Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 557

The old man looked at Letong eagerly. When his family came to his generation, it could be said that the family had a great career, and both the career and the people were prosperous. But his children and grandchildren are all over the house for so many years, but there has never been a younger generation who can make him have such a strong desire to protect.

Maybe it's because she is a girl, maybe it's because she is the daughter of her youngest son who has lost contact for more than 20 years, or maybe it's because she is still strong and open-minded after so much suffering that he wants to make up for her.

"I'm sorry, I've never thought about it, and I won't think about it in the future." However, his kindness was rejected by Letong without hesitation.

In Letong's opinion, even though she has the blood of the Yang family, she has her own life and her own family. Whether her surname is Yang or not will not have any influence on her, and she does not want to have any influence.

As for the clauses that the old master told the lawyer to add in front of her yesterday, she doesn't understand what they stand for. But the old master is very strong. In the short term, she should not need to worry about it. Moreover, even if she is worried, isn't Ji Rui still behind her.

The old master probably also realized that he was still too anxious. I think it was because her attitude today no longer had the indifference that she had before. Therefore, he could not help but want to be closer to her and get more blood and warmth from her.

He never tried to get a little warmth, even pity, from his younger generation.

Even for Yang Sheng, his favorite grandson, he has never tried to ask for and please him so humbly.

Probably, after that, Yang Sheng's position in his mind will have to be wronged, and he will go behind the girl.

The old man felt guilty for Yang Sheng, but he didn't know it. Yang Sheng had seen it clearly yesterday.

"Really... No consideration?" After getting along with Letong for a few days, the old man also gradually felt Letong's temperament.

Looking at her delicate appearance like a soft persimmon, she is stubborn and strong inside. However, she is kind-hearted and easy to be soft hearted. She can't be forced to use the soft policy.

"Well, I'm having a good time now!" Letong nodded her head without any affectation.

The implication is that she is very satisfied with the status quo.

Her words made the old man think about how to say something to her, and then he swallowed it back in hesitation.

According to her current attitude, I'm afraid that talking to her about such a thing will only cause adverse effects. If you are not careful, you will smash the harmony and trust that you have just established. What can you do?

Finally, the baby granddaughter was willing to look at herself and say a few serious words to herself. The old man was not so stupid, so she tried to avoid the sensitive topic and found a safe topic to talk about.

"When you were a child, can you show it to your grandfather?"

But even if such a topic of high security, the old man is still extremely careful. He was very careful about such a trivial matter.

The old man's appearance of being so careful and terrified reminds Letong that when she just knew that the baby was her own son, she was always in a similar uneasy mood. In retrospect, Letong was very unhappy. She could not help but reflect on whether she was too unkind to the old man before.

How to say, he is just an ordinary old man who yearns for family affection. As a junior, why bother him?

"Wait, I'll show you."

Le Tong got up and went to the bookshelf, took some thin albums and handed them to the old man.

"Here are only pictures of me and my mother. If you want to see the baby, I'll show you later."

Letong's smooth cooperation makes the old man flattered.

"Of course, would you like to see it?"

Letong laughed, "what can't, you just didn't say, said, the baby will show you."

The old man looked at the baby granddaughter who was smiling like a brilliant flower. For a moment, he was a bit of a flash.

Look at her obstinacy yesterday, he thought that he had to spend a lot of time to serve the little ancestor carefully. How could it be that this little girl's one night's work plus a flight would be like a different person.

Yesterday's embarrassment is gone, today's smile is like a mountain flower, brilliant and dazzling.

No wonder Sheng and Ji treat her as a treasure.

How can a wealthy family like Yang Jiaji's see themselves in the eyes of copper coins?

But this girl's temperament is not the same, don't like you, tube you hold a silver mine Jinshan to her, she also cold face hard is ignore you.

When I like you, I don't even have the mind to care about you. My beautiful eyes are bright, and I don't have any dirty mind. I speak one or two, and it's very simple

The old man finally pulled back his mind, "that's very kind, baby, that little guy is good at things..."

Yang Sheng also has some photos of the baby. The old man saw them last night, but they are not the same concept as the photo collection from small to large.

The old man happily opened the album, and he was in a happy mood. Even the wrinkles on his face seemed to be smiling.

"Girl, you really look like your mother..."

The first page of the album is a picture of Letong's mother holding a full moon. At that time, Letong's mother should be in her early twenties. Apart from her clothes and temperament, she is just like the same person judging from her eyebrows and eyes.

"Yes, that's what people say!"

Le Tong tilts her head and stares at the big and small pictures on the album with a smile.

Up to now, she has completely come out of the shadow of losing her mother.

When they were talking, uncle Jing was sitting on the other side of the old man. At this time, he also came to see.

"Ah Jing, have a look..." the old man pointed to the photo of mother le.

Looking at the photos, uncle Jing was also a little distracted and murmured, "it's really like..."

As for whether he said it was like her mother or the movie star he liked, I don't know.

"The blink of an eye is so big..."

The old man felt the tiny spot in the photo with great emotion.

"Miss Tong Tong's eyebrows and eyes when she was a child are similar to those of young master Weikang."

After uncle Jing said that, he stared at the picture for a moment, then looked up at Letong carefully. "Well, not only when I was a child, but now it's like five or six points."