Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 579

Just when Le Tong was in a dilemma about how to stand in a good team, or how to keep a neutral position without hurting either Yang Sheng or Xiao Jingzhong, Yang Sheng suddenly stood up.

"Xiaojing, I have business to talk to your sister and brother-in-law."

Letong intuitively feels that this is Yang Sheng's excuse. Ji Rui has already stood up with him and conveniently takes the laptop away from him. Letong also stands up with a sigh of relief.

As expected, Xiaojing's disappointment tugged Yang Sheng's arm and said, "brother, why are you so busy? You've been back so long that you don't have time for me. "

Yang Sheng doesn't seem to hear it. He follows Ji Rui and Le Tong to the study and leaves the lonely little girl behind.

"Tong Tong, am I very unkind?"

Just sitting down in the study, Yang Sheng pinches his eyebrows and asks Letong.

Le Tong considered for a while, shook his head, "I am not the party, I have not experienced your pain, so I have no right to criticize your attitude."

Everyone, standing in their own position to see other people's affairs, will inevitably have the idea of bystanders.

But in everything, only those in it can feel the pain and helplessness. Therefore, she will not blame Yang Sheng for her sympathy for Xiaojing.

"Xiaojing is a good child, and I know Xiaojing is innocent, but she is too much like her mother. When I see her, I always think of my mother's suffering, so..." Yang Sheng also looks distressed.

Le Tong nodded to understand, "brother, since it's hard, don't force yourself to choose. Some facts can't be solved. Sooner or later, time will help you solve and choose."

Yang Sheng answered "well" for a long time, and then said, "Tong Tong, I'm sorry to embarrass you."

Le Tong immediately shook his head again, "I'm not embarrassed. You'll always be my closest brother."

The implication is that no matter how the relationship between Yang Sheng and Xiaojing develops, she will be on his side unconditionally.

As far as she is concerned, there are only two people who have feelings in the Yang family, that is, the old master and Yang Sheng. For the grandfather, it is more accurate to say that he is out of pity rather than feeling. Only for Yang Sheng, is that kind of deep friendship in need, this feeling, compared with brother and sister's pure kinship is more solid and profound.

Yang Sheng put his arm around her and patted her gently.

Yang Sheng didn't let go of Letong until he noticed the low pressure of Ji Rui.

"Brother, no matter you love or hate, you need reasons. I think sooner or later, you will find the right reason to deal with the relationship between you and Xiaojing." Le Tong comforts Yang Sheng.

Yang Sheng got up and went to the bar in the corner. Carrying them on his back, he opened a bottle of red wine.

Yang Sheng knows that Ji Rui now forbids Letong to drink. When he comes back, he gives Ji Rui another cup besides his own.

"Your second uncle chose to leave the house clean for their mother and daughter. Maybe it's true love! However, for the sake of his true love, he does not hesitate to hurt his wife and underage son who have been working with him for many years. He is selfish and cruel enough

Everyone will have their own difficulties, some people, for the sake of love and responsibility, choose to embarrass themselves and help others.

But there are also some people, for the sake of the so-called true love, resolutely decide to abandon all, not hesitate to betray everyone, just to complete their own true love.

From the perspective of Xiaojing's mother and daughter, the second uncle is brave.

From the perspective of Yang Sheng's mother and son, the second uncle is selfish.

Ji Rui picked up his glass and touched Yang Sheng's, "Yang Sheng, no matter what, your father is more responsible than my father, and your mother is more free and easy than my mother."

Letong reaches for his hand and looks up at him anxiously.

Ji Rui patted the back of her hand and gave her a soothing look.

"Maybe." Yang Sheng dropped his eyes noncommittally and took a sip of wine.

These unpleasant topics soon ended in the document Yang Sheng brought back.

It was the first proposal for Yang and Ji to cooperate in China. Next, they were prepared to integrate the logistics industry of the north and the south, and then work together to achieve the Great Harmony of the logistics industry of the north and the south.

When they talked about their work, they all expressed their opinions as before, and did not give in to each other until uncle Jing's voice rang out outside the door after the knock, and the fierce argument came to an end temporarily.

"Mr. Sheng, the eldest ones are back. The master asked you to come out and greet them."

Let Yang Sheng say hello. Naturally, Letong, a new member who has just recognized her ancestors, wants to go out to meet guests. Otherwise, I don't know what unpleasant words or accusations will be made by those elders.

Ji Rui is the wife protection brigade, of course, it's impossible to let Letong go out to be angry.

There are several people sitting quietly in the living room, and there is no Letong, so they are filled with the bustle and noise of the room. In addition to the first two uncles and Xiaojing, there are three new elders, two men and one woman. From their similar looks, Letong can easily guess the identities of the three. However, without waiting for her to say hello, Yang Sheng has taken the lead in introducing them to her.

"Big uncle, aunt, four uncles, this is little uncle's daughter Letong." Yang Sheng introduces Letong to the three middle-aged and old people sitting here without expression.

When dealing with people in business, he would put on a proper smile, but he didn't even bother to put on a smile to those relatives who were of the same blood relationship with him.

"Great uncle, aunt, fourth uncle, Hello Compared with Yang Sheng, Letong's attitude is more polite, although the smile on her face is polite.

"Your name is Letong?"

The man, who is called the great uncle, looks at Letong with his head sideways, his eyes full of examination and suspicion.


"What's your surname? It's not Yang? What's your mother's name The man frowned at Letong.

Le Tong pulled his lips, showing a smile of irony, "my father changed his name, as for the reason, I'm not too clear."

"Pa", the cup in the man's hand is heavily placed on the tea table.

"Weikang is really out of line. Just quarrel with the old man. Don't you even want your family name? How ridiculous

Yue Tong pursed her lips and looked at him stubbornly. She thought it was funny. Is this relying on the old to sell the old? Do you think that such a fierce attack can bring her down?

Have the ability, wait for the old master to sit together and then kill her!

"Uncle, although I don't know the reason, I think my father will change his name for his reason. First, maybe the surname Yang embarrassed him. Second, maybe the surname Yang made him sad. "

Yue Tong's words are obviously insinuating. People surnamed Yang embarrass her father and have to change it. It's really strange. Of course, it's the culprit who caused all this. Apart from the old master, it's also natural to blame these uncles who must push waves to help LAN, instead of her father.