Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 551

After listening to Ji Rui's brief summary, Letong has no words for a long time.

Now look at Yang Sheng's back, it is even more depressing and lonely.

Yang Sheng's love is just a hundred words in Ji Rui's mouth, but Yang Sheng's pain is long enough to fill all the days after churan's disappearance.

"I haven't seen you since?" Letong knows that she asks like a fool. Ji Rui has already made it very clear.

"Well, I haven't seen it again. Chu Ran's life and death are still unknown..."

Letong vaguely knows that Yang Sheng has had an unforgettable love experience, but she did not expect that the inside story is more tortuous and cruel than she could imagine.

"Elder martial brother, how did he survive?"

At this time, Letong, from her mind to her mouth, did not really accept that she had anything to do with the Yang family, but even if Yang Sheng was not her elder brother, she was still the elder martial brother that she cared about very much.

If it wasn't for the old master's words just now, she might never know that her elder martial brother, who looks like nothing can defeat him and faces everything with a smile, has such a scar that may never be healed.

Ji Rui raised his eyes and stared at Yang Sheng's back. "It's like death and rebirth."

Ji Rui's tone of voice is a little light, but it's not hard to imagine that Yang Sheng must have suffered a lot to survive.

"Well, when are you two going to linger?" The figure in front suddenly turned and yelled at them.

Ji Rui takes Le Tong's hand and tells her in a low voice, "don't mention Chu ran in front of Yang Sheng."

Letong nodded, and all kinds of tastes came out of her heart. Fortunately, she is also a master who can disguise. She is not very happy in her heart, but when she comes to Yang Sheng, she naturally pulls people's happy smile.

Now that Yang Sheng is in a good mood, she can't stab the wound he just covered.

"Elder martial brother, how about your gentlemanly manner?"

Yang Shengbai glanced at her, probably thinking that her smile was too bad for her eyes. He stretched out his hand and pulled her face.

If he did it two days ago, he would let Ji Rui blow his hair. But now, after knowing that they are brothers and sisters, Ji Rui doesn't care at all.

The intimate relationship between the two made Ji Rui envious from the beginning.

At that time, Ji Rui didn't think that Yang Sheng really put down churan and fell in love with Letong, but he didn't know it.

However, the two parties insisted that they did not call each other.

Now I think it is the blood relationship that makes these two people attracted to each other.

Yang Sheng is finally willing to let go of Le Tong's face, and then stares at Le Tong fiercely“ Tong Tong, when are you going to call me brother? "

Yue Tong was stunned. Obviously, she didn't expect that Yang Sheng, who always took care of her feelings, would force her to do so.

"The grandfather who did wrong is not my brother!" Yang Sheng patted her on the head and scolded helplessly.

Letong doesn't know what she's uncomfortable with. Anyway, it's a little difficult for her to digest and accept her surname Yang in such a short time.

She never wanted to embarrass herself, so she let herself be an ostrich.

"Yang Sheng, don't push her." Ji Rui hugs Letong in his arms.

His action is undoubtedly an attitude. No matter what decision Letong makes, Ji Rui will stand behind her.

Yang Sheng stares at him. "Rui, you don't have a backache when you stand. If Tong Tong doesn't admit that you are her boyfriend now, can you stop?"

Ji Rui cold ground white he one eye, "this can be the same?"

Yang Sheng fearlessly white back, "how different, I am her brother, as you are her boyfriend, are facts!"

Letong is sandwiched between two big men, and you and I are buzzing in the middle. Her ears are buzzing and her forehead is aching.

"Tut, don't you just call brother Sheng? Can you shout so loud?" Letong was not a little white rabbit, but he was forced by Yang Sheng, so he let it go. He didn't think it was a big deal.

Moreover, basically speaking, Yang Sheng is right. Whether she admits it or not, she and Yang Sheng are cousins. This is a firm fact.

"Dear, call me to listen!"

As soon as Yang Sheng listens to Letong, he immediately tears out a smiling face to Letong.

Letong's face is slightly hectic. He wipes the tip of his nose awkwardly and hesitates, "brother..."

Yang Sheng rubbed her head again with a smile, and sighed with satisfaction, "ah... Finally there is a like-minded ally!"

Letong has not yet reflected the meaning of this, Ji Rui has been urgent and fierce to him, "Yang Sheng, I warn you, don't drag her to you and your uncle and cousins to do something."

Letong secretly turns a white eye in her heart. In Ji Rui's mind, she is really a rabbit who can be bullied by others?!

Yang Sheng shrugged, "I really want to..."

"You dare!" Just now, he was still a good brother, and now he became the enemy of tit for tat.

"Mr. Ji, don't worry, I don't dare... And my grandfather is not willing to give up!" Yang Sheng didn't care much about Ji Rui's ruthlessness.

On the contrary, he is now quite sure that Ji Rui loves his sister, which is miserable

"What do you mean?"

Ji Rui knows a lot about Yang Sheng and the Yang family. Therefore, he knows that although Yang Sheng is appreciated by the old master of the Yang family, he never interferes in Yang Sheng's fight with other uncles and cousins.

Now, the old master's meaning is clearly to let Letong recognize his ancestors. At present, only the old master and Yang Sheng know about this matter in the Yang family, so there is still peace and tranquility everywhere.

But sooner or later, the old master will make Letong public. At that time, Letong will replace Yang Sheng and become the target of the Yang family.

Of course, Letong, who is still an ostrich, can't help thinking about these things. But Ji Rui, who is used to fighting in his family, can't help thinking about them. As early as the moment when the old master of the Yang family announced that Letong was listed as the first successor, Ji Rui had quietly set up the thorn of protection.

Therefore, Ji Rui would have such a big reaction when he heard Yang Sheng say "allied forces".

"Rui, you don't know my grandfather."

"Nonsense! Why should I know him? " Ji Rui is always arrogant. He never thinks that he needs to know the old man deliberately.

"I'm a boy. My grandfather thinks that I have to have the ability to bear everything. But Tongtong is a girl. In his eyes, girls are used for pain and protection. Moreover, Tongtong is the daughter of his favorite little uncle. Now in my grandfather's eyes, no one in the Yang family is more important than Tongtong. Do you understand?"