Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 575

When Yang Sheng comes back in the evening and knows that he has missed a big show of warm marriage promotion, he repeatedly blames Ji Rui for not being loyal and neglecting his brother-in-law.

Ji Rui smiles and doesn't speak. He just puts some vegetables into her bowl according to le Tong's preference. When he hears the baby complaining that he is eccentric, he puts some meat into the little guy's bowl.

Yang Sheng also wants to talk like a baby. Ji Rui glances at him faintly, "brother-in-law, how can you have a common understanding with a six-year-old?"

Yang Sheng choked on his words and complained to Letong, "tut Tut, sister, look at your husband's virtue..." after the run, he stopped pestering Ji Rui and made a good living by himself.

With Ji Rui's family in, the dinner was quite lively, and the old man was very happy. After dinner, Baobao and Niuniu were forced to wrap up tightly. Accompanied by Uncle Jing and Aunt Wang, they went for a walk in garden city with the old man.

Ji Rui, Letong and Yang Sheng went to the study to discuss business affairs.

The three seem to have returned to the days when Ji worked together. This time, however, they are no longer superior and subordinate to each other, but relatives and partners.

Like Ji, Letong takes the initiative to make coffee. The three of them sit in the small living room of the study and drink coffee. The topics range from the current situation of the two enterprises to the future development and cooperation prospects.

"Bang!" A huge noise interrupted the study's harmonious talk about the weather.

"Yang Sheng!"

After the sound, there was a loud cry, followed by the pattering of footsteps from the door.

The direction of Letong sitting, just opposite the door, heard the sound, raised his head, then on a 30-year-old man's face.

This man, whom Letong met a few days ago at the reception when the old master retired and Yang Sheng took office, is no other than the young master of the Yang family who mocked Ji Ruiming at that time, the elder brother of Yang Sheng. Of course, he is also Letong's elder brother now.

"Oh, there are so many people!" The young master of the Yang family was sarcastic.

"Brother, are you still a child? You can't even knock at the door? " Yang Sheng turned to the young master of the Yang family.

"Oh, as president, it's really different."

Before Yang Sheng had time to fight back, he glanced at Ji Rui and Letong with extreme contempt. "I've been a running dog for Ji for several years, and I'm good at it! Now I'm bringing in outsiders to divide up my family! Yang Sheng, do you really remember your surname Yang or Ji? "

Le Tong even if again stupid, also know this cousin, today is to oneself. However, he is still afraid of Ji Rui, so we should start with Yang Sheng.

"Yang Hao, don't you know better than anyone about my ability? If you lose, you have to admit it. If you don't have the ability, you still yell all day, and you are not afraid of other people's jokes. Fortunately, there is no one else here. By the way, you are a black sheep who is not popular with your grandfather. You should not have met your sister and brother-in-law, have you

Yang Hao, the eldest young master of the Yang family, turned pale when he was robbed by Yang Sheng

Yang Sheng raised his chin provocatively, "what am I? Just now, you have the courage to say that in front of your grandfather once, to ensure that even your 1% shares will be taken back by your grandfather! "

Yang Hao stood in the middle of the small living room, choked and speechless. His face turned white and red and white. Finally, he probably realized that he couldn't compete with Yang Sheng in terms of eloquence and IQ, so he had to turn to le Tong.

"Sister? Oh, my grandfather is thinking of my little uncle. Are you crazy? If you pick up a cheater and come back, you'll say she's a granddaughter. With Lao Yang's reputation and family background, it's not hard to find one, not to mention thousands of younger sisters. "

Letong glanced at him lightly, pulled Yang Sheng, pointed at Yang Hao with his chin, and said, "brother, did this man pick it up?"

Yang Sheng pretended not to understand, a face willing to hear its detailed expression, "how to say?"

Le Tong Gu took a strange look at Yang Hao and said, "I think your IQ is OK, my brother and I. how come he's so different from us? Shouldn't he pick it up? This IQ is obviously not in the same level as that of our Lao Yang family! "

Yang Sheng couldn't put on any more. He covered his stomach and bent over with a smile. Ji Rui, who was sitting on the other side of Letong, also couldn't help laughing.

Yang Hao was beaten down by Yang Shengming. He had already learned how powerful Yang Sheng was. Even if he lost, it was within his expectation.

However, the woman who has just seen a girl who looks like a lamb and is said to be a cousin can laugh at herself?

Although the young master of the Yang family is not a talker in the Yang family, he is also a person who likes to walk sideways in the capital. Who dares to hit him in the face so blatantly? Isn't he looking for death?

"Ho, what a big face! I really think of myself as the Yang family! "

Without waiting for Letong to answer, Yang Sheng said, "brother, you are more and more ignorant of current affairs. Don't you know, don't mention you, even I don't have any money or power now. "

Yang Hao was stunned, as if he didn't understand Yang Sheng's words.

"Grandfather changed his will, don't you know?" Yang Sheng looks like a good play.

Yang Hao's face changed, Obviously, the lobby brother is the pioneer who came back to inquire after the news.

Yang Sheng shrugged, "of course, don't you come back after hearing the wind? To tell you, it's not false news. It's true. Tongtong has the right of inheritance for her uncle and aunt and herself. What's more, today Rui comes to propose marriage. My grandfather has transferred 3% of my uncle's and aunt's shares to Tongtong as a dowry. "

Yang Sheng's words were just like a blow to the head, which directly fooled Yang Hao.

"It's impossible..." Yang Hao looks like he's lost, mumbling to himself, staring at Letong.

"What's more, Tongtong not only owns the shares of the Yang family and the inheritance rights of the Yang family, but also the largest shareholder of Ji family. Brother, you'd better find a place to think about it. Can you really afford Tongtong? Anyway, no matter I or Rui, I can't afford to offend her, and I dare not offend her! "

Yang Sheng seems to think that he is not hard enough to beat this big brother, and he has another fact that makes Yang Hao speechless.

Yang Hao turns his eyes to Ji Rui. Ji Rui also agrees with Yang Sheng and nods to him. "Yang Sheng is right. She owns as many shares of Ji family as I do, but she also has the power to control baby's shares and property. Therefore, in Ji's family, she is the one who has the most power, not me!"

Yang Hao finally reacted from the huge blow. He said nothing, glanced at everyone in silence and left in a hurry.

Yang Sheng listened to the door "bang" and said to le Tong, "Tong Tong, it seems that you will see your dear uncles and aunts tomorrow."