Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 567


Le Tong light ground should a, then didn't say to go on.

After all, she couldn't tell why she had to ask her about it.

All she knew was that twenty six years ago, the youngest son of the Yang family fell out with his family. Then, twenty six years later, she was told that she was Lao Yang's granddaughter after a meeting of dog blood and DNA identification. Then, this situation developed.

As for what happened to her father over the years, it's still a mystery in Letong's heart.

"That... Your grandfather..." father Ji hesitated a little, seemed to be considering the wording, and seemed to be observing Le Tong's reaction.

"What?" Letong stops to look at Mr. Ji.

"He has no problem with you and Ari?"

As one of the parties, Mr. Ji certainly knows that both the present Ji family and its predecessor, the brilliant group, have the same relationship with the Yang family.

The reason why the two families haven't done too much to each other for so many years is that their ancestors have been restrained for a long time, and they are equally matched. If they really want to fight, they will lose both sides. That's why the two families have lived together peacefully for so many years.

But now, because of Le Tong's relationship, he has become a relative. According to master Ji's understanding of the Yang family, it's not impossible for that stubborn old man to make a bludgeon.

"He doesn't mind..."

How dare you have any opinion?

Let's not say that Letong and Ji Rui even have sons, but just say that the old man's guilt for his youngest son makes it difficult for him to intervene in anything about Letong.

Letong's answer surprised Mr. Ji, but he was not so stupid as to put out his confusion.

"Now that you and a Rui have obtained the certificate, do you want me to go to the Yang family and ask for a kiss and talk about the next thing in detail?"

These are really what he should do as a father.

In the past, because of his prejudice against Letong, he naturally would not take the initiative to ask for publicity for the two young people. Later, his misunderstanding of Letong was eliminated, but he thought that she was an orphan and had no relatives. Therefore, he did not mention such silly words as asking to see her family.

But now I know that she still has her mother's family. No matter whether she is an ordinary family or a prominent family, her father should take the initiative to make an appointment with her in laws to meet and get acquainted with each other.

What Mr. Ji said, naturally, Letong didn't even think about it.

"Let's talk about it later..."

Letong's answer makes Ji very disappointed. He only thinks that Letong still refuses to forgive him, so that he can feel that the meeting between the two elders is dispensable.

However, it's not that Letong deliberately evades, but that Ji has too many things waiting to be solved. As for private affairs, Letong doesn't worry about everything.

However, although this matter was rejected by Letong, that night, when Mr. Ji came home, he immediately called the Yang family.

In Mr. Ji's opinion, although Letong doesn't care about it, her parents are gone. Naturally, it's Mr. Yang who he's looking for. In terms of seniority, he's one generation lower than Mr. Yang. As the younger generation and the father's generation, it's also right to make a phone call to greet the elder.

He took the initiative to call the old master of the Yang family. He didn't mention it to Letong Jirui in advance. But the next day, Letong learned about it from the phone call from the old master.

Of course, the crafty old fox like the old master would not mention it at the beginning. He talked with Le Tong for a long time before pretending to say it casually.

"Girl, Ji Rui, his father called me yesterday."

Yue Tong is slightly surprised, "what did he say?"

At this time, Letong's psychology is very delicate.

In fact, neither Mr. Yang nor Mr. Ji is familiar to her. As for her feelings towards them, they are almost the same.

But these two people who she didn't have much feelings, one because of blood relationship, the other because of Ji Rui, became her closest elders. If these two people are in conflict, she really doesn't know which one to help, or neither?

"Ask me if I have chosen the wedding day, and ask me if I have any special ideas or requirements about betrothal gifts."

Letong doesn't know what the real purpose of Ji's phone call is. Does he really value his son's marriage? Or do you just want to win over the Yang family?

Letong knows that her thoughts are dark, but Ji has done too much to Ji Rui before, which makes it difficult for her to rule out the possibility of the latter.

However, these conjectures, she will not say, let Ji Rui difficult to do, will only put in the heart, by the later slowly observation verification.

"Oh... What do you think, grandfather?"

If the old man wants the bride price to make a face, Letong is not stingy, and Ji Rui certainly won't care about the bride price.

"Silly girl, you are willing to call me grandfather, which is the biggest dowry. I don't need anything else, but what dowry do you want? Grandfather has people ready. "

Letong wants to say that it's not necessary. No merit, no salary.

But the words immediately back to the mouth, such words are too hurtful, how can you say it at will?

The other party is an old man in his eighties, who has some tradition and some formality. He is not the kind of person Yang Sheng can make fun of.

"Grandfather, I don't need dowry or anything."

The old man seemed to have expected that she would say so, but he didn't say anything. He just said that if she thought of what she needed later, she could speak at any time.

"OK, let's take it as my grandfather owes me first." Of course, Letong didn't mean to pour cold water on the old man's kindness and kindness.

"Sheng boy and Ji Rui started early this morning. Don't worry. It won't take long."

"Well, thank you, Grandpa."

Ji Rui called her early in the morning. In addition to telling her that he and Yang Sheng flew directly from the capital to deal with the affairs there, he also told her that the old master personally found several acquaintances last night. It is said that those acquaintances had held important positions in the consulate of Y, which should be of great help to this event.

Letong's thanks also include Ji Rui's private talk with her.

"Silly girl, what are you doing with your grandfather? Isn't that what you're doing with Ji Rui

The old master was obviously not satisfied with Letong's politeness, and his voice was obviously not happy.

"I'm sorry, grandfather. In fact, I heard what you and Ji Rui said in the study that night."

Letong can really feel the old man's feelings for himself, so she can't bear to cheat the old man.