Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 574

Wedding, however, is a form of advertising.

He also wants to tell everyone as soon as possible that Letong belongs to Ji Rui.

Of course, Ji Rui belongs to Letong.

He wants to tell the world that he and she are excellent, but they have their own masters. You well-known or not well-known ladies and gentlemen, in the future, do not worry about it!

About the wedding of another mind, Letong obviously did not Ji Rui think so deeply.

And the old man, probably did not think Ji Rui would think so, just as he was to give his baby granddaughter a beautiful wedding and beautiful memories.

"Good! Good! Ah Jing, call the master and ask him to come immediately. "

Uncle Jing was about to turn around and do it. The old man stopped him again. "Ah Jing, go and get the information of my safe first."

Uncle Jing answered and ran away.

"Your father called me a few days ago, and we talked for a long time. If it wasn't for me and his feet, we would have sat down and chosen the right day."

Letong didn't mention to Ji Rui about the fact that the elders of the two sides had already passed the private communication. Therefore, Ji Rui was slightly stunned, but he quickly responded.

"Yes, my father has repeatedly asked me to convey his apology." Ji Rui is very humble.

He stood up as he said, "my father collected a lot of jades a few years ago. This time, he asked me to bring a collection to my grandfather."

Ji Rui got up and went upstairs. Soon, he took a square box and handed it to the old master.

"Grandfather, please see if you like it or not. My father said that if you don't like it, next time you go to r city, he will show you his collection and choose whatever you like."

The old man took over the brocade box and opened it. Inside, there was a bright jade Ruyi.

"Oh, your father is so polite. This is the best Hotan jade! Tut Tut, the jade and the carving are beautiful. "

In the shining eyes of the old man, it is clear that he likes two big words.

"Grandfather, you like it!"

Ji Rui, who is so modest and polite, lowers his eyebrow and follows his goal, really makes Letong look at him with new eyes.

"Yes! I like it

The old man picked up the jade Ruyi and looked around. While looking at it, he also discussed the carving skill and jade quality with Ji Rui. Ji Rui seemed to be very good at it and had a good conversation with the old man.

Sitting on one side of Letong, listening to confused, had to concentrate on feeding Niuniu drink water.

The old man and Ji Rui talk with each other. When Uncle Jing comes out with something, the old man reluctantly puts down the handle of Yu Ruyi and pats Ji Rui on the shoulder. "Oh, you have much more connotation than Sheng boy. Every time I talk to him about jade or calligraphy and painting, he looks like I don't understand. Don't tell me these things."

The expression on his face is a bit of hate for each other.

"Grandfather, you flatter me. I only know a little bit about it. Just now, I was just a teacher." Ji Rui looks like a different person in front of the old master.

Yue Tong does not say in the mouth, but in the heart, it is sweet.

Where can she not know, because that is her grandfather, he will be so courteous, so modest and polite, will take out with other people's different attitude and gentleness.

Such him, let her more truly realize, this man, really love themselves.

"Girl, come here!"

The old master holds the thin file bag that uncle Jing handed him in his hand and waves to Letong.

Letong puts Niuniu back into the pram, gets up and walks over, and sits down beside the old man.

"Here you are, take it!"

Le Tong took over the portfolio in doubt, "what?"

The old man asked her to open the bag.

Letong felt that there must be something very hot in it, but in the current situation, she couldn't refuse in any case. She had to comply with the old man's wishes, open the file bag, and take out a few printed documents from it.

On the front cover of the document, there are several big words clearly printed, "share transfer certificate"

Although the intention of the document can be understood literally, Letong subconsciously returns the document to the old master.

"What's this, grandfather?"

The old man seemed to have expected that she would react like this. He reached out and patted her on the back of his hand, but he didn't mean to take the document back.

"Girl, listen to your grandfather first." The old man's eyes were full of supplication.

Letong has no choice but to take back the documents and wait for the old man's explanation.

"Here is a 3% share transfer of the young group. Strictly speaking, the 5% share price transfer is not yours, but yours. Your uncles and aunts each hold 2% of the shares, and your two uncles also have 1% of the shares. So, the three percent share is the sum of two percent of your father's share and one percent of your mother's share, but they... "

After a pause, the old man's eyes darkened obviously. "I think, since this is theirs, you are going to get married now. Naturally, these are dowries for you..."

The more the old master said, the slower his voice became. Letong's heart was pulled into a ball, biting his lips and holding the old man's hand.

"Grandfather, I see. I'll take this dowry. Thank you!"

Letong understands that this is the expression of the old man's desire to atone. However, nothing he does now can save everything. But the dead are gone. If they are still alive, they will only suffer from their own bitterness.

The old man is so old, how long he can live? No one knows. As a granddaughter, she can't let him continue to bear regret and remorse for the rest of his life.

The old man was staring at Letong with tears in his eyes. His old hands held Letong's hand tightly and could not speak for a long time.

"Grandfather, don't think too much about the past. My father must have forgiven you for a long time, and I am very happy to have a grandfather like you. "

Letong comforts the old man and hands the document to Uncle Jing.

Uncle Jing will, turn the document to the signature, and find a pen to pass to Letong.

Seeing Letong sign on the transfer, the sadness on the old man's face is less.

"Girl, thank you for forgiving grandpa!"

Yue Tong touched his stomach with exaggeration and laughed at him, "Grandpa, when are you going to say that? I'm hungry. Can you fill me up? "

As soon as the old man heard this, the haze on his face dissipated.

"Oh, how can I forget when it's time, and I just told you, ah Jing, quickly order the kitchen to serve."