji Rui, brother, you two come here for a while."

Letong thinks that this is the most important thing, but he has been kept in the dark, and he has a little bad feeling in his heart.

Yang Sheng and Ji Rui look at each other, get up silently, and sit down beside Le Tong.

"You two, who will explain."

Letong pointed to the news on the screen and asked faintly.

They look at each other again. Finally, Shi Jirui opens his mouth.

"I'm just treating people in their own way. I can't be dumb and say nothing as if nothing happened. As for Yang Sheng, I dragged him into the water. Don't blame him. "

Ji Rui takes all the responsibilities by himself, and Letong looks at him with uncertain meaning, "you don't have to care about the friendship between your mother and her mother?"

She remembers that Ji Rui once said that because of her mother's intimate relationship with her mother, she never wanted to be too cruel. But is it a cruel word to describe the present tragic situation?

Yang Sheng, who hasn't spoken for a long time, patted Letong's head unexpectedly. "Fool, Rui, this is revenge for you! Don't you understand? "

Letong looks at Yang Sheng with puzzled eyes, "revenge? What's my grudge against her? "

Yang Sheng breathed a sigh, helplessly supporting his forehead and sighed, "Tong Tong, how much do you underestimate your position in Rui's mind?"

Yue Tong thinks that she has only had three or more confrontations, and that it is only a verbal game, not harm at all.

The reason may be that she and Ji Rui were nothing at all at that time, so Coco's sharp words could not hurt her at all.

"But I don't have much to do with her? As for it? If we do this, we will lose a lot, right

Of course, Letong knows how important she is in Ji Rui's mind, but it's either a stupid reaction or a brain burn to do such a thing for the sake of some unimportant things that have passed for such a long time.

Ji Rui put his hand around Letong. "Are you afraid that we will do stupid things for your unhappiness that no longer exists? In fact, we are killing two birds with one stone by doing so. "

I have to say that Ji Rui really knows Letong better than Yang Sheng.

"Huh?" Letong still doesn't quite understand.

"If Longxing industry collapses, their market will be divided up by us. Think about it, which one is more huge than the limited expenditure we are paying now?"

Ji Rui explained patiently.

Yue Tong is to understand thoroughly come over, immediately long ground vomited one breath.

"So it is. How long have you been planning this? I don't know at all?"

Ji Rui rubbed her head. "I'm thirsty. Can you make me a cup of flower tea?"

Yue Tong doesn't doubt that he is there. She obediently gets up and goes to the kitchen.

"Why are you lying to her? When you first planned to do it yourself, it was clear that you wanted to take revenge for her. "

Yang Sheng stares at his friend, and the teasing is very obvious.

"If Ji is the only one to deal with Longxing, it's revenge for her, because Ji will lose a lot, but now there is Yang? As a result of our joint efforts, do you think there are more elements for her revenge or for her huge interests in the future? "

Ji Rui is not afraid of Yang Sheng's teasing at all, and directly turns the focus of the matter to the interests. Yang Sheng has nothing to say.

For a moment, he lost his smile.

"Tut, well, well, since you want to avenge her and don't want her to have a psychological burden, I'm not a big brother anymore."

Ji Rui's face was calm, and he said faintly, "thank you!"

"In fact, if you don't mention it, grandfather will do it, but he didn't expect you to be faster than him."

Yang Sheng looked at the direction of the kitchen and said thoughtfully.

"Of course, when Letong became my girlfriend, you were not her brother, and you were not her grandfather."

In Ji Rui's opinion, everything comes first and then comes, because the relationship between him and Letong is determined earlier than that between Letong and Yang Sheng and the old master. Therefore, it's up to him to protect her and stand out for her!

"Cut!" Yang Sheng gives Ji Rui a white eye.

"Rui, are you funny? From the moment my little aunt was pregnant with Tong Tong, she was my sister and my grandfather's baby granddaughter. At that time, there was nothing wrong with you! "

Although Yang Sheng is telling the truth, Ji Rui deliberately ignores the fact that no one can change the blood relationship.

"That's what you think. Don't forget that Letong didn't want to recognize you at first!"

Yang Sheng didn't expect that Ji Rui, who is famous for his preciseness, coldness and rationality and has no feelings like a robot when he works, has the ability to point a deer at a horse.

"Hahaha, Rui, if I didn't hear you say that, I thought it was the baby."

Only children dare to say that white is black and black is white.

Ji Rui ignores him and walks to the kitchen.

"Well, angry?" Yang Sheng called behind him.

Ji Rui didn't look back. "Do you think I'm you? Letong asked me if I was hungry. I'll see what I can eat. "

Yang Sheng can't help admiring Ji Rui's ear power. He didn't hear anything, so Ji Rui heard it.

"You lied to me!" Said, also got up with the past.

Unexpectedly, approaching some, indeed hear Le Tong ask again, "elder brother, are you hungry?"

When she asked, Yang Sheng's stomach began to rumble.

Because of his father's reasons, the atmosphere of the lunch was strange. He could guarantee that except for Baobao and Xiaojing, two kids who had a good talk, they were all just picking a few mouthfuls.

"I'll take whatever you eat."

At this time, the servants go to rest. In the kitchen, only Letong is struggling.

"Noodles, will you?" Letong picked up the noodle and raised it to the two men.

"Yes Yang Sheng answers cheerfully. Ji Rui turns his head and stares at him. Yang Sheng thinks that he dislikes his brother-in-law light bulb!

"I'll take the tea out, and you'll take your time." Yang Sheng felt Ji Rui's murderous spirit and quickly turned away with the flower tea in the tray.

"Why are you so nice to him?" Ji Rui encircles Letong's waist from behind, puts his chin on her shoulder, and stares at her skillful hands.

"Poof" Le Tong smiles, "is that jealous?"

Ji Rui didn't say a word, it was tacit. If Yang Sheng had not been so weak just now, he might not have eaten the vinegar.