Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 560

"Ji Rui, you'd better think about it. Now you refuse me, and no one can help you any more. And, are you sure that Ji Shi can really stand such a heavy blow? Your two brothers and your father seem to have benefited a lot from Ji's family? Are you sure you can hold on? "

Letong stood outside the door, her palms in a cold sweat.

It's not that she wants to eavesdrop, but Ji Rui hasn't told her clearly about the details of country y.

He only told her that he was ready to end the business there. If Yang Sheng had not chatted with her in the hotel that day, she would not have known that ending the business in country y would have had such a great impact on Ji.

Now, judging from what the old master said, it seems that the situation is worse than what Yang Sheng said?

Letong's heart is chilly. The two people in the room seem to be silent for a long time before they hear Ji Rui's voice, "thank you for your kindness. I can solve Ji's problem myself."

Ji Rui's tone is very cold. Letong knows that Ji Rui should be angry.

"Ji Rui, why do you have to? I said, as long as you marry a girl, you can't even do this? "

Hearing this, Letong is basically sure that the conversation between the old master and Ji Rui will not have any results.

With her understanding of Ji Rui, he will never marry her in order to get the help of the old master.

Although, he should have been ready to marry her at any time.

It seems that we have to take the initiative to do this!

Letong has an idea in her heart, turns around and takes the phone, flashes into her bedroom and dials Yang Sheng's phone.

"Tong Tong? What's the matter? "

"Brother, let me ask you something. You should be honest and give me an answer. Don't be biased."

Yue Tong said very seriously, which scared Yang Sheng over the phone. "Tong Tong, did Rui do something sorry for you?"

Yue Tong was make complaints about Yang Sheng's imaginative power, but now she has no time and no mood to tuck up with him.

"Brother, be serious!"

"Yes! that 's ok! My sister, please speak up

Yang Sheng is still in a bad mood. It seems that the three fires of the new official are very smooth. He is in a good mood.

"You said about the cooperation between Yang and Ji that day. If you put aside your friendship with Ji Rui and my relationship with you now, from the perspective of interests, would you and your grandfather choose to cooperate with Ji?"

This has become an important measure for Letong to make a decision.

"Of course!" Yang Sheng's answer was very straightforward.

"Why?" Letong can't be easily dismissed with just two words.

"Silly sister, do you know how much money and time Rui and I spent on the relationship network in country y? Now, the cooperation between Yang and Ji is to restrain each other through strong alliance. Yang really needs to pay a lot of money and use his own contacts to get through some relationships. However, compared with Ji's efforts in recent years, there is no comparison at all. After Ji's affairs in country y are settled, Yang and Ji have a cooperative relationship of equality and mutual benefit. Both channels and networks are shared by the two families. Think about it, can my grandfather and I let go of such a good thing? Originally, I thought that I could help Rui tide over the difficulties, and I could also regard this as a great achievement of my new appointment, and give those who don't agree with me a bad impression. Unexpectedly, my grandfather has a deep resentment towards the Ji family. No matter how optimistic the cooperation prospect is, he won't nod his head. "

Yang Sheng's detailed explanation completely reassured Letong and made up her mind.

"Brother, you mean that if the cooperation is successful, it will be a win-win situation for both sides, right?"

"Well. It is indeed a win-win situation, both now and in the future. Of course, for the moment, Ji seems to be losing some. "

Hearing this, Letong basically understands the current situation and future prospects of the cooperation between the two countries.

"Brother, thank you." At this time, Letong needs to think about how to do next, so that Ji Rui does not doubt.

"You're welcome. Grandpa didn't give you any trouble, did he?" Yang Sheng asked casually.

"No, I'll take good care of him."

After hanging up the phone, Letong comes out of the bedroom. Ji Rui and the old man, who thought they were still in the study, are sitting on the sofa in the living room. One is reading a newspaper, the other is watching TV.

Both of them were calm, and there was no sign of dispute.

"Brother just called, let me take good care of you, you are tired, let uncle Jing wait on you to sleep!" Letong is also very natural.

The old master raised his eyes to look at the clock. He stood up obediently, walked a few steps, and looked back at Letong and Jirui.

"Tomorrow morning, the baby said that he would invite me to have morning tea. Would you like to go together?"

Letong thinks that if her plan succeeds, she should have other very important things to do tomorrow.

"We still have work to do. I'll reserve a seat for the driver to take you and the baby."

The old man said nothing more and walked away.

And Le Tong and Ji Rui also went back to the bedroom first and then.

"You take a bath." Ji Rui's advanced bedroom seems to have become a natural habit. When Le Tong comes in, he has handed over Le Tong's clothes.

"Did you wash it?"

Letong got close to his neck and sucked his nose. A faint smell of mint penetrated into his nose.

"Well, I did." The big hand touched her and rubbed her head a few times.

"It seems to be. It's fresh and fragrant." Letong stands up straight and smiles at Ji Rui.

Ji Ruichang catches people in his arms.

"Are you seducing?"

Voice, hoarse and deep.

Letong's head is buried in his chest, and he laughs. In his hand, he originally held Ji Rui's clothes to her. Now, as soon as he raises his hand, he throws the clothes on the bed“ Who said that? "

Ji Rui's eyes suddenly became deep and unpredictable. He felt for her face with his big hand. His slender fingers picked her chin and forced her to look up, "you said!"

With a light aroma of coffee lips immediately fell on her lips, teeth slightly open, gently gnawed in her lips a few times.

"Tut, you don't understand well, Mr. Ji!"

Yue Tong chewed him back, raised the corner of his lip, put his hand around him, and hung the whole person around his neck.

"Is it?" Warm hands on her waist, with unpredictable smile eyes, suddenly close to her eyes.

"Of course! Did your eye see me tick? Does that ear hear me

Letong winks at him with a flattering look. She feels her hands on her waist are tight. Her muscles are tight against her thighs. Letong seems to be not enough. After touching his ears, she gently kneads his round and thick earlobe. She feels Ji Rui's body is tight. Then Letong rubs his nose with the tip of his nose and says in a very low and soft voice.

"Ji Rui, let's get married!"