Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 568

Although it hurt, she had to admit that she did take advantage of the old man's feelings for herself.

She is ready for a roar or censure from the old master.

Unexpectedly, the old man on the other side of the phone said with a smile, "ha ha, it's really silly to say you are stupid! Do you think grandfather is really a fool? Do you know that it was you who eavesdropped on me that you immediately registered for marriage? "

Le Tong, who was punctured on the spot, faltered awkwardly, but didn't say a word.

"In fact, don't blame your grandfather. What he said to Ji Rui at that time was not to make trouble for him, but to test him."

Hearing this, Letong vaguely understood something.

"If he listened to me and proposed to you, I would not be happy. However, from Ji Rui's reaction yesterday, he was obviously put together by you. Don't you see that? How ugly his face was when you threw that pile of information to me and said it was a betrothal gift

Letong actually saw it, but she didn't care about Ji Rui's feelings at that time, and only focused on persuading the old master.

"Grandpa, did you dig a hole for me to jump? I feel guilty for it Letong complains wrongly, unconsciously taking a tone of a bit of blame.

The old man on the other side of the phone heard this. How can I hear that my granddaughter is acting coquetry with herself!

"Ha ha, how can it be called a pit? You silly girl, grandfather is also for you! The baby is six years old, so you follow him without complaint. It's you who suffer, you know? "

Letong said, "Tut, he always wanted to get married. I think it's too early."

Of course, Letong thinks it's too early for them to become lovers, but it's only a few months.

But in the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between her and Ji Rui has been at least seven years, so it's normal for the old man to have such a misunderstanding. However, it is impossible for Letong to tell the old master about the past.

If you let the old man know that his baby granddaughter once chose that way in exchange for the cost of surgery in order to treat her mother, I'm afraid that she will feel more guilty.

"Well, well, I don't care about your past. Anyway, if he doesn't treat you well in the future, you must tell your grandfather that he and your brother will help you get justice."

It seems that the old man doesn't want to recall the bad things in the past. Letong is relieved.

"You and Ji Rui are busy. We two idle people will think about the wedding first. When you are finished, we will sit down and discuss it."

What the old master said about us obviously refers to himself and master Ji.

Speaking of this, it's not easy for Letong to say anything more. But with her understanding of Ji Rui, Ji Rui estimates that he will do it according to his own wishes, and will not let the old man interfere too much. But the two elders seem to be very attentive and concerned about it. If Le Tong insists on stopping it, it will only spoil their good interest.

Thinking of this, Letong decided to ignore it.

Ji Rui is not here, and Letong is picked up by Xiao Li after work.

She got off work a little late. The car drove to the gate of the kindergarten. When the baby sitting in the security room at the gate saw her car, she ran out with a small schoolbag on her back.

"Mommy Without waiting for Letong to get off, the little guy has opened the door and got in.

"Baby, I'm sorry, Mommy's late."

The baby got close to her and gave her a loud kiss. While cooperating with Letong, she took down her schoolbag and said, "the baby is chatting with Uncle Bao'an. It doesn't matter."

Yue Tong pinched the little guy's plump face and said, "Yo, what's the baby talking about with his uncle? I'm so excited. I didn't even notice that mommy came late?"

"By the way, Mommy, isn't sister Wenwen in D province?" Baby did not respond to le Tong's ridicule, but solemnly suddenly changed the topic.

Letong nods. Although she has been back for several months, she keeps in touch with Zhang Yi. Baobao, as before, chats with Wenwen every week.

"Why did you mention sister Wenwen all of a sudden?"

"That uncle is also a native of D province. He said that many of their crops had a good harvest this year, but there was no market for them. Many of them were rotten in the fields. His family lost a lot of money, so he could not work."

Letong frowns slightly. She has never heard Zhang Yi mention this.

A few days ago, he said that he had made some money and asked her how she was going to use it. She only said that she would continue to invest it. After that, she did not ask about the crops in the mountains.

Back home, as soon as the baby got into the house and threw down her schoolbag, she went to tease Niuniu to play. Letong searched the Internet with her laptop. Sure enough, as the baby heard, the crops in many places of D province were unsalable this autumn.

After reading the report, Letong picked up the phone and pulled it out.

At first, Zhang Yi insisted on what he had said before. Later, under the insinuation of Le Tong, he said that he had lost some money.

In addition to online direct sales, some of their crops are still sold by Ji Rui, but they can't stand it. The price is really low, and it's normal to lose money.

"Do you want to come out and get a job? Why don't I help you and your sister-in-law find two jobs, and Wenwen will bring them out to kindergarten? "

Letong knows that the three members of Zhang Yi's family live on the money they have contracted from the top of the mountain.

When she was in danger, it was Zhang Yi and his wife who were not related to each other who helped her. Therefore, she cherished the friendship very much. Now that the other party was in trouble, she naturally had to help.

The other party hesitated for a while, "not for the moment. I want to stay for another year or two to see the situation. You also said that it's better to be outside. After all, it's someone else's place. It's different from feeling at home."

Letong didn't force him either. They chatted with each other for a long time before they hung up.

The phone just hang up, immediately ring up, let Tong scared, a look, is Ji Rui.

"Who are you talking to on the phone for so long?" As soon as the phone is connected, Ji Rui directly asks without waiting for Letong to say anything.

"My brother."

"Your brother? Letong, you're really joking. Yang Sheng is sitting opposite me drinking. I didn't see him talking on the phone. " Ji Rui is slightly unhappy.

Yue Tong then remembered that her answer really had a big ambiguity.

"It's not elder martial brother, it's Zhang Yi." Yue Tong explains with a smile.

Recently, Ji Rui's chances of getting angry are getting less and less. Letong can't help but miss Ji Ruilai, who used to be so angry that he was always blowing his beard and staring at him.

She was a little regretful. Why didn't she just mention a man's name? How could she honestly say it was Zhang Yi.