Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 552

"Now, in my grandfather's eyes, none of the Yang family is more important than Tong Tong. Do you understand?"

Yang Sheng's words shocked both Letong and Ji Rui.

The old master's action clearly conveys his will to let Letong recognize his ancestors.

But le Tong and Ji Rui did not expect that her position in the eyes of the old master would be so important!

"Elder martial brother..." Letong actually thinks that Yang Sheng is wrong.

"It's brother!" Yang Sheng is very persistent.

Letong turns her eyes to the sky helplessly. She can't understand Yang Sheng's unfounded persistence.

"Brother..." but even if she can't understand it, she still follows his will. After all, she has just been convinced by Yang Sheng that he is her brother, but she can't change her words for a while.

"Brother, I think you misunderstood about your grandfather. Besides, I don't mean to join you in your struggle. "

Yang Sheng said with a smile, "I don't understand that old man? Forget it. It's hard to make it clear in a few words. Later, you will understand that I'm right. "

Yue Tong said that he was not interested in it.

"What's more, you silly girl, you think I'm worried about you fighting for my property? Do you think I don't know that you are the largest shareholder of Ji's now? "

Letong raised his head and opened his eyes to Ji Rui, "teacher... My brother... What he said is true?"

She only knew that she had signed the transfer of property, but Ji Rui didn't say that she is the biggest shareholder of Ji's now?!

Ji Rui's face was calm, and he answered faintly, "well."

Letong's desire for money is limited to buying back the money that belongs to her and her mother's nest.

Or, because she experienced the sorrow of her life too early, she actually agreed with what the Yang family said that day: people don't really want many things, a well fed economy, a harmonious family

So, no matter how much money she has, it's just an empty number.

"Fool, this is not the point!" Ji Rui claps her hand to remind her that it's not the time to settle accounts with him.

Yue Tong only responds to his reminding. Indeed, it's not the time to pursue the relationship between her and Ji Rui.

Probably knowing that Ji Rui was really worried, Yang Sheng put away his smile and said solemnly to Ji Rui.

"You can rest assured that neither I nor my grandfather will let Tong Tong stand on the crest of the storm."

Ji Rui looks at Yang Sheng silently. After a few seconds, he nods.

Three people head some theory, at the foot, unconsciously walked through an arch bridge, not far away, there is a not big not small glass house.

"That's a greenhouse for tropical plants?"

Letong is not sure. After all, it takes a lot of money to build or maintain such a large greenhouse. However, for the Yang family, they should not mind that little money.


Yang Sheng answered softly, then turned his head and looked at Le Tong thoughtfully.

"Why?" Letong is now in a very sensitive state, any look will make her think more.

Instead of answering her immediately, Yang Sheng put his hands in the pockets of his coat, quickened his pace and walked towards the glass house.

Ji Rui and Le Tong look at each other, and they all know that the greenhouse is probably something. As for what it is, only Yang Sheng knows.

Sure enough, after ten steps, Yang Sheng turned and faced them, "Tongtong, this greenhouse was built by my little uncle."

Yue Tong opens her mouth slightly. For a moment, she doesn't know what to say.

Dad, who has been away from her life for too long, suddenly something about him is put in front of her, which makes her unprepared.

Ji Rui looks down at her silently and hugs her silently.

"My little uncle is very smart. He is as smart as Rui is in other people's eyes."

Yang Sheng told the old master himself, don't force Letong, let her slow down.

That's because he knows that Letong can't be forced.

But he felt that Letong was curious about her father. Therefore, he thinks this is the best breakthrough.

Letong didn't say a word, but he stepped up and came to Yang Sheng, step by step, close to the greenhouse.

"With so many children, my grandfather likes my little uncle the most, but he is also my little uncle, which makes my grandfather headache the most..."

Yang Sheng stopped ten or twenty meters away from the greenhouse, took Letong and sat down on the wooden chair by the side of the road.

Letong obediently sits down, while Ji Rui naturally sits down next to Letong.

"My little uncle is very smart and excellent. He has a wide range of interests. He likes a lot of things, but he doesn't like everything that his grandfather has laid for him."

What Yang Sheng said is vaguely consistent with her father in Letong's memory.

"My father, he was... Rebellious?" Yue Tong asks tentatively.

As a daughter who has inherited most of his stubborn personality, she can probably understand how rebellious it will be if she is forced by a tough person like the old master.

"Well, when my grandfather said East, he would go west. In short, the more unhappy my grandfather was, the happier my little uncle was..."

Yang Sheng's narration is basically the same as what the old master said to le Tong.

"However, we don't know why my little uncle broke up with my grandfather and ran away from home for so many years."

Letong is slightly surprised. Even Ji Rui doesn't believe it.

"Not even your grandmother?"

Yang Sheng nodded, "well, even my grandmother can't ask anything. My grandmother was critically ill seven years after her little uncle ran away from home. Counting up, Tongtong was five years old at that time. She wanted to see her little uncle very much. Her grandfather asked people to publish a notice in the major newspapers, thinking that she could at least see her little uncle. But until now, we haven't seen him again. "

Letong's heart is more and more heavy. Even if she doesn't want to accept some things, it's very obvious.

"The last time I saw my dad, I should have been four or five years old."

Letong's tone, can't hear any sad or sad mood, but Ji Rui knows that she is just numb.

"Don't be too pessimistic. Yang Sheng and I have already asked people to check. We should have a result soon. Or, what is his last resort? That's why he hasn't come to you for such a long time. "

Ji Rui is not good at comforting people, but Letong listened and nodded obediently, "I know, I won't think."

In fact, after so many years, Letong has imagined any bad result. However, she never imagined that she would be a rich family!