Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 561

Ji Rui's body is stiff. He puts his arm around her and pulls her into his arms uncontrollably. It seems that he wants to embed people in himself.

"What did you say?"

It's not that he didn't want to, let alone that he wasn't happy, but that happiness came so suddenly that he thought what he had just heard was auditory hallucination.

You know, it took Letong nine oxen and two tigers to accept him. From the relationship between lovers to the things you love and I wish, it also took several months to test. It was not until two days ago that he officially opened the meat Festival. This step-by-step process also gave him the illusion that it would take a long time for her to agree to marry him.

Although, from the moment he confessed to her, he would like to stamp a "Ji Rui owned" seal on this person, in order to take care of her emotions and show that he really respects her wishes, even though the idea of marriage lingers in his mind for a long time, he still does not dare to speak to her rashly.

I'm afraid she's disgusted, and I'm even more afraid that she doesn't like to retract into her tortoise shell.

Ji Rui's dubious expression makes Letong angry and funny.

He pulled his body back, raised his head slightly, and pulled up a provocative smile at him. "How come you've given birth to all the children, and you've eaten and wiped away all the people. Now, do you want to default?"

Of course, these are not the true thoughts of Letong.

She just knows Ji Rui too well. If the smart man finds out his intention to get married, maybe the marriage will not be successful.

"I won't!" Ji Rui holds her waist, leans over and kisses the tip of her nose very gently.

"Even if you didn't give birth to a baby for me, I didn't eat it up. As long as it's you, I want to be responsible."

He uses "think", not "will".

"Thinking" is initiative.

"Will", is passive, how much, with so little sense of helplessness.

To get the answer, Letong glanced at him with satisfaction, "well... It's almost..."

Ji Rui lowers his head, holds her lips, kisses her until her breath is confused, and then he holds her and sits down on the edge of the bed. "Do you want Chinese or western style for the wedding? Want to be romantic like yuan'er? "

Ji Rui gently presses his chin against Letong's head and asks her for advice in a low voice.

Le Tong twisted her body and hung her hands around his neck.

"What's Chinese and western? Romantic and luxurious? I want fame, fool

As a woman, most of them had a dream of having an unforgettable wedding. But for Le Tong, it's too long to prepare for her wedding. When she puts on her wedding dress, Ji may have suffered a lot.

Therefore, compared with the virtual forms of wedding, what Letong wants more is the marriage relationship that can prove the relationship between two people.

"In such a hurry? "Ah?" Ji Rui at this time, it is the rise of a playful heart, pull up the lips, a face of fun, smiling at her.

Letong is thin skinned, but at this time, she doesn't care whether it's good or not.

"Yes! I'm in a hurry. I'll get my license tomorrow morning. I'm not waiting. Do you dare? "

Most importantly, she could not let him know the purpose of her proposal.

The smile in Ji Rui's eyes is deeper. He rubs her forehead and says, "I didn't dare to..."

Waiting to see Letong staring at him, he said slowly, "however, if my wife is gone, who can I find to cry?"

Yue Tongbai snorted, "I can't manage it. Anyway, do you want to come or not?"

With that, he fished out the clothes thrown on the bed and thought of pushing him away to take a bath. This man is too smart, she is afraid to say more wrong, let him see through, then trouble.

She only worries that she will be recognized, but forgets that in love, how many people can remain smart?

Ji Rui is dazed by joy and happiness in his heart. How can he let her go?

Embracing her, turning around and pressing her on the bed, her bright eyes fixed on her, "or shall we go now?"

Ji Rui is not joking. He is afraid that Letong will change her mind. In order to avoid change, the best way is to apply for the certificate immediately.

Letong chuckled, "Mr. Ji, are you stupid? Who will do it for you now? "

Ji Rui buries his head on her neck and nibbles at her. "What if you don't admit it tomorrow?"

Letong thought, don't worry, I won't admit it. Thinking like this in my heart, I really said it.

"Don't worry, I won't deny it."

Ji Rui is buried in her neck socket gnawing more and more happy, mouth vaguely said, "no, I have to leave a mark, in case you cheat!"

Letong was numb and itchy, subconsciously hands and feet and want to push him away, "Ji Zong, don't make trouble, I want to take a bath."

Ji Rui was pushed a few times, but really did not make any noise. He held his hand beside her and looked at her with his body.

"OK, I won't make any noise!"

Letong hasn't had time to breathe a sigh of relief. In the twinkling of an eye, she has been held up by Ji Rui.

"I'll help you!"

Letong didn't respond at the beginning. Help? What can I do for you?

When Ji Rui holds her and pushes open the bathroom door, she realizes that it's very expensive to ask this man to "help".


Letong was awakened by Ji Rui's kiss the next day.

"Baby, get up." Cool lips with a faint breath of mint stick on her lips.

Letong rubbed a few times in his arms, then came out of his arms and stretched out a little.

Compared with the previous night in Beijing, Ji Rui was very restrained last night. Now she feels fresh and fresh, and the feeling of soreness is still there, but it's lighter than the last time.

"What time is it?" Letong's brain is still a little confused, just stop at the idea that it's time to get up and prepare breakfast to send her baby to school, and she has to go to work.

"Eight o'clock..."

Yue Tong was startled and got out of bed.

"So late? Baby will be late

"Don't worry, Xiao Li has already taken Baobao and Yang Dong to the restaurant for morning tea."

Then Letong thought of the old man, "Oh..."

Ji Rui said to his back as he walked to the washroom, "we'll go out after you wash. The time should be just right."

Letong picked up toothpaste and pushed it onto the toothbrush. It took a few seconds for her brain to connect with last night.

"Ding" of for a while, reaction comes over Ji Rui to say of time just right, is to point to what time.

However, Ji Rui did have a great foresight. He got rid of breakfast in the car and went to the Civil Affairs Bureau, which just opened the door.

"Mr. and miss, you are the first couple today. Do you have all the relevant documents with you?"

Letong was stunned. Yesterday, because of the old master's words, she intended to propose to Ji Rui. The marriage proposal was successful. At that time, she really thought that she would come here early this morning and quickly get the certificate.

But forget, I didn't go to seriously confirm what information to take, only the ID card, she has been carrying in the body.