Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 550

"Can we leave later? If you don't get it back, it will be invalid! "

Baobao is obviously collecting debts, but the person who is being asked turns away secretly. He smiles with Letong on his back. He can't help but give the little guy a thumbs up.

Until now, Yang Sheng just understand Baby just now that "really awkward" evaluation, in the end is for whom.

It seems that the little guy knows his mother better than his father.

Yang Sheng secretly sympathizes with Ji Rui. I don't know if a man like Ji Rui will always be jealous with his nephew, who has not only high IQ but also high Eq?!

Thinking like this, I can't help bumping Ji Rui's arm and asking in a low voice, "Rui, will you compete with your baby?"

Ji Rui was stunned at first, and soon understood what he meant. He glared at him and hummed coldly, "boring!"

Yang Sheng had an interesting smile on his face. "If you don't answer, it means you have it!"

After teasing Ji Rui, he hears Le Tong answer Baobao.

"But we've already made a reservation for the afternoon..."

Before Letong finished, Baobao let go of Ji Rui, lifted Yang Sheng's face with both hands, and shook Yang Sheng's head as he said, "uncle, you can fix the air ticket, right? is it? Right? "

Yang Sheng was dazzled by him. He thought that after Le Tong stayed, he would secretly blackmail the old man for a large amount of medical expenses. He was so recklessly shaken by this boy that he had a concussion every minute!

"Baby, come on, can't my uncle promise you? Let go of me

Yang Sheng is glad that this smart smelly boy is Ji Rui's son, not his son!

"Sure enough, important things have to be said three times!" The baby mercifully let go of Yang Sheng's face, with a face like a zither.

Yang Sheng turned his eyes at him, and his heart murmured.

Smelly boy, can I not promise you?

If I say I can't fix the air ticket, you'll have to say I'm relying on you for a big seafood meal!

What's more, the old man's favor is just like the flow of water. If he doesn't make a profit, he won't make a profit!

"Tongtong, tomorrow's ticket is mine!"

In order that the old man can spend more time coaxing his granddaughter, what does it matter if he loses a few tickets?!

In this way, when Letong reacts, she has been "sold" by her baby son at the price of a big seafood meal.

The old man on one side was secretly happy, but he didn't dare to show it. He was afraid that she would be too complacent, which would make Letong angry. He packed her bags and left immediately. That would be a waste of a good play by her great grandson.

"Where does the baby want to go for dinner tonight?"

Yang Sheng shaved the little guy's nose and went back to business.

Yang Sheng, Baobao and the old master all know that acting requires acting.

"What would you like to eat? Can you send the materials to me? The house is bright and quiet, and the baby and Niuniu are more comfortable to eat. "

The old man's reason is quite reasonable, but it's far fetched to bring in Niu Niu who can only drink grandma for more than a month.

"I agree!" Baby hands up first!

Letong turned around and said that she didn't want to look at her baby son who had gone back to war completely.

With the powerful ally of Baobao, the old man is in a good mood. He recruits Baobao and asks uncle Jing to write down what he wants to eat.

"Tongtong, let me show you our garden."

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, Yang Sheng stood up and suggested that Letong and Ji Rui go out for a walk.

Letong still doesn't know what attitude to face the old master, so she has no objection to Yang Sheng's proposal.

She didn't even notice Yang Sheng's sensitive words about "our garden".

Ji Rui looks out of the window and looks at Letong again. "You wait for me."

Yang Sheng didn't know what Ji Rui was going to do at first. He thought that he probably had an important phone call to make. When he came down the stairs with a lot of coats, scarves and gloves belonging to Letong, Yang Sheng realized that President Ji was going to prepare warm clothes for his precious "wife".

"Tut, how happy!"

Yang Sheng stares at Ji Rui and helps Letong put on a thick coat and scarf. Finally, if Letong doesn't insist on wearing gloves, Ji's wife will help her wear them.

"If you're jealous, go to find one quickly. Don't make sarcastic remarks!"

The old man over there suddenly threw a cool word.

Yang Sheng's face suddenly changed. Without a word, he left Ji Rui and Letong behind and walked quickly to the door.

Ji Rui and Letong look at each other inexplicably. Although Ji Rui is strange, he doesn't ask anything. However, Letong is really worried about Yang Sheng, so she can't care that she and the old master are still in an awkward state. She turns her head and asks the old master, "what's the matter with him, elder martial brother?"

"Ask Rui, he knows." The old master threw the problem to Ji Rui.

Ji Rui understood immediately after hearing what the old master said.

"Let's go!" Ji Rui embraces Letong and goes to the entrance.

In the distance, they heard the door slamming.

Le Tong is more and more strange. Although Yang Sheng is similar to Ji Rui, it's hard for people to understand his mind, but he has a good temper.

It's the first time that Yue Tong meets Yang Sheng, who will fall out of the door like a hairy boy.

Letong nestles up to Ji Rui and goes out of the door. Seeing Yang Sheng's lonely figure from a distance, Letong's mood goes down.

"Elder martial brother, he..."

Ji Rui looked up at Yang Sheng's back for a long time and said, "he should have thought of his first love..."

About Yang Sheng's first love, Letong has heard Ji Rui and Yang Sheng mention it vaguely, but they are all vague. Specifically, she has never inquired about it. After all, it was a pain in Yang Sheng's heart. If he insisted on inquiring, it would be like forcibly uncovering his old scar.

"Elder martial brother... He..." Yue Tong asked carefully.


"I broke up with his first love?"

A lot of people's first love, are dead, it is estimated that Yang Sheng is similar to the situation.

Ji Rui is silent for a moment. I don't know if he is considering whether to say it or how to say it.

After a while, he said, "I don't know if they are breaking up..."

"What do you say?" Yue Tong is more and more curious.

"His girlfriend, churan, is a girl who grew up with him from childhood. They had a very good relationship since childhood. But later, they had a big quarrel because of some misunderstanding. Churan was probably heartbroken by Yang Sheng and cried to say goodbye. But it was estimated that they were just angry. Yang Sheng didn't take them seriously at that time. He just thought that they would separate for a short time to calm down. However, when Yang Sheng is calm enough and wants to find Chu ran, Chu Ran is gone! "