Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 556

Letong nodded, too lazy to say that even if it was such a shabby place in his eyes, she and her mother had to buy it and rent it for a long time.

"It's very good here. It's very convenient."

Letong led the old man into the narrow stairs, "please let uncle Jing help him. The stairs are very steep."

The old master followed her silently for a while, "girl, you have suffered a lot these years, haven't you?"

Letong walked in front of the old man. She couldn't see the old man's expression, but only from the tone of his voice, she could imagine the remorse and pain on the old man's face.

"No, I had a good time."

The so-called bitterness and happiness are actually relative.

After she accepted the fact that her father might never come back, she felt that she was very happy and lucky compared with those orphans who had no father or mother. At least, she has a mother who loves her. Therefore, at that time, every time she saw a little beggar sitting at the entrance of the vegetable market, she would give them some of her little pocket money.

Later, when her mother's operation was successful, she was more content, thinking that God was still full of pity for her, and she was not willing to let her alone.

The old man behind her, of course, did not know that his granddaughter had been used to finding the fulcrum of happiness in suffering. Even if those fulcrums could not be the origin of happiness in other people's eyes, she just thought that she did not want to complain in front of him.

"Girl, I'm sorry, if..."

"In fact, you don't have to feel sorry for me. You don't owe me anything. Since my father chose to leave in those years, there must be his reasons. When he left, he was 23 years old. At that age, he was not a child. He had enough ability to arrange and bear his own life. If I have any dissatisfaction with my past life, I am also dissatisfied with my father, not with you. "

Letong had a good sleep last night. On the return flight, she calmed down and thought all the way. Gradually, she figured out a lot of things.

The old man may not be a good father, but he doesn't owe her anything after all. Her childhood and later life had no direct relationship with the old people. Naturally, she should not blame the old people.

Le Tong's words surprised the old man very much. The children of Lao Yang's family were more selfish and more mercenary.

But in front of him, he was so tolerant that he felt inferior to the old man who claimed to have seen through everything and was about to come to the end of his life.

"Do you... Hate your father?" The old man panted a little.

As Letong said, the stairs are very steep. Even if the old man is supported by Uncle Jing, he has a little difficulty. After all, he is old and can't make it up.

"No Letong didn't even think about it, so she gave the old man an unexpected answer.

"Dad is very kind to me. He didn't come back. He must have his troubles." This is what Letong firmly believes. Up to now, she still thinks so.

After a pause, Letong finally turned around and helped the old man's arm.

"Uncle Jing, I'll do it."

It seems that she also noticed that the old man was a little out of breath.

The flattered old man naturally wants to be close to his granddaughter. He bumps into uncle Jing who is still hesitating. "Ah Jing, let the girl come. She's familiar here."

Letong helped the old man up the stairs, walked through the narrow corridor, and stood in front of the hut where he had lived for more than 20 years.

"That's it?" The old man's eyebrows tightened more tightly.

"Well, now the high-rise buildings outside make it look a little bit dilapidated. When I was a child, it was a good house."

Le tong can guess vaguely that the old master must have compared this place with the Yang family mansion, which is as big as a resort.

No wonder he can't stand it. I'm afraid this room can't even compare with the kitchen of the Yang family.

Letong mocks herself in her heart and takes out the key to open the door.


After master yuan's hand, the house was decorated very chic and unique. Although it was a little small, it was very different from the old shabby appearance.

No wonder, as soon as the old man came in, he couldn't help shouting.

"I just decorated it a while ago. It's made according to the baby's preference."

Letong secretly congratulated that what the old man saw was such a small house now. Otherwise, let him see what he looked like before. I don't know what he had to feel sorry for.

After thinking about this, Letong suddenly finds that unconsciously, she begins to care about the old man around her.

"Yes, it's small, but the baby should like it very much." The old man's attention was attracted by the spiral fish tank and the colorful tropical fish in it.

"Yes, he does." Letong nodded.

The old man looked at her thoughtfully, "I thought you would deliberately keep the old look..."

Letong smiles and holds the old man down on the sofa.

"At first, I really wanted to keep what I used to be, but later, I changed my mind."

Maybe it's because she has opened her heart, or because she thinks the old man is really pitiful. Now Letong has been able to open her heart to the old man.

"Why?" The old man stares at the granddaughter, who has been together for less than ten to twenty hours. He feels more and more that he has picked up a rare treasure.

"Watching the baby grow up happily, I feel that everything has to look forward. I believe that if Dad comes back now, sees here, and sees me and my baby happy, he will be happy, too. "

Her words, let the old man think of her mother, also think of the baby.

If he hadn't read the survey data, he would never have thought that such an optimistic and tolerant woman had experienced such a sad separation.

"Girl, it's not easy for you..."

The old man stretched out his hand and patted the back of Letong's hand.

Letong understood what he meant, and then laughed at him, "in fact, it's nothing. Those are gone."

The sentence "it's all in the past" is very simple.

But people like the old man, who have experienced numerous storms and waves, can't understand how much perseverance and hard work it takes to get such a saying.

"Girl, don't you really want to go back with your grandfather?"

For the granddaughter, the old man was more and more distressed.

At first, his love for her was more due to his guilt and compensation for his son.

But now, his heartache is really because of this granddaughter, because of her experience, and because of her open-minded and optimistic.

Such a girl, should have stayed in the side to protect and love.