Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 573

Letong thinks that since he has agreed to the proposal at that time, even if it's over, it's time to work at ease.

Unexpectedly, Ji Rui is quite serious in this matter.

The day after the successful proposal, Letong got up early in the morning and unexpectedly saw a suitcase beside the wardrobe.

"Are you going to the capital?"

Le Tong's first reaction is that Ji Rui is going to Beijing to discuss the cooperation plan with Yang Sheng.

"Well, you're going with baby girl."

Now Ji Rui seems to have been used to the way of dragging his wife and children out of the house as soon as he goes out.

"Why?" Rubbing her eyes, Letong walks to the door of the washing room and turns to look at Ji Rui strangely.

"When you visit Yang's family, you should be more relaxed. The temperature is dropping today. Wear thicker clothes."

Ji Rui says, already dragged suitcase to walk out.

Letong Oh to should sound, but also with a little confused into the wash room.

I look down and squeeze toothpaste. I think of last night's proposal scene. It's like a dream.

Looking up at himself in the mirror, with a blushing cheek, eyebrows and canthus inadvertently reveal a bit of spring, so beautiful as spring, let Letong Zheng for a while.

Since listening to her father's past, her mood has been grey these days, but now, the fog in her heart has been wiped away by the romantic proposal last night.

She also thought that she was a pragmatist, and all the romantic and unrealistic things had no real meaning to her.

Until her ears sounded that slightly stiff but it was the best song she had ever heard in her life, and her eyes saw those slides in the dark night sky, which brought her and his two unrelated people together. She just knew that romance is like the high-quality seasoning in the ingredients. As long as it is used properly, ordinary ingredients can be cooked into super delicious food.

Ji Rui was a great chef last night!

The dish he cooked with his heart, which is called happiness and treasure, may make her remember it clearly and think about it from time to time when she dies.

When Letong washes, he puts on warm and comfortable clothes and goes out of the hall according to Ji Rui's reminder. Ji Rui and baby have already sat in the dining room to have breakfast. Four suitcases are arranged neatly in one corner of the living room.

"Mommy, come and have breakfast."

At a glance, the baby sees Letong's shadow and immediately raises her hand to pull out a bright smile.

"How long shall we go? Or you can go without your baby

Letong only thinks that Ji Rui and himself go to the capital for Ji's sake. It's really not good and convenient to work with two children.

"Mommy... Baby wants to go..." baby's voice is long and coquettish.

Ji Rui to the eyes of Yue Tong, "take them together, your grandfather wants to see them."

As soon as he moved out, Letong had no objection.

The old man's cunning and shrewd nature, if he can't get what he wants, he can't do anything about it.

"Well... Baby, daddy and Mommy are going to work. You should take your sister with you and don't give you any trouble, you know?"

Letong declares with her baby son in advance, otherwise, she and Ji Rui will be in trouble to accompany him.

The baby looks at her strangely, "Mommy..."

"Baby, eat steamed buns." Ji Rui didn't wait for the little guy to finish, just put a small cage bag into the little guy's mouth.

Letong didn't think much about it at that time, until a few hours later she went to Yang's house, sat down and heard Ji Rui's respectful words to the old master. Then Letong knew that Ji Rui's visit to the capital was to propose marriage to Yang's family as the old master's future grandson-in-law.

Not, she thought, for work.

"Grandfather, I'm sorry, because my father's leg is still injured and it's inconvenient to go away, so I'll come and propose to your grandfather."

When Ji Rui said this, Letong was just drinking tea, because it was so sudden that he sprayed the tea in his mouth.

The old man was still holding a shelf with a taut face, and was amused by the sudden reaction of Letong. He couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha, Rui boy, do you mind if my granddaughter is so bold?" The old master happily points to the embarrassed Letong and asks Ji Rui.

Ji Rui can't help smiling and glancing at Letong, "grandfather, she's not bold, she's just too happy!"

Letong looks up and casts a white eye at Ji Rui. She takes the paper towel pulled by the baby and dries the tea on her clothes.

"Girl, Rui said he would marry you, don't you mind?"

As a matter of fact, it seems superfluous to ask after all the certificates. However, from Ji Rui and the old man's point of view, getting the marriage certificate is more or less like a duck on the shelf.

Ji Rui, however, thinks that Letong deserves to be taken more seriously. Therefore, he makes up for her from proposing to promoting marriage.

The old man was not happy about his granddaughter's initiative to ask for a certificate for Ji Rui's career. However, he did not interfere much in the affairs of young people. After all, 26 years ago, it was his excessive self interference in his younger son that led to the subsequent tragedy.

Now, seeing Ji Rui make up for all the things he didn't do before, I realize that this boy, like the old man, cherishes his granddaughter very much. Naturally, I'm very happy.

"Grandfather, it's up to you."

Letong always knew how to coax the old man. She knew that the old man recognized herself. She must be very concerned about her. Since Ji Rui, the future grandson-in-law, has lowered her attitude to him and recognized him as an elder, she, of course, should give the old man face just like Ji Rui. Anyway, the result must be the same. Isn't it icing on the cake to choose a way to make him happy.

Sure enough, the old man was amused by the words of Le Tong and his eyes were bent. Ha ha ha ha, the laughter rang out again. After a while, he finally stopped his smile and said, "OK, I'll let my grandfather make the decision today. By the way, I'll help you two choose a lucky day, OK?"

Letong is a little confused now. She didn't say hello to Ji Rui in advance.

Raised his head to Ji Rui threw a question of the eyes, two people's eyes on, each other blinked, agreed, Letong had to nod.

"Letong and I are ready to get married at any time. Please ask my grandfather to fix the date today."

In Ji Rui's opinion, whether it's a license or a marriage proposal, it's just a private matter for him and Letong. But wedding is a form of advertisement.