Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 559

Maybe it's because the relationship between Letong and the old master has become better. At dinner, Ji Rui's attitude towards the old master is relatively more polite than before.

And the baby, is very good to the old man, and is also a folder of food is to add food, very attentive.

Letong and Ji Rui didn't say anything about it. Anyway, the little guy is very good. It's not easy for him to be nice to a person, and the person who can make him bother to please must be the one he likes and the other is also very nice to him.

After dinner, the baby and Niuniu still need to go to bed early as usual. The old man is in good spirits because he has been sleeping all afternoon during the day.

"Wench, you go to coax two children to sleep, I watch TV."

The old master took the remote control to turn on the TV. Letong hesitated. Ji Rui pushed her, "you go, Yang Dong, I'll accompany you."

Letong thinks that the two get along well at dinner, so she gets up and goes to the baby room to help coax Niuniu to sleep.

It is more than an hour since the two children fell asleep one after another.

The living room was empty and the tea on the tea table had cooled.

Letong thinks the old master is sleeping, but Ji Rui must be working overtime in his study.

So think of Le Tong, very naturally turned to the study.

The door of the study is closed. Letong holds her hand on the handle of the door. Just as she wants to open it, she finds that the door seems to be locked inside. She is surprised, because Ji Rui has never locked the door of the study even if he works overtime in it for so long, or is he not in it?

Just when Letong wants to get the key to open the door, there comes the voice of the old master.

"What happened in Y country, I heard from Sheng boy. The situation is very bad?"

Yue Tong stood outside the door, hesitating whether to go or stay.

"It doesn't bother you, Mr. Yang!"

Ji Rui and the old man in the study are sitting at the desk.

At this time of the old man, a smart calculating face, completely lost in front of Letong and baby that kind-hearted look.

"When are you and the girl going to get married?" The old master asked casually, but his bright eyes never left Ji Rui's face.

Ji Rui raised his eyelids and looked at him faintly. "It's my business with Le Tong, and it doesn't bother Yang Dong either."

The old man's lips were slightly raised, which aroused a meaningful smile.

"Sheng gave me a cooperation plan of Yang and Ji before. To tell you the truth, if it is successful, Yang can also get great benefits from it, but it's a little risky..."

Ji Rui looks the same, "Yang Dong, Yang Sheng and I are good brothers, but we are in business. If I were changed, I would also have Yang Dong's worry and consideration. Therefore, I don't blame Yang Sheng."

The old man's hand was on the table, and his curled fingers gently knocked rhythmically on the table. He leaned back in his chair and looked at Ji Rui askew.

"Of course, I said that before. Now, you and I, because of the girl's relationship, can't be regarded as irrelevant The old man stopped here.

Ji Rui looks at the old man straight, just waiting for him to finish speaking.

"However, I don't understand why you don't even give her a name when a girl gives birth to such a clever and lovely son for you?"

This matter involves the baby's birth secret. No matter Ji Rui or Letong, they all think that the smaller it is, the better people will know about it.

And listen to the old man's view, it is estimated that in his old man's mind, he misunderstands himself and Letong as a conventional hidden rule relationship, right?

"Sorry, it's between me and Letong. I'm afraid I can't tell you."

What he and Letong do is not something that can be explained in a few words. Moreover, Ji Rui never has the habit of explaining his feelings to others.

Ji Rui's attitude makes the old man very angry. Originally, in this matter, the old man always thought that his precious granddaughter was bullied by Ji Rui.

In the past, she was helpless and had no support for her. It was justifiable that she was bullied by Ji Rui.

But now, she has the support of the whole huge Yang family behind her. If Ji Rui doesn't give him an explanation today, don't count on him to help, even if he doesn't suppress Ji's family.

This is also the main purpose of the old man's visit, that is, to seek justice for the precious granddaughter and her due reputation.

"I'm her grandfather. Of course I have the right to know about you!" The old man is very angry by Ji Rui's uncooperative and disdainful attitude, but thinking that he can't ruin his granddaughter's happiness because of his anger, he still tries to keep calm.

"Don't you always forget, Mr. Yang? Letong is 25 years old. She is an adult. She has the right to decide everything, including who she falls in love with and who she marries. "

For people like Ji Rui, where is it for an old man to tell his own business?

The old man glared at him, "you!"

The old man was afraid that he would say something wrong. He tried his best to slow down. Then he calmed down and said, "if you marry a girl, I'm responsible for the affairs of country y

Before the old master rejected Yang Sheng's cooperation case, in addition to Yang's great efforts, he was not interested in helping Ji because he didn't like Ji.

But now, everything is different because of Letong.

As long as Ji Rui and Letong get married, Ji's family is his granddaughter's. how can he ignore his granddaughter's affairs.

Moreover, he also wants to show his granddaughter's financial strength as a member of the Yang family. In that way, Ji Rui, at least for the sake of the Yang family, dare not do anything too much to Letong.

However, he did not realize that Ji Rui and Letong's feelings are not the same as what he thought. They don't need to rely on these to maintain their feelings.

"Yang Dong, I don't need it!"

Ji Rui is a very proud person, how can he tolerate the sacred event such as marriage as a bargaining chip?

He loves Letong and hopes to give her a pure marriage rather than a marriage linked with interests.

"Ji Rui, I tell you, the girl is my precious granddaughter. I don't want to investigate what you did to her before. In the future, I will never allow anyone to bully her."

The old man was rejected by Ji Rui. He was angry and funny. I don't know whether I should thank him for not taking marriage as a bond because of Ji's interests, or should I be angry that he even refused to marry his granddaughter when he got to this point.

"Don't worry, Yang Dong. I can't tolerate being bullied by others more than you."

In Ji Rui's opinion, everything comes first and then comes. She is Letong, first Ji Rui's secretary, and then the lover he wants to spend his life with or his son's mother.

And the old master is just the elder of these two days. It's Ji Rui's responsibility to protect her. It's not the old master's turn.

What's more, Ji Rui doesn't agree with the old master's attitude and practice towards his younger generation. Isn't Yang Sheng the best example?

He doesn't want Letong to repeat Yang Sheng's mistake and suffer the same crime as Yang Sheng!