Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 569

"It's him? What can I do for him? " Ji Rui's tone obviously eased down.

"No, just chat. Nothing special."

No matter how confused Le Tong is, she won't be nagging about other people's affairs in the international long-distance call from the other party. Although, when talking with Zhang Yi on the phone, she does have some new ideas taking shape, but she is not in a hurry to implement and prepare for them. We can wait for Ji Rui to solve the problems there and come back to discuss them slowly.

"Where are you now?" Calculate the time, Ji Rui should have just got off the plane.

"Just settled in the hotel, ready to go out after lunch."

"Is it snowing over there? When you go out, remember to put on enough clothes. When you socialize, remember to eat first. Don't drink on an empty stomach. There is a small medicine box at the bottom of the black suitcase, which contains stomach medicine and antidote. "

About the troubles over there, Letong knows that she can't help, but she can still do it to remind Ji Rui to pay attention to such trifles as body. At lunch time, she checked the weather of the city where they settled, and then she automatically entered the nagging state of the old lady.

Ji Rui on the other side of the phone, without any impatience, listened to her seriously and said, "well, I know. I'll take the medicine with me later. I may not have time to call you later. After you serve the two little guys, don't be too late and go to bed early. "

Le Tong thought Ji Rui had something important to call back, but now it sounds like he just wanted to be safe. Besides, just like Le Tong doesn't trust him, he doesn't seem to trust her to take care of her children at home.

In fact, even if Ji Rui is at home, most of the things about taking care of the two children fall on Le Tong? Ji Rui lived alone for 30 years, and he also lived well. He didn't freeze because it was too cold and didn't wear enough clothes. He didn't hurt his stomach because he drank too much.

It's just that people who love each other are probably like this. They don't think that the other party is incapable of taking care of themselves. Instead, as long as the other party is not under their own eyes, even if they know that the other party is capable of taking care of themselves, they will still worry and worry.

"Well, I'll send you a message before going to bed. You don't have to call me back." In order to prevent Ji Rui worry, Letong also made a promise.

Letong doesn't cheat Ji Rui. After coaxing Niuniu and Baobao to sleep, she takes a bath and reads a book for a while. She goes to bed at 11 o'clock and sends a message to Ji Rui.

"I went to bed. Good night."

When Letong gets up the next day, she finds an unread message in the unread message box: "good night!", And it was sent half an hour ago.

So relying on simple text messages and a few words of telephone communication days, Rao is very busy and tired every day, or by the pervasive Miss grinding upset.

Finally, on the fifth night of Ji Rui's departure, Letong sends a message to Ji Rui before going to bed. Unexpectedly, when the other party pulls back, she can't help but ask, "Ji Rui, when will you come back?"

Letong, who is already lying on the bed, clearly hears Ji Rui on the other end of the phone chuckling, "how, do you miss me?"

Letong's face is hot, but he can't see it. Besides, it's normal to think about him after so many days apart, isn't it? How to say, she and he are newlyweds, OK?

"Yes, I miss you. It's been five days!" Yue Tong admits boldly.

Her cheerfulness and complaint aroused a string of comfortable laughter from the other party. "I miss you very much, too. Don't worry, everything here has been handled almost. If there is no accident, we can go back the day after tomorrow."

Letong thinks that Ji Rui will tell her in advance before she comes back, so when she comes back to the office after the meeting two days later, she is shocked to see a tall figure sitting in her seat.

The body's instinctive reaction made her step back. When the man raised her head, Le Tong took a long breath, patted her chest and glared at the man.

"Whew, when did you come back? Do you want to scare me to death? "

The man got up with a smile on his eyebrows, came over and hugged her, said nothing and bowed his head to kiss her lips.

At the end of the kiss, the man pushed her away slightly, his deep eyes staring at her face. For a moment, his thick eyebrows twisted up, "how thin?"

Le Tong feels his face inexplicably, "thin? "No?"

The man kisses her on the cheek, "yes, the little meat here is gone!"

Letong's face flushed. Did this man borrow some EQ from his baby? This trick is getting better and better!

Worst of all, she was not used to it, but she was very disappointed.

Ji Rui looks at Le Tong's face and suddenly flies up to Xia CAI. His lips are slightly raised. "Fortunately, his face is good!"

Le Tong is teased so much that she can't wait to beat him. She bends her knee and bumps him on his calf.

Ji Rui hugs her hand on the waist and presses her down his arms.

"That's what you think of me?"

Le Tong stares at him, "otherwise, what do you think?"

Ji Rui raised his head slightly and thought, "I thought it was all my name on the notebook, or all my photos on the computer and mobile phone..."

Le Tong chuckled, "Mr. Ji, do you think I'm a 16-year-old girl? Write your name in the book. Tut, don't think too much about it

Le Tong laughs at Ji Rui, puts his hands on his chest and tries to push her away. Although this is the top floor, few people will come up if it's OK, but this is the office after all. As the president, he is too close to the female secretary and it's always bad.

Ji Rui doesn't mind being ridiculed at all, and doesn't mean to let her go.

"Listen to you, is there ever such a person in your book?"

Letong only thought he was joking, thinking that he was tired all the way, struggling to leave, "I'll make you a cup of coffee."

Ji Rui, however, refused to let go. "Make it clear first."

Yue Tong was surprised and looked up at him, "what did you say?"

"Who was the man you wrote in your notebook when you were sixteen?" Ji Rui asked very seriously. He didn't seem to be joking.

Le Tong "poof" ground laughed again, "Ji Zong, do not have that person good?"

"No?" Ji Rui is dubious.

"No! Oh, I swear, all right? " Letong has no idea about Ji Rui who is so persistent.

"OK..." Ji Rui reluctantly believed, but he still didn't want to let go.

Le Tong just wanted to remind him to let go of himself, but he heard the familiar sound of teasing, "Tut, no wonder people say goodbye is better than newlywed. It's really blinding me!"

It was Yang Sheng, Le Tong's cousin, Ji Rui's brother-in-law, who spoke.