Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 566

Ji Rui and the old master book a noon flight to fly to Beijing. Letong finds out that there is not much time left for lunch, so she doesn't bother to toss around at home. After lunch in Longxiang, Xiao Li takes the old master and Ji Rui to the airport. Another driver takes the baby and Niuniu home first, and then takes Letong back to the company.

Left a few days, things piled up a lot, busy Letong, did not even have time to think about Ji Rui's progress there.

However, even if the cooperation case is blocked by Yang's board of directors, the old master and Yang Sheng can easily settle it, and there is nothing to worry about.

Sure enough, when Letong was about to leave work, he received a message from Ji Rui.

"It's going well. Don't worry about it."

It's just a message. I guess it's still in a meeting. Letong returned a message and said, "well, I know."

After a while, Ji Rui's message came back, "where is it? Home? The company? "

Letong points to open the screen to have a look. From the content, he should be idle, so he pulls it back directly.

"Is it convenient to talk?" As soon as the phone is connected, Letong asks.

"Well, just after the meeting with Yang Sheng, the general direction has not changed. There are a few minor problems that need to be revised. If there is no accident, the contract should be signed tomorrow."

Although we had expected the result, Letong was relieved to hear it.

"What's your schedule for tomorrow? Is it a return trip or a direct flight to country y? "

"It depends. However, most of them will fly directly to country y with Yang Sheng. Baby and Niuniu will have to trouble you to take care of them."

Ji Rui's polite words provoked Letong to smile softly, "general Ji, when did you become so polite? I still remember how arrogant you were when you first asked me to help you and your baby prepare the food for a picnic

Every time Le Tong's mind flashed through many pictures of the past, she would feel that the past and the present were two paintings with very strong contrast and very different painting styles.

Ji Rui also laughed, "how can it be the same? I used to be your boss, and my words were that you just need to execute the orders. But now I'm your husband. Of course I have to hurt you. Otherwise, how can you accompany me for a lifetime? "

Letong automatically ignores the second half of the numb love words and sticks to the first half, "Tut, Mr. Ji, I really want to beat you now. What should I do?"

"OK, let Yang Sheng do it for you? I will never fight back! As long as you are willing. " Ji Rui's tone is very relaxed, from which we can judge that things over there are really going well.

The two chatted for a while. Letong heard someone over there calling Ji Rui. Listening to the voice, it seemed that it was Yang Sheng.

Without waiting for Letong to ask, Ji Rui said, "I'll hang up first, and I'll call back later."

After hanging up, Letong was busy for more than half an hour, and then came home from work.

When I opened the door, I heard the voice of the baby. The voice of talking with the baby was Mr. Ji.

Music Tong in the heart secretly strange, the old man isn't the movement inconvenient, how come over?

Yesterday, after they came back, they called the old man and said that they would go back to accompany him on Saturday. At that time, the old man didn't say anything. How did he come here?

"Hello, chairman!"

Letong changes her shoes and walks in. She smiles and says hello to Mr. Ji, who is sitting in a wheelchair in the living room.

"Back? Aunt Guan said she could have dinner. Go wash her face. "

Ji's attitude towards Letong seems to have lost his previous politeness and estrangement, which is no different from Ji Rui's.

During the meal, father Ji's eyes fell on Letong's face from time to time. Letong didn't want to pay attention to it, but he knew that he could not escape, so he raised his head to meet his eyes.

"What can I do for you, chairman?"

The old man saw that Letong was so generous, but he didn't cover up any more. "Listen to the baby, did you get the certificate with a Rui?"

Originally, it was no secret. Moreover, he was Ji Rui's father. Even if he had no right to intervene, he still had the right to know.

"Yes, I should have asked for your opinion in advance. I'm sorry, Ji Rui and I didn't think about it well." Letong is not very warm to Ji, but she always keeps the courtesy. As long as the other party doesn't go too far, she is always polite.

But Ji Laozi, slightly flustered, "no! No! Don't get me wrong. I'm very happy that you and Ari are married. "

Letong said "thank you!" softly, When she decided to accept Ji Rui's feelings, she didn't expect to be recognized by him at all. Now she is treated so politely by him, which is more or less happy.

"When are you going to have your wedding?" Mr. Ji asked carefully. Maybe he thought that his incompetent father had no right to take care of his son.

"I don't have this plan for the time being. There are a lot of things in the company now. Let's have a look after the busy time."

In Ji Rui's side, the wedding has been put on the important agenda, but in Letong's side, she has never thought about any details or possibilities.

Ji only thought that she was perfunctory. Just now, he was a little excited, and his face was dim.

Seeing the old man's face, Letong knew that the other party was thinking too much, so he had to explain, "there should be no way to delay the affairs in country y. Ji Rui may fly there tomorrow, and it's still unknown how long he wants to quarrel with the other party. Therefore, he and I both feel that when the affairs in country y are completely solved, we can make good preparations. After all, once in a lifetime, we can't be careless."

The words about the wedding behind Letong are just to appease the old man's injured heart.

But these words, Ji Laozi obviously very useful, his face gradually has a smile.

"Well, since you have made arrangements, I won't say more. We'll have a good discussion when ah Rui comes back."

Letong "well" to answer the voice, did not say anything more, buried in the meal.

After a while, Ji finally couldn't hold back, "listen to the baby, yesterday the old man of Yang family came here?"

Le Tong nodded, "well, he stayed here for one night. Today, at noon, he took off with Ji Rui to return to the capital."

Letong answers all her questions, but she doesn't have the habit of taking the initiative to report everything. Because, for the old man opposite, she can't regard him as her elder for the time being. At best, she just loves him.

The old master hesitated again for a while. "Is the baby the old master of the Yang family?"

"Yes, my father is his youngest son, so the baby wants to call him Taiye." Yue Tong admits frankly.

She is such a person. When she doesn't figure it out, she may not even want to admit it. But after she figured it out, she didn't mind anyone knowing her life.

"Your father is his youngest son..." father Ji looks unbelievable. It seems that the baby didn't tell him about this in detail.