Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 570

Letong thin skinned, called the voice "brother", then desperately toward Ji Rui wink, indicating that he let go of himself.

Ji Rui completely ignores Yang Sheng and goes to his office with Letong in his arms.

"Hey, Ji Rui, have you forgotten that I'm your brother-in-law? You're not afraid that I'll encourage Tong Tong to go back to her mother's house and ignore you?"

Ji Rui didn't reply, "Yang Sheng, you overestimate yourself!"

Seeing the smoke of gunpowder burning, Letong pushes Ji Rui away and jumps to one side to avoid being hurt. "I'll make coffee. You two talk slowly."

It's not accurate to say chatting. It should be fighting.

Ji Rui and Yang Sheng enter the office one after another. 20 minutes later, Letong pushes in with a pot of coffee and a plate of cookies on a tray.

"Are you hungry? Do you need to order two takeout for you?"

At this time, it was more than three in the afternoon. Letong was not sure whether they had lunch.

"Not hungry!" The two men sitting in the reception hall answered in unison, and their faces were not as playful as they had just been.

Letong's eyelids jump, faintly aware of something bad, bends down to put down the tray, pours two cups of coffee and pushes them in front of them.

"What's the matter?"

Two people's expressions are very serious, but did not answer Letong, but at the same time leaned over to carry coffee.

Letong thinks that something has changed in Y country, but seeing that both of them are speechless, she has to watch them silently and wait for them to speak.

Finally, Ji Rui said, "Yang Sheng, let's talk about this."

Letong turns her eyes to Yang Sheng's face, "brother, what's the matter?"

Yang Sheng put the cup back on the tea table, took a deep breath and asked.

"Tongtong, you to your father..." half said and stopped, the eyes of examination fell on Letong's face.

"Huh?" Letong frowns. Is there any news from her father?

Yang Sheng hesitated for a moment, took another breath, and then summoned up the courage to say, "your father may be gone."

In front of her eyes, Letong is a little dark, and her body shakes. Her powerful hand quickly supports her waist, and her hand is also held by her warm hand. Letong subconsciously clenches her hand, and her nails are deeply pinched into Ji Rui's palm.

"Letong..." Ji Rui called anxiously.

Yue Tong bites her lips and calms her mind. Chao Ji Rui pulls out a farfetched smile and then turns to Yang Sheng and says, "in fact, after so many years, I can guess the possibility. Although I was still young at that time, I remember clearly that my father was very kind to me. If he didn't have to, he would not leave me and my mother alone."

Yang Sheng nodded, "well, in fact, according to the results of the investigation, the life and death of my little uncle is still unknown, but the person in charge of the investigation said that most of them are not optimistic."

Letong dropped his eyes and was silent for a while. He raised his eyes and looked at Yang Sheng. "What happened in those years has been found out?"

"Except where he is now, everything else has been found out."

Letong sits next to Ji Rui and listens to Yang Sheng talking about his father's life.

At that time, her father, Yang Weikang, the youngest son of the old master, left the capital and came to r city.

At that time, he was afraid that the old master would send someone to look for him. When he came to r city, he called himself Leming, while Letong's mother met him after he changed his name to Leming. They fell in love at first sight at a friend's party.

Letong's mother didn't know that he was the son of the Yang family, a big family in the north. She only thought that he was a general doctor in a private clinic.

Yes, it's true. Yang Weikang went abroad to study, but he secretly changed his major without telling his father. This is the fuse of the quarrel between father and son.

At that time, the old master told Yang Weikang, who came home after graduation, that he could let bygones be bygones, but he had to go back to the Yang family to inherit his family business. If he had to be a little doctor, the old master had many ways to make him unable to be a doctor.

After he left home, Yang Weikang stayed in the capital for some time. At that time, he did apply for a job under the name of Yang Weikang, but he was repeatedly refused. Finally, he left the capital and went to r city, which was beyond the reach of Yang's family.

Later, after he established a relationship with mother Le, he took her back to Beijing once. That time, uncle Jing met mother le. And that time back, Yang Weikang did not want to take Le's mother home. Instead, he went home and took his passport and all the useful documents.

After that time, he entrusted his relationship and changed his name, which is why the old master of the Yang family later asked people to go to Yang Weikang, but he couldn't find him.

Yue Ming and her mother have established a relationship, but it is estimated that the registered residence is still a matter of other reasons. Anyway, the two have not registered. What is the specific reason? No one can know now. But the relationship between the two people was very loving at that time. So even if two people were not registered, the people around them did not suspect the relationship between the two husband and wife.

After they establish a relationship, they move into the house that Le Ming specially bought for marriage. That house is the house that Le Tong and le's mother have been living in ever since.

It can be seen that the economic conditions of Leming were not very good.

This is basically consistent with Letong's childhood life in her memory.

As for the reason that Le Tong seldom sees her father, it is because not long after his father and mother established a relationship, Le Ming went to the third world countries for support as a doctor without borders. When he came back two years later, little Le Tong was more than one year old.

For Le Ming and her mother at that time, the birth of Le Tong was an accident. Therefore, when Le Ming came back to see her lovely daughter, she was very happy despite the accident. She asked the brigade for half a year's leave and spent half a year at home with her mother and little Le Tong.

But Leming is the main force of the medical team. It has been a lot of tolerance since she left for half a year. After half a year, Leming had to say goodbye to her young wife and little Letong, who was less than two years old. At that time, little Letong should have no memory of this.

After that, Le Ming would come back every year to accompany her mother and Xiao Letong for a period of time, sometimes half a month, sometimes a month. These short and precious reunion days, in Xiao Letong's heart, branded the indelible brand.

Although she didn't remember much about the specific things she had with her father, the happy and warm atmosphere made Letong intoxicated in her dreams for countless times, and she didn't want to wake up.

It's also because her parents created a loving and harmonious family atmosphere for her, which made Letong optimistic and optimistic, with few dark sides.

However, such a happy life did not last long. When Letong was more than four years old, Leming spent a happy month at home with his wife and daughter as usual. After that, he followed the brigade to a foreign country again. After that, he never came back.