Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 558

"Well, it's not only when I was a child, but now I look like five or six points."

Yue Tong was stunned, but soon he laughed at the two old men again. "I'm my father's daughter, so I'm like him."

The old master's eyes flashed some light, "unfortunately, I'm in a hurry to go out today. I forgot to bring Weikang's picture to the girl."

In fact, it's not to forget that the old man is afraid that Letong still can't accept this fact, so he doesn't want to bring it to stimulate her.

"Next time." Letong is not in a hurry.

Contact with the old master more, Letong to the old master that from the bottom of the heart of the intimate feeling will be more and more intense.

"I think Dad is like you, isn't he?"

Letong seems to be very inadvertent, but let the old man turned the album's hand shaking.

"How do you know? Do you remember?" The old man asked urgently.

Yue Tong first shook his head, and then nodded, "well, fuzzy, a little memory, think it should be quite like it."

The old man first looked at Letong in silence for a while, then sighed a long time, "yes, how many of your father's brothers, just count that he looks most like me, even his temper is the same, so that he can't tolerate water and fire..."

When he mentioned his little son, the old man looked sad.

"Master..." Uncle Jing seems to want to persuade him.

The old master who was reminded glanced at Letong, afraid that she was not happy, and quickly gathered up the gloom of her eyes“ Forget it. Don't mention it. "

Letong could not bear to touch the old man's pain again and again. She pointed to the photo and said some interesting things about her childhood. Of course, those interesting things were told by her mother later.

The old man listened attentively and watched with his own eyes. It seemed that he was watching Le Tong grow into a beautiful girl in front of her.

After reading the photo album, Letong thinks that the old man has almost had a rest, so she helps him up and leads him around the small room.

The old man looked at the small place carefully, so he spent more than half an hour, and the old man felt tired.

"Uncle Jing, where's your hotel reservation?"

Jing shuleng Leng, "we're in a hurry. We haven't had time to book a hotel."

The old man wanted to come to r city on a temporary basis. When he got off the plane, he hurriedly found Ji Rui's apartment according to Yang Sheng's address. As for the place where he settled down, he didn't have the heart to think about it.

"Then find a hotel nearby. I think you are tired too. Let's have a rest first."

Letong leads them out of the door. Just as he wants to tell the bodyguard outside to call to book a room, the old man behind him hesitates for a long time and finally can't help saying.

"Girl, your family is also very big. If you don't want to live at home, I can't get used to hotels..."

Anyone who hears this will feel far fetched.

Letong is no exception. However, before waiting for her to say anything, the old man said, "it's rare for me to come here. I want to have more time to see my baby and Niuniu. It's always inconvenient to stay in a hotel."

When the old master talks about this, what else can Letong say?

"Well, let's go back."

This up and down a toss, back to Ji Rui apartment, the spirit of the old man will obviously be a little poor.

Letong has already called back to ask aunt Guan to clean up the guest room and go back to the apartment to settle uncle Jing and the old man. Watching the old man sleep, Letong remembers to call Ji Rui.

Ji Rui doesn't seem to be surprised at the arrival of the old master. Letong understands, "did elder martial brother tell you?"

"Well." Ji Rui readily admitted.

"He didn't embarrass you, did he? Shall I go back now? " Ji Rui on the other end of the phone is afraid that the two of them are trying to force each other to fight against each other. In the end, they are both defeated.

"No, he's asleep. You're busy." Letong sat down on the sofa, "by the way, there are guest rooms at home anyway. I'll let him live at home directly. Don't you object?"

This matter, it is clear that the old master insisted, but Letong took it over.

She knows that Ji Rui doesn't like the old man very much. If it was before, she naturally didn't care about the relationship between them. But now, she has more or less realized that this person is his own grandfather after all. In the long run, Ji Rui and he can't be allowed to be like water and fire all the time.

"Fool, you are the hostess. You can leave anyone at home. How can I object?"

Obviously, Le Tong is not the only one who turns the corner.

Letong was not surprised that he would say, "well, let's eat at home tonight. What do you want to eat? I'll let aunt Guan prepare the ingredients first."

"All right! You and your baby have several coughs. Let's stew some lung moistening soup tonight. It seems that there is this in the soup bag given by Dr. Fu last time. "

Ji Rui, who was a year ago, never cares about what he eats at night, nor does he know what raw materials and ingredients are stored in the refrigerator at home. But now, even though he doesn't go into the kitchen very much, he remembers the health of the people around him and related things.

Le Tong should sound, two people talked about some work, just put the phone.

Ji Rui came back earlier than usual. When he came back, the old man was sitting on the balcony rocking chair chatting with the baby holding Niu Niu.

While Letong and aunt Guan are busy in the kitchen.

Hearing the sound, Letong sticks out her head. Seeing Ji Rui, she brings out a cup of ginseng tea and a small dish of snacks.

"If you want to have some snacks, you should pad your stomach first and eat in half an hour."

Ji Rui greets the old man, turns to wash his face and comes out. He quickly eats the snacks, drinks the tea and enters the kitchen with empty cups and dishes.

In the hands of Guan Yi quickly took the cup and plate in the past, head down to turn on the tap.

Ji Rui doesn't mind being around. "Can I help you?" Said, gather together to go up in the music Tong lip lightly pecked twice.

"No, just help to eat!"

But Letong knows better than anyone that this man who can do everything at hand is an idiot as soon as he enters the kitchen. His ability is many times higher than that of his six-year-old baby.

The greatest skill is washing dishes. In addition, other skills are negative.

"Then I'll accompany you?"

Ji Rui directly checks aunt as a set, reaches for Letong's waist and puts her chin on her shoulder. It's more like company than supervision.

"You are so heavy. Are you really company? You can just give me a hand. Go out quickly. "

Letong bumps into a man who almost weighs half of his body, and reminds him that there is a third party here.

"Well, I'll go out and wait for food?"

Ji Rui knows that Letong is thin skinned and doesn't embarrass her any more. He kisses her on her face. Then he lets her go and turns around and goes out.

"Tong Tong, you have a good relationship with Mr. Ji!"

Aunt Guan, who has never dared to say a word, just looks at the tall figure and says when Ji Rui goes out.