Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 555

Letong thinks that after returning to r city, life will temporarily return to peace.

Then, in this peaceful environment, she can stay away from the Yang family and the poor old master of the Yang family. She can sort out what happened these days.

But when she got home, she settled down the baby and Niuniu, and sent Ji Rui away, who was in a hurry to go out to socialize. Not long after that, the doorbell rang.

Letong just thinks that Ji Rui forgot something and came back to get it, or that Ji didn't see his grandson in a hurry for a few days, because before he got on the computer, the baby called Ji and told him that they could return to r city at noon.

When she saw the old face outside from the cat's eyes, she was really shocked.

Just as she hesitated to open the door, the baby who heard the bell came running.

"Mommy, is it grandpa?"

Letong wants to say that she is a stranger and a salesman, but in the end, she is still ruthless.


Then he reached out and opened the door.

"My Lord, why are you here?" Obviously, the baby did not expect that the old master who should be in the capital at this time would appear in front of his own house.

"Ha ha, I can't bear the baby and Niuniu, so I flew over. Why, I'm not welcome?"

The old man stretched out his hand and pinched the baby's face. He seemed to ask the baby, but he looked at Letong with a smile.

Letong can't say a word of welcome, but it's hard to say it's not welcome. She leans over and makes a gesture to invite the old man and uncle Jing behind him into the door.

"Tongtong, this old gentleman is..."

Aunt Guan, who had coaxed Niuniu to sleep in the baby room, came out when she heard the bell and saw a strange old man. She was stunned because there were few guests in the host's house.

"Aunt Guan, this is the baby's master." After the introduction, the baby led the old man into the living room.

"My lord?" Aunt Guan is full of doubts. As far as she knows, master Ji should have no elders, and Letong doesn't seem to have any relatives.

"Aunt Guan, he is elder martial brother Yang Sheng's grandfather." Letong simply added and turned to the kitchen to pour tea for the two old people.

Aunt Guan said hello to the old man again, and then she followed Letong into the kitchen.

"Why does Mr. Yang's grandfather seem to be familiar with the baby?" Aunt Guan helps Letong to take tea while still asking in confusion.

"Fate..." Letong himself has not fully accepted it, so naturally, he will not say "he is also my grandfather" such words.

Aunt Guan didn't ask much. After helping Letong take out the tea, she took some fruit from the refrigerator to wash it.

Le Tong went out with the tea and handed it to the old man, "elder martial brother came with you?"

I thought that the old man was really stubborn. Did I plan to pester him all the time without calling him grandfather?

The old man took a sip of tea and said, "no, your brother just took over. I can't help it."

Aunt Guan, who washed the fruit and brought it out, was surprised to hear the old man say so. However, she did not dare to ask more in front of the guests.

"Aunt Guan, Baobao and Niuniu have bought some new toys and clothes. In the red suitcase, you can clean them up and pick out the new clothes and puppets to wash them."

Aunt Guan answered and turned to enter the baby room.

"Baby, go and help with your own things."

Letong patted the baby's ass and sent the little guy away.

The old man watched as his new ally was taken away. He was very unwilling, but he didn't dare to show it in front of his granddaughter.

See the baby also flash into the baby room, Le Tong just took a sip of tea, with some chagrin and a bit of helplessness to the old man said, "you old man is not young, flying around is just tossing your own body rest, why bother?"

For this stubborn old man who made her headache, "grandfather" she couldn't say, and "Yang Dong" this strange name, to this old but full of expectations face, she couldn't say the same.

"Girl, I'm at this age. I'm just like this. While I can still walk, I want to see where you live and Weikang..."

When it comes to his son, the old man hesitates. I don't know whether he is afraid of stimulating Letong or whether he can't stand it.

Letong sighs in her heart. She really has nothing to do with the old man, who is stubborn and full of perseverance.

"Do you want to see where we used to live? Let's have a rest. I'll show you later. However, I've redecorated the room. Even if I go to see it, I can't see what it used to look like. "

Although the old man didn't say everything, Letong clearly and accurately received the meaning of what he didn't say.

The old man's eyes were mixed with sadness and joy. He wanted to say something, but his throat was choked with something, and he couldn't say anything.

"My father doesn't seem to like taking pictures. I don't even have a picture of my father."

Letong herself is also a mother. She can understand the old master's mood. It's Letong's regret about the photos for so many years. Now, it's also the old master's regret.

"You used to..." the old man took a careful look at Letong. Seeing that there was not much change on her face, he tried to ask, "how was your life before?"

Letong's black eyes fixed on him for a moment, then he said honestly“ I don't know if it's good or bad in other people's eyes. I used to be too young to remember many things clearly. However, I remember that my father was very kind to my mother, but he came home very young, and I saw him very young. "

Maybe it's because I'm young, so I don't have a chance to leave photos.

"Your mother... Didn't she tell you anything?" The old master seems to want to get some clues from Letong. It is estimated that the people on his side have not found out about Yang Weikang.

After all, it's been so many years. Things are right and people are wrong.

"No... I dare not ask." Letong still remembers that her mother always cried secretly behind her back in the middle of the night.

Letong's words let each other sink into a long silence.

"Let me show you our house." Letong couldn't stand the oppressive atmosphere, so she just stood up and proposed to take the old man to her small nest.

The old man had no objection. He followed Letong downstairs and didn't let the driver take him. Several people walked along the main road for a short time and then turned into the alley.

The lane is still paved with green bricks, and the buildings on both sides are old style arcade buildings. You can see from a glance that it's a long time ago, and the smell of dilapidation is coming. When you walk into the lane from the main road, the age immediately retrogresses for decades.

The old man frowned, "girl, do you always live here?"