Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 576

Although Letong doesn't like to watch the drama of "it's the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other", others have already put a knife on her. She can't be slaughtered like a lamb.

So, from the moment she decided to forgive the old man, she had psychological preparation to face the bloody drama of these powerful families.

"I'll see you sooner or later, won't I?"

"That's right. It's better to see you sooner or later than to make trouble when your grandfather announces your identity."

Ji Rui patted Letong on the shoulder. "Don't be afraid, I'm here with Yang Sheng."

Le Tong obediently answered a voice, "Oh, I know."

Yang Shengbai gives Ji Rui a look, "Rui, you look down on Tong Tong. Just now, without me and your help, she doesn't still blow Yang Hao's face? Don't worry, Tongtong and I are the authentic Yang family. With this IQ and this mouth, we really won't be bullied by those people. Moreover, even without us, grandfather can be willing to be bullied, can't he? "

After listening to Yang Sheng's words, Letong suddenly comes up with a question.

"Brother, where are your parents? What kind of people are they? "

For other elders, Letong has no feelings, so it doesn't matter that she offends them even if she speaks recklessly.

But Yang Sheng's parents are all Yang Sheng's relatives. Even if she has no feelings with them, she has to be polite for Yang Sheng's sake.

Yang Sheng stayed a little for a while, and then squeezed out a smile. "My mother has been abroad for many years, and she should not come back tomorrow. As for my father, it depends on whether his wife and daughter will accompany him back. In short, you can ignore my parents."

Letong didn't think that Yang Sheng's family was like this. He held Yang Sheng's arm with a sorry face. "Brother, I'm sorry."

She only thought that he was just a little bumpy in love, but she didn't expect that his family was similar to Ji Rui's.

"Fool, what's wrong? He's your second uncle."

The arrival of Yang Hao made the atmosphere in the study a little low for a while. Letong is not interested in this kind of topic, and has no intention to continue to talk about it. Anyway, those who want to come will always come.

"I'll get some fruit and snacks." Letong got up and went out, waiting for her to come back with fruit snacks. The two men in the study had already brought the topic back to work.

Three people eating fruit snacks, soon returned to the previous harmonious atmosphere.

When Yang Hao came back, the servant probably told the old man. When the three came out of the study after chatting, the old man, who should have gone to bed, was sitting in the living room, bored and pressing the remote control.

"Did Yang Hao come back?"

The old man didn't go around. As soon as he saw three people coming out, he looked at Yang Sheng and asked directly.

"Well." Yang Sheng didn't deny it, because he knew that this kind of thing could not be concealed from the master.

"Girl, come and sit with my grandfather."

The old master patted his side and motioned Letong to sit beside him.

"Well." Letong obediently walked over and sat down beside him.

"What about baby and Niuniu?" Yue Tong looked around and couldn't see a pair of children.

"Aunt Wang took them to bed." The old master looked at Letong. "Did he bully you?"

The old master's "he" naturally refers to Yang Hao.

Letong looks at Yang Sheng and Ji Rui with a smile, then shakes his head, "grandfather, with brother and Ji Rui, he doesn't dare to bully me."

The old man seemed not to believe it. He looked up at Yang Sheng. Yang Sheng had no choice but to nod his head and reply, "grandfather, he really can't believe it. If you don't believe it, you can see if Tong Tong has less arms and legs."

The old man glared at him and ignored him. He turned and grabbed Letong's hand. "Girl, grandpa is afraid you're upset. He doesn't intend to let them know you're back. Those people have no real skills. Their fighting power is excellent. You are so soft tempered. I'm afraid you will be bullied by them as soon as you are careful. "

When Yang Sheng heard the old master say that Letong was soft tempered, he said with a smile, "Grandpa, you look down on him."

Yue Tong stares at Yang Sheng and says, "grandfather, I'm soft tempered, but I still have brother and Ji Rui."

Yang Sheng nodded and agreed, "yes, even without Rui and me, there is still a baby!"

The old master was angry and happy by Yang Sheng, "Sheng boy, you are more and more out of line. How old is the baby? It's good that the little one won't be bullied. Do you still expect him?"

Yang Sheng moved his buttocks, "grandfather, you look down on the baby boy, the baby's level, three Yang Hao can't bully him."

The old man was intrigued and went to listen to Yang Sheng recount the heroic deeds of Baobao over the years, including the whole person, and of course, the matter of finding a mommy for Ji Rui.

"Speaking of this, how could the baby find mummy for herself at that time?" There is not much information about the relationship between Letong and Ji Rui from the investigation of the old master. Now Yang Sheng talks about it, and he has doubts.

Although he didn't care about young people's parties and so on, at that time, the baby's search for mummy was very noisy, and he also heard about it. However, at that time, he only thought it had nothing to do with himself. After hearing about it, he thought that there must be adults behind the little guy.

Yang Sheng glances at Ji Rui, "it's not that the piece of wood is too amorous, which makes Tong Tong angry. The baby has no choice but to perform such a play to force Rui to see his heart clearly."

Yang Sheng's explanation is pure nonsense, but it sounds reasonable.

"Tut, this little thing is really small and big. Rui boy, you are happy. You have such a son to take over." The old man thinks far. Ji Rui is just over 30 years old, and he has been preparing for the future for decades“ Sheng boy, look at you... "

Ji Rui saw the fire burning to his friend and said, "grandfather, Tongtong and I are not persistent about it. In the future, the baby can do whatever he wants. If he doesn't want to take over Ji, we can find a professional manager to take care of it, so it's not urgent."

The old master also wanted to preach, and Yang Sheng immediately pulled the topic back to the original direction.

"Grandfather, brother was almost angry with me and Tong Tong just now. It is estimated that he will come back with a large group of Allied troops tomorrow. Do you think uncle Jing will inform them to come back for dinner?"

Yang Sheng means to inform them to come back, at least he has the initiative.

But the old man shook his head persistently, "no! They have the courage to come back! This old Yang family has me in the day, that is, I has the final say. When will they turn their heads around?

With that, the old man thought about it again. He thought that what Yang Sheng said was very likely to happen, so he asked Letong, "girl, if they come back tomorrow, are you afraid?"

Yue Tong smiles and shakes her head, pointing to Ji Rui and Yang Sheng with her chin, "I'm not afraid of them!"